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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


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32 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

Well, you succeed as sucking the best every day.  You're a sock, that's the lowest of the low here. At least be a funny sock, you can't even muster that.

Hahaha... Trumpkin lecturing anyone on style or behavior. Tell it again.

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14 hours ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

That top of that list includes 2 city-states and the rest of the top 5 are countries with a population smaller than Texas. You can fall into the trap of citing OECD stats. I’d love to live in a country as well run as Singapore. I gladly trade our “democracy” for a country as transparent and well run as Singapore. Let’s get back to the real world and the examples of how badly inefficient and terrible the government in THIS COUNTRY is actually run. I gave the example of the building I bought with the government tenant I have. Tell me why government run universal care is better for me with good private insurance. The indigent have Ben Taub and community health clinics. That’s good enough and not worth ruining the health care for the rest of us. We have a concrete example of how our own government runs health care for a small segment of the population with the VA. That’s a disaster. Why would anyone want that for the rest of us.

You're free to get the fuck out and go live in your little authoritarian utopia any time now.

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2 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

AOC is publicly exposing the corruption in government, and Republican voters have a problem with her????

It's almost as if they're hypocrites and everything they stand for suddenly changes when the other side agrees.

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12 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

Don't you idiots understand?  She didn't clap for cancer kid Trump at this solemn occasion.

Rs are Rs, Ds are Ds. not other words are needed

many of us are waiting for someone, anyone, to run on a platform entirely focused on reform. bernie, warren, here in Texas, i don't give a shit. everything else is hot air and "news" fodder

happy thursday my Gs

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18 hours ago, Cajun said:

Really really.

Walk me through your logic here 71.

She's cold shouldering the kid just to spite Trump's desire for applause?  Pretty small if that's the motivation.


I'm sure the kid is shattered that she refuses to be manipulated by a tired bit of political schmaltz to applaud the small and despicable man making the speech. She politely listens. She tolerates. She meets her social duty while making the larger point. 

Trump is a cancer that lives on praise. I will not praise him. Even if he gets the trains to run on time, his totality deserves nothing but scorn.

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19 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

I do like her rustling feathers in Congress instead of just being a go along to get along slug like most of them.   Someone does need to call bullshit on the corruption.

However, if her Green New Deal resolution released today is any indication, she’s completely unserious on actual policy.  It calls for the following to all occur in the next 10 years:


Yeah, parts of that are ridiculous, especially with that timeline, but it's time to start pushing ideas.

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5 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

Yeah, parts of that are ridiculous, especially with that timeline, but it's time to start pushing ideas.

History tells us this was possible, but at the time it was considered absurd:  in May 1961, roughly 6 weeks after the first human flew into near space, JFK announced a program to put an American on the moon before the end of the decade.

No, I'm not equating AOC with JFK.

No, I'm not saying the scope of the proposed projects are the same.

Sometimes it's good just to have people thinking big.

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21 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

That “unwilling” part is quite problematic for me, though.  

I don't disagree with that, but let's not pretend that tidbits like that completely nullify the broader scope of her propositions. She's rough around the edges, to be sure, but I wouldn't allow that to obscure the larger picture.

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11 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

Oh, and apparently it also mentions “economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work.”

I was with you on the unable to work.  That “unwilling” part is quite problematic for me, though.  

While punishing the lazy feels good, it is a bad idea as far as organizing and maintaining a health, low-crime society.

Beyond that, "unable" and "unwilling" aren't necessarily all that different, especially in the type of gig/work economy we have. Think about the humans you know who you would consider "unwilling" to work. If you don't know any, then that's instructive, as well.

There are people who are physically capable of whatever menial, low-paying labor we could shove them into, but they are constitutionally incapable of being a "good employee" in terms of our current gig/work economy (showing up on time, maintaining emotional control in the face of being stressed and actively demeaned, staying focused on repetitive or pointless tasks, etc...). Something in their brains makes it difficult-to-impossible for them, and we can call them "unwilling" because their physical bodies are sufficient.

Here's the thing: Those people exist.

And another thing: In a better gig/work economy, they might become more active.

Hillbilly Elegy was referenced here recently, and it's actually apt because, in that book, JD Vance completely ignores how the work economy itself changed for the hillbillies and how that influenced the strength of their families and culture. Instead, he ascribes the failures of the white poor in the Rust Belt to some vague "cultural" rot, which is what we do when we talk about the "unwilling" to work.

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2 hours ago, Skinny Tie said:

She’s draining the swamp

I wouldn't call that draining the swamp but just pointing out the swamp. Others have highlighted corruption before but the swamp remains. The challenge is getting her associates in Congress to vote against their own interests for actual reform.


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1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

Yeah, parts of that are ridiculous, especially with that timeline, but it's time to start pushing ideas.

This. The overton window needs to be pushed pretty far back the other way and "let's talk about possibly thinking about analyzing the possibility of 12 new types of tax-exempt accounts for childcare expenses" (ahem Klobuchar) isn't going to do it.

Paul Ryan wasn't one bit more "serious" with any of his policy proposals, and he was hailed as a genius policy wonk. 

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3 hours ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

Why leave when the GOP is refashioning the country as it is.

Some of us actually like a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people. If you prefer murderous jackboots running things you should get the fuck out. 

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4 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

Some of us actually like a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people. If you prefer murderous jackboots running things you should get the fuck out. 

Careful there. 

The "people" elected Trump.

But again, the "people" can be very dumb.

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1 minute ago, Asithappens said:

 Careful there. 

The "people" elected Trump.

But again, the "people" can be very dumb.

And i'd rather them continue to vote, and every other citizen in America vote, in every election, than us switch to an authoritarian system even if I thought it was helmed by a benevolent dictator.

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2 hours ago, longhornmatt said:

Oh, and apparently it also mentions “economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work.”

I was with you on the unable to work.  That “unwilling” part is quite problematic for me, though.  

Does it? I've read the whole thing and done a word search. I don't see that anywhere. 

Edit: I see, that phrase isn't in the resolution. It comes from an overview document that was produced at one point. Strangely enough, the only groups reporting this  phrase are a bunch of right wing sources. 

Edited by Dahobbs
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You, like totally, missed the part about where we should give everyone great jobs that pay great amounts of money, and kill all the farting cows.

And if they're unwilling to work, give them a livable wage anyway. They have to have enough money to ride the electric powered bullet train to Europe, after all.

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Y'all do understand that legislators all the time will put forward legislation that isn't completely filled with details to try and start a process. She was interviewed this morning on NPR by Steve Inskeep who asked specifically about this, her reasoning is that this is going to have to go through a ton of committee reviews if it moves forward and putting any teeth in implementation details would almost assuredly get stripped away in various meetings. I do agree that 10 years seems almost unrealistic, but I'm so sick and damn tired of hearing about how we can't pay for things when something like the F-35 program has cost over 1.5 trillion dollars thus far. The majority of Americans feel that climate change will cause harm to the US and the rest of the world.

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27 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:


National Review highlighted that part.  Right wing, but I thought more reliable than Gatewaypundit or Breitbart.  At least at one time they were.

I know it does.  But the bill doesn't say that. You can read it here:


Go ahead, find that passage. 

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6 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

Y'all do understand that legislators all the time will put forward legislation that isn't completely filled with details to try and start a process. She was interviewed this morning on NPR by Steve Inskeep who asked specifically about this, her reasoning is that this is going to have to go through a ton of committee reviews if it moves forward and putting any teeth in implementation details would almost assuredly get stripped away in various meetings. I do agree that 10 years seems almost unrealistic, but I'm so sick and damn tired of hearing about how we can't pay for things when something like the F-35 program has cost over 1.5 trillion dollars thus far. The majority of Americans feel that climate change will cause harm to the US and the rest of the world.

Right, it isn't even supposed to be legislation. It is the promise to try and make the legislation. 

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15 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

You’re right, the bill says provide “all people” with economic security.  Limiting that to security for those who are unable or unwilling to work was in the overview and FAQ document produced by ACO’s office today to accompany the resolution.  So, if we are parsing, the bill was actually more expansive about providing “economic security”, but just not as in your face about highlighting the “btw, this includes those unwilling to work” part.  


Both the resolution and the accompanying FAQ are just blueprints of what legislation she wants in the future -  the resolution / bill is only generalities right now and nothing approaching a workable finished product even if everyone agreed with the ideas.  So, sloppy reporting aside,  I’m not sure why we would discount the materials she released today to supplement the resolution. 

It appears she pulled that initial FAQ. It doesn't sound like it was particularly polished. Also, are we really against providing"unprecedented levels of prosperity and economic security for all people of the United States". Like, that seems like a good thing. Taking umbrage that someone who you dislike may also get a benefit is a bit of cutting off your nose to spite your face, don't you think?

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28 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

He's a disingenuous liar more than an idiot.

in his world:

1. democrats get elected
2. government buys medicine and medical care for people
3. ???
4. an authoritarian lootocracy has taken over the country and he's fled

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1 hour ago, Johnny Sack said:

You, like totally, missed the part about where we should give everyone great jobs that pay great amounts of money, and kill all the farting cows.

And if they're unwilling to work, give them a livable wage anyway. They have to have enough money to ride the electric powered bullet train to Europe, after all.

You're going to pay on the front end or the back end. 

Which do you prefer?

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