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Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation Thread

Hugo Stiglitz

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3 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

If the allegation and evidence are so flimsy, why don't you support an investigation now, since it'll obviously exonerate your guy?


If the Democrats believe her, why didn't they bring this forward when they learned about it?

You know the answer, there's nothing to her accusation and they want to use it to delay the vote til after the election. 

This is political and has nothing to do with whether he did or didn't assault her.

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6 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

Did like the old bigoted white guy signal just go off or something? 

The trolls have been set off and set forth with commands to peak troll tonight because the owners are desperate. They want this guy confirmed bad and are legitimately concerned it could fail. The desperately want him for reasons that we will never really know but will ultimately fuck you and me and benefit them monetarily by a great deal. It’s how things work in America today. Kennedy was a part of that.  

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Just now, BurntOrange4Life said:

If the Democrats believe her, why didn't they bring this forward when they learned about it?

You know the answer, there's nothing to her accusation and they want to use it to delay the vote til after the election. 

This is political and has nothing to do with whether he did or didn't assault her.

God damn, you people are fucked up.

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5 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

This isn’t about him, it’s about the Supreme Court.    We cant have someone on the court that has potentially assaulted several women.  And there is the odd problem that he seems to have told white lies, at best, in his congressional testimony.   Is that the new standard for the federal courts:  it’s ok to lie as long as you don’t think the lie matters?

and kavanaugh could have chosen his family over this fight.  He has the absolute to put ambitions as his top priority but reap what you sow.


According to your standard no one can be confirmed to the supreme court ever.

False charges can and will be levied against all future nominees if this tactic is succesful.


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9 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

On the GoFundMe thing, she may want to collect that, because if Kavanaugh isn't confirmed, she might not want to show up to work, given the state of the Trumpkin/Q audience.   She's their #1 enemy now, and has replaced Hillary for the time being.

Id be interested to see who started that gofundme account. 

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4 minutes ago, BurntOrange4Life said:


False charges can and will be levied against all future nominees if this tactic is succesful.


That's almost certainly true, being that Lindsay Graham, a sitting US Senator, promised that is EXACTLY what the GOP will do.  So, yeah, you're probably on to something.  In response to credible charges, instead of fully and fairly investigating them, the GOP is going to opt for a system of nothing but false charges, so we can no longer differentiate between truth and fact.  In summary, their plan is to completely fuck any system of justice when it comes to sexual assault, and completely fuck any semblance of a legitimate vetting process for nominees that require senate consent.

In short, this whole affair played right into the GOP's hands.  They get to gaslight everyone and marginalize the group that's turning against them, and punish them (women).  Couldn't have been a better day for the GOP, really.

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56 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

All of this. Lindsey has obviously been compromised. Who knows what the Russians have on him but I’m sure trump let him know over a friendly round of gold.

Kavenaugh is a partisan idiot hack who the GOP desperately wants on the court, likely to try to invalidate the crimes against this country they have committed. He did play DB and WR in high school prep football though, said that a number of times in his testimony.  They will continue to fight for him though because its a simple matter of self preservation. 

They are all scumbag traitors. Hope they lose. 

He was also Captain of the Varsity Basketball team bro. 

56 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

I’ve never heard the term.  Apparently it can mean a threesome per the urban dictionary in 2018.  It also means the Bermuda Triangle, since at least 1968.  Kavanaugh said in 1982 it was a drinking game.  Was that a common phrase for a threesome in 1982?   I google searched it and couldn’t find it in that time frame.  Westlaw the same.  

If there is evidence that phrase meant a threesome in 1982 and was pervasive, that’s bad.  Someone should run the etymology on it.  

A few hours back, I posted a tweet from a reporter.  He and another reporter contacted several of BK's classmates and asked them to define "Devil's Triangle" and "Boofing", and they 0 of the classmates said drinking game and farting.   Zero point zero.  

47 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

Fair enough.  I’ve never heard either term.  Every privileged white fraternity male like myself would not be caught dead tag teaming a chick.  No way.  If they did, they certainly wouldn’t brag on it.   It’s pretty damn gay.  Pulling a Fredo would be something to brag about.  

Your are correct, for the first time on this thread.  Blind squirrel, acorn, etc.   Tag team, gang bang...all that shit is GAY.  

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Kavanaugh's classmate on the phone with Cuomo on CNN right now.

Said she also did very well at Yale and Wharton.  And she also drank to excess with Kavanaugh many times.  The two are not mutually exclusive.

Said he blatantly lied today...


Edited by TexArcher
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12 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

On the GoFundMe thing, she may want to collect that, because if Kavanaugh isn't confirmed, she might not want to show up to work, given the state of the Trumpkin/Q audience.   She's their #1 enemy now, and has replaced Hillary for the time being.

She works at Stanford.  There aren't any Trump supporters, other than maybe Sammy Hagar, within fifty miles of her. Besides show me one video of Trump supporters harassing any Democrats when they are trying to eat in restaurants or go to movies.  We aren't Democrats.

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2 minutes ago, BurntOrange4Life said:

So anyone accused of a crime is guilty until proven innocent?

No one has ever been falsely accused?

Are you prepared to be held to that standard?


He's a fucking lying asshole, and a hothead prick to boot.  That's why he doesn't deserve to sit on SCOTUS

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1 minute ago, EMAWesome said:

She works at Stanford.  There aren't any Trump supporters, other than maybe Sammy Hagar, within fifty miles of her. Besides show me one video of Trump supporters harassing any Democrats when they are trying to eat in restaurants or go to movies.  We aren't Democrats.

And you’re from a shithole in the middle of Kansas. What’s your point?

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3 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

He was also Captain of the Varsity Basketball team bro. 

A few hours back, I posted a tweet from a reporter.  He and another reporter contacted several of BK's classmates and asked them to define "Devil's Triangle" and "Boofing", and they 0 of the classmates said drinking game and farting.   Zero point zero.  

Your are correct, for the first time on this thread.  Blind squirrel, acorn, etc.   Tag team, gang bang...all that shit is GAY.  

I will quote it for you.


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4 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

He's a fucking lying asshole, and a hothead prick to boot.  That's why he doesn't deserve to sit on SCOTUS

I mean, this.

Even if he is somehow completely innocent and this really is an elaborate setup...  Didn't he show today that he doesn't have the temperament to serve on the Supreme Court?

Haven't we learned anything from having a child who can't control his emotions in the White House?

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4 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

Yeah, but your a gay hating bigot as shown above.

I'm not "gay hating" at all.  I'm just not gay.  I don't hate you if you're gay, and I don't hate you if you pretend to be straight, but enjoy being around another naked man in a sexual situation.  But you're a fucking gay dude if you do like to hang out in the same room with a naked dude with a hard cock.   Sorry bro, you're gay.  Good luck getting some cock tonight dude.  I'll be busy fucking my girlfriend.  

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5 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

Yeah like the false charges levied against Gorsuch.

Try again troll. 

This is about politics for the democrats and not whether this woman was assaulted or not.

Democrats can't stop his nomination based on his record, so they bring unsubstantiated allegations to try and derail it.

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5 minutes ago, Stringer said:

The thing I keep coming back to is his wife’s demeanor through the whole thing.  That was not a woman who was sympathetic to her husband.  That was a woman who knows he’s full of shit.

True, but I'm much more curious about the mysterious debts.

And whatever is going on with Graham.

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1 minute ago, Gil Bang said:

I'm not "gay hating" at all.  I'm just not gay.  I don't hate you if you're gay, and I don't hate you if you pretend to be straight, but enjoy being around another naked man in a sexual situation.  But you're a fucking gay dude if you do like to hang out in the same room with a naked dude with a hard cock.   Sorry bro, you're gay. 

Way to double down on hatred.

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