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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/21 in Posts

  1. Does JohnnySack have a mental or emotional disorder? I just received more than 12 neg reps from him in short order, going back from posts of mine from more than half a year ago. Some of those posts were commiserating about the loss of a loved one or pet. Seems stable
    33 points
  2. Education starts in the home. Parents who don't give a shit about their kids education will have stupid poor kids. The fact that this mom was "surprised" that her son only passed three classes and then blames the school is the reason why her son is a fucking idiot. Tree, meet the apple spawn at your feet.
    32 points
  3. Who's the bigger idiot? The son who has the grades to prove he's an idiot, or the mom who had no fucking clue that her son only passed 3 classes in 4 years? Or is it the school administrators and teachers? Everyone involved in this story can go to hell.
    22 points
  4. Let's just try to survive this GOP led disaster and move on to the next GOP led disaster
    22 points
  5. This decision is so incredibly demoralizing. I know I'm not special and certainly recognize the past 12 months have been hard on all of us (many, if not most, worse than me), but please bear with the following whinging. A few years ago, I was diagnosed with major despressive disorder, so you all can imagine what living/working alone has done to my psychological/physical well-being. But I've stuck it out and have had this place as one of my outlets to commiserate and converse with a lot of like-minded, well-intentioned, and intelligent folks. That's something to be grateful for. Being stressed out, fighting tooth and nail against the Covid misinformation campaign directed against people like my elderly, conservative parents who watch FOX News like their lives depend on it and live(d) in MAGA-land, West Texas, my worse fear came true. Both parents contracted it, and only one survived. Then, six weeks later, our entire state temporarily crumpled under the rubble of Republican deregulated delusion. All of this was entirely avoidable but utterly predictable. Last week, I finally got that first dose and was beginning to feel optimistic about our course. Mother, sister, and daughter have all had their second dose. Spring is coming. The weather is warming. Doses are increasing. The economy is improving. We'll finally get to see our co-workers in 3D once again. Everything is looking up. And then this... It's like having an addict friend or family member who continuously pulls the rug out from under themselves, repeatedly shattering all hope for recovery in a cycle of constant self-destruction. We all need to go to some sort of Al-Anon type Citizens-Who-Give-A-Shit meeting in the short-term and attend Brink-of-Societal-Collapse PTSD therapy sessions over the long. Whinging concluded.
    20 points
  6. IT had a recruiting chat today. Transcript below. (EN = Eric Nahlin, GH = Gerry Hamilton, JW = Justin Wells, JC = Joe Cook)
    14 points
  7. He's way worse than Perry. Abbott will go out of his way to be an asshole. Perry would never do that. Perry was fundamentally incompetent and corrupt. But along the way, Perry wanted to do well by the state. He and I may differ about what is good for the state. But his heart was kind of in the right place. From his standpoint, ideally the state could prosper and he could make some money off it. Abbott doesn't care about what's good for the state. He only cares about what is politically good for him. And he doesn't even take a long view of it. He just cares about what is politically good for him for the next day or week. He's a complete short-game player.
    14 points
  8. 14 points
  9. Just show up, bust your way inside, and if anyone tells you that you can't be in there, tell them that it's a public building, which means you own it.
    13 points
  10. I am having difficulty reconciling the "clowns" comment, and that this is in "lulz."
    13 points
  11. got pfizer coursing through my veins. had to drive 90 minutes away, but it was worth it. fuck you, abbott.
    12 points
  12. Like Trump withholding aid from blue states? I think you know this, and I understand the sentiment, but it’s not the right thing to do. At least not right now while millions of Texans still want to get the vaccine. Shit, I’d say they should give us even more in the short term. If our local leaders are going to fuck us, the fed is our only hope
    12 points
  13. I have a question that's been haunting me for a while. It seems you are equipped to answer. Exactly how tiny does your dick have to be to use the the term "Beta" when referring to other people? I'm almost too embarrassed to ask from the second hand cringe, but I feel I need to. Please sober up before you answer.
    12 points
  14. Charlie was confused. He meant to say Holton Hill was baked.
    11 points
  15. As I recall, in the UK when school kids reach the age of 15 they take some exams to determine their next stage of education. The more brainy types will be eligible to take courses to prepare them for college, while the remainder are channeled into trade schools. pretty good system, IMO, but can have available exceptions& choices. Seems that over the past 50+ years the US system has been to push the flawed concept that everyone should “go to college”, even those who are semiliterate (raises hand). That approach has clearly failed.
    11 points
  16. I don't think that's the play. Because it's really too late for that. The vaccine roll-out is going so quickly in the places that matter--i.e., New York and Los Angeles--that nobody is going to give a fuck that it continues to rage out of control in Tyler. And that is where we are headed, by the way. This is only going to exacerbate the difference and the estrangement between rural America and urban America. In urban America in about six months, most everyone is going to be vaccinated. People are going to be going out. And for a lot of things--e.g., international flights, indoor concerts, quite possibly employment--you're going to need some documentation that you've had the vaccine. And with a heavily vaccinated population, Covid won't really be a thing in the cities. But out in the Cursed Earth, it will be endemic. It'll just be a thing that lives and spreads among people who (1) refuse to get vaccinated and (2) refuse to take any measures to contain the spread. So every year, as the thing mutates, it'll kill a certain percentage of rural Americans. And the drug companies are going to have to develop a new booster every year that we'll have to take like we take the flu shot.
    11 points
  17. 11 points
  18. Congresswoman from New York cares more and represents our interests better than any GOP shithead we've elected at any level. This is a travesty of public service. Let's put AOC in charge. Fuck it. I feel like Hudson.
    11 points
  19. There are something like 47 different voting rules bills floating around the Georgia Congress right now. Most are minor tweaks but the big one is getting rid of no-excuse mail-in voting. Ironically it was a Republican Congress that originally voted for it. But this excerpt I just read is great: “State Rep. Al Williams, a Democrat who is Black, took to the House well this week to say: “Every time the rules change, hey, we learn to play the game. If this bill passes, and I hope it doesn’t, then we’ll start to practice how to win at that, too. We played the game in November.” He paused, adding, “See you next election.”” That’s a fucking mic drop.
    10 points
  20. Did you mean to post this in the Kayleigh McEnany thread three months ago?
    10 points
  21. Pfizer contains more 5G but Moderna has better mind control properties. The J&J is like 90% queso so it’s better in terms of the 5G exposure, but it’s really bad for your cholesterol.
    9 points
  22. New weapons. I've loved this iron from Titleist for years. Bought an old set off the Bay, got them stripped and buffed, then refinished in a black oxide. New high-end shafts (Tour Issue S400s), new paintfill, swingweighted back to d3 (titleist stock sw, given that these are stripped of chrome, there's some tip weight added, and they're probably technically closer to d2, but still - heavy), and MCC College orange grips. Hook 'em, bitches.
    9 points
  23. Seems like the right place for it.
    9 points
  24. This time do the right thing and shoot a bunch of holes through them.
    9 points
  25. This podcast music isn’t racist please do not @ me We needed something public domain so it would be free We hope this didn’t hurt your feelings because we need the views so please enjoy the shitty content its the best that we can do i shall let you all decipher the tune yourselves and then sing it
    9 points
  26. 9 points
  27. Why kill the mask mandate? There's an economic argument for opening everything, I suppose. But the mask mandate does not cause any economic damage while still working to slow the spread. Personally, I'd like to see us follow the Asian model going forward after this is over. If you're sick and have to be out, wear a mask. But we are going to go instantly back to inconsiderate asshole mode instead. Whenever we catch the flu, we should legally be able to punch the people who had the flu the week before but came to work with it.
    9 points
  28. Honestly isn't it time for the federal government to simply throttle back access to vaccinations in states like Texas that are not serious about fighting the virus? IF I were President that is EXACTLY what I would do, and I would be on national news explaining my decision. That basically we want to give the most help to the states that want to protect their citizens and actually prevent the spread of the virus. No need to prioritize vaccines in states that don't care.
    9 points
  29. Finally got to see my new boat in person yesterday. Have to say, I'm actually more impressed than I thought I'd be. Online pictures really didn't do it justice. The fit and finish is just impeccable everywhere and everything feels huge and well-made and in the right place. Over the moon excited. I guess we're doing this...this whole boating thing.
    9 points
  30. That's the DT right-wing cabal modus operandi. If you neg them for a stupid take they will go through your entire post history throwing out random negs and it's not just Sack. I've had similar happen from Slorch and Dr. Rex. Slorch even went into the cricket thread and started negging posts - I never pictured him as a Chennai Super Kings supporter but based on his negs it must be the case.
    9 points
  31. These were 15 human beings. 15 human beings probably working for minimum wage if that 12 hours a day to make their families' lives a bit better.
    9 points
  32. All this. We're wasting resources trying to educate this way. More emphasis on trade schools. Focus education dollars on those that want educating. The notion that everyone should go to college is ridiculous.
    8 points
  33. Krueger Park in South Africa sunrises, sunset and a Lilac-Breasted Roller. I have always enjoyed my visits to Africa.
    8 points
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