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Trivial things that make you surly


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17 hours ago, elfenix said:

the only time it applies is when there's no one in lane to the left of the one that turns right, and you're not going right immediately past the intersection.  if that is the situation, i move over into the vacant lane since i'm going straight and will continue to do so.  if you don't do that, you're an inconsiderate douchenozzle unaware that you share this earth with other people.

Often wrong, never in doubt.

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On 4/9/2019 at 9:09 PM, Prepuce of Doom said:

So I found myself behind Tactical Backpack again this morning, and not having any urgent rush to get into the office, I decided to follow him to see where he works and to learn whatever else I could about the habits and rituals of such a strange creature.

He carried the scooter from Ogilvie Station all the way to Wabash and Monroe before eventually unfolding it and scooting off (map of walking route attached, along with a slightly better picture of his bag of bags.)

He had ample opportunity and clear enough sidewalks/streets to get it out much sooner, but he waited all that time.

Perhaps I spooked him. And maybe he's posting on a Zombie Prepper forum at this very moment about the stunningly handsome shithead who followed him this morning.

I don't know why, but 'bag of bags' cracked me up.  Well done, sir.

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Tear away plastic lids on food containers that don't stay together when you pull back the tab to tear them off. Yogurt tub had one this morning that tore only in the middle of the circle leaving two other portions that each had to be torn off. You had one job plastic separator. 

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2 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:
20 hours ago, Gil Bang said:
"24-7-365" makes me ragey.
24-7 is fine.  But, if you want to carry it further, it should be "24-7-52".  
You go from hours in a day, to days in a week, to days in a fucking year?  Makes no sense. 

24-7-4-12-365 doesnt roll off the tongue tho

That's because it has to be 24-7-4.333333333333333333333333-12-365.25

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I don't care how many screens you have tuned to sports in your bar. If there are sporting events on but you're pumping shitty pop music that appeals to teenage and twenty-something girls through the sound system instead of the sound from one of the games, you're not a sports bar. Least of all the "premier sports bar" of your town as you like to advertise. 

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2 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

I don't care how many screens you have tuned to sports in your bar. If there are sporting events on but you're pumping shitty pop music that appeals to teenage and twenty-something girls through the sound system instead of the sound from one of the games, you're not a sports bar. Least of all the "premier sports bar" of your town as you like to advertise. 


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9 minutes ago, Jack Straw said:

can we all agree that people who talk during the movies should be executed immediately upon exiting the theater into the lobby?  

these people are running a close second behind Asian tourists overseas as the worst group of people in the fucking world.  

I'd say, people who talk when they shouldn't be talking, period.  

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stepped on chewing gum on the way to the office today.
honestly, chewing bubble gum is annoying enough as it is.  if you throw that shit carelessly on the ground, i fully support singaporean-style caning for that kind of action
People who litter in general need to be castrated.
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31 minutes ago, luke duke said:

OMG, the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is burning. I must go on Facebook and let everyone know that I was lucky enough to visit it in 2003!!!!

When a foreign city is brought up, make unsolicited recommendation to do a specific thing at a specific place, as if it's the only place to do that only thing and is best known by a one-time visitor.


"Go to C'est Mon Plasir next to Square du Chanoine-Violett and have a rhubarb quiche for me!!"

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14 hours ago, luke duke said:

OMG, the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is burning. I must go on Facebook and let everyone know that I was lucky enough to visit it in 2003!!!!

don't forget Twitter!!!! especially if you have a blue checkmark next to your name, people need to hear you're in solidarity with their feels!!!!

Edited by SwanderedTalent
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6 hours ago, Walden Ponderer said:

People who send work related email at 11 pm and then get huffy when I don't answer it until the following morning. Yes, I got notified tonight--I have a phone, just like the rest of the free world. But that doesn't move your dumbassed issue to the top of my list, it just pisses me off.

Not trivial at all.  I'm in O&G and have told several people that unless the rig is on fire, odds are it's going to wait until tomorrow.

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Not trivial at all.  I'm in O&G and have told several people that unless the rig is on fire, odds are it's going to wait until tomorrow.

Exactly. Also in O&G and I have set strict rules about work/life balance. In fact, at this most recent gig I don’t even have work email going to my phone. I work 40 hours and that is it. If I really need to work more, I will, but I will not let work cut into time with my kids for some shit that can wait until the next day. I live by the saying “failure to plan on your part doesn’t constitute an emergency on my part”.
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4 minutes ago, Newdoc said:

People that save places in line at counter serve restaurants for their 5 family members and two besties. Wait for your party to get there prior to getting in line ahole.

people who save tables when there's a line for a counter serve restaurant. 

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1 hour ago, Llogg said:

people who save seats anywhere in a public space. fuck you if your party's not here, I'm sitting down. Nice to meet you.

Not trivial, but people standing in parking spaces reserving the spot until the driver arrives. I've seen it happen.

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Wife dragged 6 year-old, 12 year-old, and me to an Easter egg hunt this morning.  12 year-old is all, "This would be great if I was 6.  Can we go watch hockey?"  But that's another story.

Oldest and I get in line to get some fresh squeezed lemonade.  30 GD minutes later we're third in line.

1st in line orders, then digs through her purse for between 3-5 mins for change.  This couldn't have been done in line.

2nd in line steps up and orders lemonade.  What size does she want when asked?  She doesn't know despite the fact that the GD SIGN IS 6 GD INCHES FROM HER GD FACE!  So she proceeds to ask about all the sizes and subsequent costs. 

I turned to my wife, handed her the cash, and told her I'd meet her in the car.  THAT'S why I have high blood pressure.

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