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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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53 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:


“It’s important that the American people have a right to know more, so he declassified them and kept them in a box in his closet.”

It was good of Patel to implicate him on the additional crime of intending to disseminate national-defense information.

25 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

The part that blows my mind is that they were saying the evidence was planted before we even knew what evidence was being looked for.

That points very clearly to the fact that there is absolutely nothing the man can do that his horde will condemn.  Nothing.  They'll either support him or go into denial mode if he's accused of anything they don't support.  It's either, "We agree with what he did!" or "He didn't actually do that -- y'all are framing him!" 

And he can extend that blind faith of the masses to any Republican he blesses.  And when they're done gerrymandering and setting up the infrastructure to win/steal 2024, with the Supreme Court conservative for a generation at least, they will have succeeded in consolidating power for a very long time.  And what they will do with it won't be pretty.  

I've always had a cynical streak, but I've never felt this level of hopelessness before.  It's over.  Fox News has won and this country will become exactly what they want it to be.

Where do you get "Fox News has won"?  Don't the Democrats control the presidency and both houses of Congress?

And are you under the impression that this is somehow good for Trump/the GQP/Fox News?  Biden has passed meaningful legislation, the economy is improving, and Democratic voters are fired up about Dobbs.  And in the meantime, all the GQP can talk about is how Trump thought about declassifying the documents that the FBI planted.

All this has given the Democrats a real significant chance of holding the House and increasing their majority in the Senate.  And there's no way a party in power should ever do either of those things in the midterms absent a war.

And it leads to another issue: there are a lot of Republicans who know that Trump is too damaged to win the presidency in 2024.  That's why the DeSantis train has gotten so much support.  It's not that they like DeSantis more than they like Trump; it's that they think DeSantis will win and that Trump can't.

But here's the fun thing--if DeSantis wins the nomination, do you think Trump is going to calmly accept that result and support the party's nominee?  FUCK NO!  He's going to go full Trump, screaming about how the primaries were rigged and throwing bombs at DeSantis all the way to November.  Fuck--he might even run as a third-party candidate just to fuck over DeSantis.  It's going to be great.

Only if Fox News's actual goal is the total destruction of the GQP can it be seen as "winning."

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Would anyone here be at all surprised to see a Truther Social post saying... "Under advice of counsel we have decided to keep the warrant and property list from release today.  Though I really, really want it released. Sort of like I really, really wanted to to answer questions of Robert Mueller... very unfair!"


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WSJ got the list of inventory recovered from the search. I don't have the full article but here's the beginning.


FBI Recovered Eleven Sets of Classified Documents in Trump Search, Inventory Shows

Trump allies claim the former president declassified the documents recovered from Mar-a-Lago

By Alex Leary, Aruna Viswanatha and Sadie Gurman

Aug. 12, 2022 1:15 pm ET

FBI agents who searched former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home Monday removed 11 sets of classified documents, including some marked as top secret and meant to be only available in special government facilities, according to documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation agents took around 20 boxes of items, binders of photos, a handwritten note and the executive grant of clemency for Mr. Trump’s ally Roger Stone, a list of items removed from the property shows. Also included in the list was information about the “President of France,” according to the three-page list. The list is contained in a seven-page document that also includes the warrant to search the premises which was granted by a federal magistrate judge in Florida.


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3 minutes ago, Chopper said:

WSJ got the list of inventory recovered from the search. I don't have the full article but here's the beginning.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation agents took around 20 boxes of items, binders of photos, a handwritten note and the executive grant of clemency for Mr. Trump’s ally Roger Stone, a list of items removed from the property shows. Also included in the list was information about the “President of France,” according to the three-page list. The list is contained in a seven-page document that also includes the warrant to search the premises which was granted by a federal magistrate judge in Florida.


The list includes references to one set of documents marked as “Various classified/TS/SCI documents,” an abbreviation that refers to top-secret/sensitive compartmented information. It also says agents collected four sets of top secret documents, three sets of secret documents, and three sets of confidential documents. The list didn’t provide any more details about the substance of the documents.

Mr. Trump’s lawyers argue that the president used his authority to declassify the material before he left office. While a president has the power to declassify documents, there are federal regulations that lay out a process for doing so.

The search and seizure warrant, signed by U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart, shows that FBI agents sought to search “the 45 Office,” as well as “all storage rooms and all other rooms or areas within the premises used or available to be used by [the former president] and his staff and in which boxes or documents could be stored, including all structures or buildings on the estate.”

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1 hour ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

I saw one commentator say that Trump had no reason to remove secret documents when he had the information in his head.

Come on dude. Trump doesn't take the time to read or even have the capacity to understand what he's reading about nuclear weapons and the overall program. No foreign power would give much to hear Trump's memory of a document. He needs documents prepared by someone in the govt.

Not to mention no one would pay for or grant favors on the basis of information whose sole source is donnys word. 

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1 hour ago, TexArcher said:

The part that blows my mind is that they were saying the evidence was planted before we even knew what evidence was being looked for.

That points very clearly to the fact that there is absolutely nothing the man can do that his horde will condemn.  Nothing.  They'll either support him or go into denial mode if he's accused of anything they don't support.  It's either, "We agree with what he did!" or "He didn't actually do that -- y'all are framing him!" 

And he can extend that blind faith of the masses to any Republican he blesses.  And when they're done gerrymandering and setting up the infrastructure to win/steal 2024, with the Supreme Court conservative for a generation at least, they will have succeeded in consolidating power for a very long time.  And what they will do with it won't be pretty.  

I've always had a cynical streak, but I've never felt this level of hopelessness before.  It's over.  Fox News has won and this country will become exactly what they want it to be.


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Let’s be real. There are only 2 choices of what the documents were:

1. Letters and memorable of others kissing his ass
2. Information that can be used to gain political or financial gain

That’s it. #1 is not on the table as those would not be classified, so the only choice is #2.

#2 is clearly a crime.

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Soooo.  Long game, maybe not so unbelievable.

DOJ gives Trump a pass on this, ala Hillary, except making it clear that he's dead to rights guilty.  "See, we're fair.  We give equal treatment."

And that sets the stage for the 1/6 indictment for seditious conspiracy and obstruction of congress.  "We're fair, to a point.  Trump has gone way past that point."

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1 hour ago, Upgrayedd said:

He declassified the documents that were planted.  

1 hour ago, Upgrayedd said:

With his mind

Step right up, folks! Step right up!

Come see The Amazing Donald!

Marvel as the former President of the United States declassifies top secret documents using only the power of his mind! 

Witness The Amazing Donald use telekinesis to move the nation’s most closet guarded secrets into the public domain!

Watch in wonder as a very special genius squanders decades of American technological and logistical advantage in the span of a few short moments!

And after the show, don’t forget to reach into the Top Secret Mystery Box for a souvenir to display back home for friends, family, and curious foreign assets! 


Edited by BrickHorn
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3 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

Soooo.  Long game, maybe not so unbelievable.

DOJ gives Trump a pass on this, ala Hillary, except making it clear that he's dead to rights guilty.  "See, we're fair.  We give equal treatment."

And that sets the stage for the 1/6 indictment for seditious conspiracy and obstruction of congress.  "We're fair, to a point.  Trump has gone way past that point."

No fucking way you give him an inch after running on “lock her up” and then increasing the penalty for this very issue. There is also a wide gulf between having an e-mail server that a third party send classified info to, and boxing classified shit up from the WH, and then hiding and withholding it after the govt starts digging into it. The only out he could have is if he could point at an underling that pulled these items without his knowledge, but that would have happened during the first subpoena/meetings about the issue if that was true. He owns this.

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1 minute ago, TXSG8R said:

No fucking way you give him an inch after running on “lock her up” and then increasing the penalty for this very issue. There is also a wide gulf between having an e-mail server that a third party send classified info to, and boxing classified shit up from the WH, and then hiding and withholding it after the govt starts digging into it. The only out he could have is if he could point at an underling that pulled these items without his knowledge, but that would have happened during the first subpoena/meetings about the issue if that was true. He owns this.

I'm not advocating for it.  But given the whole scenario, I think there is a definite "trial balloon" strategy going on here.  Whether it's gauging public reaction, or providing some lesser offense to which he can plead, something.

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Trump was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.  Rules dont apply to him, he shuns authority, follows no norms of protocol. 

Being president was a business to him and his equally deplorable family.  He kept those files as an asset he planned on selling to the highest bidder. 

Bring the harshest possible charges on him and his surrogates.  IF he indeed had classified secure national security information on that property, I hope he pays dearly. 

My fear is we will see more domestic terrorism as a result.  The only way to avoid that is for the rats to start fleeing the drowning ship, but i suppose the Ted Cruz, Marjorie Green, Gaetz types etc.. are so far down that path we will not see it. 

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