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Bomb Threat Near Library of Congress


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Jesus, I know science and reading stuff outside your comfort zone and all that other queer ass coastal elitist shit ain’t exactly the cool thing to do right now, but this is fucking insane.  

Edited by Lobo
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Just shoot him in the head and be done with it. 
real revolutionaries willing to die for their cause don’t build a bomb, drive up to the target, then go hey look at me I have a bomb. 

Someone said he has a dead mans switch, so that’s not ideal
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Guy is obviously a BLM false flag operator.  Let’s get all the bullshit excuses and conspiracy theories and Q shit out there right now.  Let’s go, let the shit flow out there.  When you ‘hear stuff’ from your friend in law enforcement about what really is happening today, post it here.  Be a hero.  Start making your claims before the bullets and bombs start flying.  

People are already sympathizing with the man, that our broken country is driving people to take desperate measures.  Here’s your chance to martyr him before he dies.  Make it count.  

dude Seems rather violent for a pothead.  Also feel bad for that forD dealership getting sucked into all the dude’s screenshots.  

Edited by Lobo
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4 minutes ago, Captainant said:

Sharing some more from that twitter source Lurch shared:


tannerite + propane + dead mans switch is pretty spicy

What is going to impart the necessary energy to trigger the tannerite to combust?

I don’t understand the term audio detonator. 

Edited by Pato del Muerto
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I’m no weapons expert, but I’m pretty sure the premise of a “dead man’s switch” means consistent pressure on a mechanism keeps it from detonating, and relaxing that pressure makes the device go boom. How many hours can he keep that up? (Based on Lurch’s post, perhaps the sound of breaking glass provides the trigger?)

I say drop a few thousand gallons of lube on his truck, and see if that mitigates the blast efficiency.

Edited by Vito Andolini
  • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
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Is his driver window open?   It looked open from those videos/pics.  Doesn’t that mess up that audio detonator?  

guy seems to know his way around an explosive so they have to take him at his word about the other four bombs.  I know a few people he’d trust to talk him down off the ledge if they could set up a zoom.  

With his phone information, can you reverse walk his path around town last couple days and see where he might have deposited bombs and use dogs to weed them out?  May have been smart enough to keep his phone in a single location while he walked around town and hid them. 

this is quite the pickle.  I think a political hero of his could talk him into a peaceful surrender.  They’re certainly not gonna negotiate with him after what’s happened in 2021 already.  

Anyway, Some if you have to have the weirdest erections right now, knowing this guy is out there. 

Edited by Lobo
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57 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

Just shoot him in the head and be done with it. 

real revolutionaries willing to die for their cause don’t build a bomb, drive up to the target, then go hey look at me I have a bomb. 

This. If he wanted to blow shit up he'd have already blown it up. This is just wanting more attention than a facebook comment section can provide.

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27 minutes ago, Don Johnson said:

I thought I'd seen everything, but getting updates on a bomb scare from Nick Pappagiorgio beats all.


25 minutes ago, Vito Andolini said:

He also won over Jennifer Love Hewitt, so he’s got that going for him.


23 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

He put al bundy through the ringer before learning what an entitled rich kid he was. 



Belongs in Not Same Actor/Actress thread. 

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