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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/21 in Posts

  1. 3.9, 4.0, 3.8, 3.9, 3.7, 3.8, 3.7, 3.9
    34 points
  2. 20 points
  3. looks like we are close to being out of the woods at this point. wednesday, thursday, and early friday were not fun but she really had no more symptoms beyond lethargy on saturday and sunday...and today she is quite a bit more peppy and up and at em than she has been since before labor day. wife and i have tested negative throughout and have felt fine so it appears the vaccine has either held up or my saturday night whiskey transfusion/flush from watching the arkansas shitfest just murdered everything inside me in addition to my will to watch the horns. we will see how little sister holds up this week. either way, happy to be pretty much past this shit. not recommended.
    20 points
  4. The QB decision maybe issue #3 in terms of importance, but it is #1 on the list of immediately fixable things that could have the greatest impact on our program. The oline is the biggest problem, but we won't solve that problem any time soon. In the meantime, we need to adjust what we can to neutralize problems with the oline. Casey does a couple of things well in this regard. First, from everything we've seen, he's faster at finding an open receiver, and when he sees the separation, he pulls the trigger quick. Second, if nothing is open, he's decisive about getting north/south for whatever yards he can. Those QB traits are critical if the line is weak. We had a bad oline when Colt was playing, but he was so fast getting rid of the ball and so good on his feet that the line problems did not cost us games. Casey is a very different player from Colt, but I see how he could cover up oline problems similar to how Colt did. Also, as we saw Saturday, we have a good defense at first but one that wears out if our offense cannot sustain drives. If Casey can sustain drives, he'll help us not only on offense but also on defense (by giving them a rest). So this could be a significant improvement. Definitely worth trying.
    20 points
  5. Most old schoolers know I hated Tom Herman, and from the moment we made the hire I proclaimed he would fail here. Now, while the verdict is still out on Sark let me tell you what happened on both sides of the ball. I have heard things like Sark rolled over. The playcalling was lazy. PK came in with the wrong scheme. Let's address it. 2nd play from scrimmage Arkansas has 7 in the box. From the snap of the ball Angilua is soundly whipped blowing the play up immediately. Not that it matters, but there are 4 hats on one defender. Meanwhile all of their second level defenders are completely clean. 4 linemen blocking one DE. One lineman got pushed into the ball carrier. 4 free defenders flowing unabated to the football. Here is another winner! Angilau(circled) is going to run right past the defender(also circled) to block I am not sure who. Not sure if Jones(#70 at LT) is being asked to reach that far against a slanting D-line, but that appears to be a tall task to ask. Bijan being Bijan makes the impossible jump cut 3 yards behind the LOS vs 2 free defenders and still somehow makes it a 2 yard gain. Bottom line, you can find this kind of ineptitude on just about every single play. It matters not what play you call or scheme you run when your O-line is constantly whiffing on blocks and not recognizing where defenders will be, or who they are responsible for. Sark's offensive scheme requires O-line competency, as just about any scheme does. None of the RPO's will work if you can disrupt the running game with a 3 man front. The RPO's only work if you can get them to start worrying about the running game. Secondly, Arkansas was constantly dropping eight into coverage in long yardage situations. Card may not be the guy, but one thing is for sure, no guy is the guy that is throwing into the teeth of 8 pass defenders while still having to worry about the rush. Especially whenthat QB is a freshman. Defensively, PK came in with a gameplan that was married to the offensive gameplan. Arkansas KNOWS they cannot throw into coverage, so they try to force you into coming out of coverage to get easy one on one throws for their QB. PK knows this and is deliberately being stubborn about dedicating numbers to the run game. Instead, he is playing bend but don't break while waiting for the offense to get it's head out of it's ass. If they can hold on, then Arkansas has to abandon their run game and turnovers will ensue. Where we can debate is how long he stuck with the plan. There are two schools of thought. Some coaches would load up against the running game and take their chances. Some coaches believe that it just makes things worse with explosive plays. So where do we go from here? We HAVE TO get the O-line fixed. It's one thing to be physically outmatched, but another to not know what you are doing completely. We are the latter. If we can get some continuity our running game can be good enough that teams cannot do what Arkansas did to us this weekend, or better yet, we did to ourselves. That opens up what Sark wants to do. Comment away.
    19 points
  6. 19 points
  7. I for one think it's a travesty what these people are doing to Clay. He deserves their respect, admiration, and most importantly, a contract extension. Viva Clay Helton!
    18 points
  8. 18 points
  9. Game action isn't the same as practice, no matter how much coaches try to simulate.
    15 points
  10. If the 9.95ers are against it then I like the move even more.
    14 points
  11. I told my wife she could only use my chef’s knife if she washed and dried it and put it back on the magnet as soon as she was done with it or done cooking. I saw it just hanging out on the drying rack and we had a fight in which I said that I had been very specific about what to do with the knife, and it wasn’t to just throw it on the drying rack. She said “I didn’t just THROW it on the drying rack! You think I just THREW it on the drying rack?” and the next thing I knew the argument had shifted from how she didn’t do the correct thing with the knife to how I had mischaracterized the way she had placed the knife on the drying rack. She changed the topic and it became impossible to keep the argument on track and I ended up just buying her her own fancy chefs knife that she can put in the dishwasher for all I care. ”CHYNA!”, especially early on but even still now because we are on the stupidest timeline, is the MAGA distraction to change the discussion from what we need to be doing to what we can talk about that no one is going to do anything about whatsoever. If you want to hold China accountable for whatever their culpability is, elect professional adults into office instead of clown rapists and the world’s most bottom feeding grifters. They’re just going to fuck their constituents’ ability to move soy. But in the mean time is that what we need to focus our attention on when the house is on fire and we could put it out if the right wing outrage machine would quit whipping half the country into a fervor about how the antidote to the pandemic is going to upload your thoughts into the cloud or whatever. I care about mental health too but it’s the exact same shit whenever someone guns down a bunch of kindergarteners. “Mental health is the real problem”. Ok asshole, we’ll just mop that up while we’re eliminating rape as a crime instead of doing some version of the thing that works in every other country. Also it entirely does not work to tell your wife “I don’t care about that” when she shifts the argument to something that is more defensible for her. Major error.
    13 points
  12. They're all still passed out in the RV......
    13 points
  13. As a Bama fan who also likes the Longhorns and Sark I came here to post this. I don't think your team is as bad as many of the commenters on here think. Sabans first team struggled with people buying in/changing the culture. Even a legacy player who should have been an asset was a problem. I was screaming about him weekly needing kicked off the team to make an example of. Culture change is unlikely to completely happen this season. The sense of entitlement, complacency, or whatever that often infects the Blue Blood programs and that includes Texas takes time to change. It took Bama three coaching hires between Stallings and Saban to get it done. I like Sark, and think he will be a good coach given time. I am certainly hoping so. Herman was fired late in the recruiting cycle, well after the early signing period so Sark started out way behind this year. I hope y'all will give it a little time and settle in for an exciting ride in2021, I think the Longhorns walked into a buzzsaw Saturday night. Something no one expected nor saw coming. In the long run this could be a turning point to get the team to focus and buy in. I'm looking forward to the rest of the season with great interest in the 'Horns 2021 season.
    13 points
  14. we don't live in the same information ecosystem. You didn't know who Emmit fucking Till was, and up until you read the surly CRT thread, thought that it was just another way that black people were keepin' down the whites. You (and 100MM other americans) live in an alternate reality and information ecosystem that doesn't care to check facts or actually look into things further than "people are saying". Be better. You're part of the problem.
    12 points
  15. too bad Robert Durst didn't know that.
    12 points
  16. Im a glass is half full guy. I think everyone learns from this game, none more so than Sark. I am confident he got his first real sense of the weight of Longhorn nation and does not want that monster on his shoulders. He is doing the right thing by starting Casey and I belive when he watches him in a real game...Card may be QB2 for the rest of the year.
    12 points
  17. wasn't that long ago we were the 2nd winningest program
    11 points
  18. eat a bag of donkey dicks. America has done measurably worse at containing COVID and minimizing the number of per-capita deaths compared to other first world countries. Your boy trump has been at the spearhead of minimizing the virus and building a culture war around defying public health practices like vaccination and facemask usage. It ain't china that's killing Americans. It's our own goddamn stupidity.
    11 points
  19. A lot of blaming the OL or Card talk going on, for a team that had the worst offensive game plan we’ve seen since Sean Watson. the same basic OL mauled KSU and Colorado to the tune of over 600 rushing yards, 600 passing yards, and more than 120 points to finish the season last year. players have to be put in a position to succeed and the Longhorns were not. there is more than enough talent on this team to win, much less not be completely humiliated by an also-ran shitty ass Arkansas team. Sarkisian got absolutely humbled by Odom.
    11 points
  20. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/pro-trump-rally-expecting-10-000-attendees-sees-only-a-few-hundred-show-up/ar-AAOmTMT?li=BBorjTa Wonder why? Oh
    11 points
  21. I guess they should have taken her to an emergency veterinary clinic in the first place?
    10 points
  22. It was surprising that Sark couldn’t realize after 1 half of football that the game was too big for his new QB. It was a surprise that we relied on Okafor picking up a LB to make a 4th and 1 run call where everyone in the stadium including said LB knew Bijan would get the ball. It was surprising that Dicker dropped a snap. It was surprising that PK never adjuster to back side cut lanes by not ever coming out of his two high safety look and bringing additional defenders down in the box. It was surprising that after the game Sark didn’t admit that we were out coached and unprepared for their level of intensity. Yeah. I was surprised by a lot of things. The list goes on.
    10 points
  23. Vaccination continues to be a substantial benefit to society.
    9 points
  24. All the USC fans are stating Urban going to drop his Jax gig to join. Is that what we looked like?
    9 points
  25. What do you think the vaccinations were for?
    9 points
  26. Mostly because 40% of those cats are psychotics who have been manipulated by insane propaganda for the past 30+ years. We have always had division and disagreement. Even a violent one over one of our founding mistakes (slavery). But this isn't division and disagreement -- it's a mass-insanity alternate reality, created by people intent on fucking destroying us (and it's totally working). The Murdoch family has done more to harm the US than China ever has. If we were really Billy Badasses intent on using force to protect our country, we would have drone-striked the whole family years ago.
    9 points
  27. In all seriousness, Sark's presser showed a guy (IMHO) that's been at rock bottom, can put life in perspective, and understands how to take a longer view at self-improvement. Time will tell how that approach works with the team he has, but I do have respect for the guy.
    9 points
  28. That same thing happened in Fayetteville Saturday, except it was on the field.
    9 points
  29. Glad to see our coach isnt stubborn about this. Casey getting the nod this week is the right call. Im fucking pumped to see what he can do. I really hope he cements himself as the guy for the next 2 years. Hudson will be great in time as well, but we dont need to sacrifice his confidence by throwing him out there when he clearly isnt ready. Lets fuckin go Casey.
    9 points
  30. Holy shit ... you're doubling down on stupid. Even that guy is putting "clock speed" in quotation marks because he realizes that he's using it in a way that is unique and special to his little essay. NOBODY uses clock speed to describe applications. It's like talking about the speed your toaster makes toast in miles per hour.
    8 points
  31. Thomas Herman III. Dont even have to fire the staff.
    8 points
  32. But let's get back to the important things...
    8 points
  33. Yeah ok. Negged. However, you bring up a point that I think bears repeating. If nothing else, China has provided the blueprint for how some malevolent actor could take out the US as a superpower. Simply unleash a virus. Everyone else will work their ass off to get vaccinated. Americans will not. You could kill off millions of us with a well designed virus that has a vaccine available for it. And don't think that other countries haven't noticed that. It's why what you are trying to use as a gotcha is really just more reason that people on your side of the fence ought to be out yelling from the rooftops to vaccinate, for patriotic national security reasons if for nothing else. But I don't expect to see a behavior change. Best we can hope for is that as many of the dumber members of your party as possible die off quickly to give the rest of us a better chance when the real attack eventually comes. Because of what we've seen in this country since the vaccine became widely available, good luck with your crusade to hold China responsible. Even if we agree that China is 100% responsible for this virus getting out into the world, we've had vaccines for 8 months now. The only reason this is still even a thing in the US is because we've decided that we want China to do even more damage by ignoring our doctors and our government in favor of giving China even more kills in this virus war. It's fucking moronic to be yelling about China at this point. They no longer have anything at all to do with why we are where we are.
    8 points
  34. One mistake. One bad pass late into the flat that should have been intercepted. Otherwise, he played the best half of football at QB in a Texas uniform since Colt McCoy. But I'm not going to quibble with the overall tenor of the comment because we have a way, way too small sample size with Thompson. Regardless, I've been pulling for Casey the entire time because there really would be nothing in the world sweeter than beating OU's ass in the Cottonbowl with Charles Thompson's kid as our QB.
    8 points
  35. Just wanted to mention that after the last 10 years if you’re still able to watch these you’re a sick fuck.
    8 points
  36. my biggest regret with the SEC move is being associated with these shit for brains.
    7 points
  37. Allow me to vent for a second. My kids are in HPISD schools. My 10th grade daughter is vaxxed. My 8th grade son is not. Daughter was able to get it based on consistent badgering of her mother, who finally relented. She's adamant our son will be not be vaccinated any time soon, not even one shot. You might recall, I just took my daughter to get her second without informing her mother, who authorized the first shot and maybe a second many months down the road. Anyway, a few Saturdays back the HPISD school board had an emergency Saturday meeting and invited the public to come and speak. It was expected the board would implement at least a temporary mask mandate. It was about 75/25 (maybe more) people vehemently arguing against masks. (The 75205 and 75225 zip codes have well above 75% vaccination rates, I believe). After the dog-and-pony show, the board announced there would be no changes to policy at this time. Some parents were directly saying if the board implemented a mandate, they would immediately cease all donations to the district. Due to Robin Hood, HPISD relies heavily on the "Mad for Plaid" program to help replace funds that go to help other school districts across Texas. Others threatened to immediately sue the district. In the end, the district caved and said counsel advised them to "follow the law" as in Abbott's law. Whatever. I've ceased to be amazed by some of the shit that goes on in the Park Cities. In addition to not mandating masks, or vaccines, the school is doing the absolute bare minimum to do anything about cases that crop up at the schools. There is an ongoing dashboard counting the number of cases at the district's seven schools and administration. They send out emails letting you know that X number of confirmed cases are at whatever school you have a kid at. And you also get a notification if one of those cases is in one of your kids' classrooms. But they do not contact trace. They do not tell you if the kid that was in your kids' classroom sat next to them, or was a lab partner or whatever. Am I being overly sensitive here? My daughter told me the kid who sits next to her in Spanish is out with COVID. All I got was an EM saying there was a child in her class that tested positive. Fortunately, my daughter is vaxxed. Again, I'm certain my son will get infected at some point. We will be dealing with this pandemic well into 2022 IMO. This. Is. Fucking. Lunacy.
    7 points
  38. This is what I keep coming back to. There's no fucking way Casey walks into the Cotton Bowl with the same shell-shocked look that we saw from most of our team on Saturday. He knows what that game means, so let's get him the reps to make the most of it.
    7 points
  39. Every time a hurricane or storm appears in gulf: austonians - oh no!!!! We gonna get hammered! Pack up the succulents and stock up on topo houstonians - ………….. (storm clearly isnt going to make it to centex and is usually headed to somewhere between matagorda and beaumont) austonians - aw shucks, we aint gonna get shit. I hope i can get an inch to water my lawn. Its so dry here houstonians - …………
    7 points
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