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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/21 in all areas

  1. Cool. I think he's being unreasonable. BUT, his behavior does not create any risk to anyone else. I think that strident anti-maskers have also been unreasonable, and their behavior DOES create risk to others. I don't care what you do -- no matter how stupid or unreasonable it is (and there are SO many stupid and unreasonable things to do out there) -- so long as it doesn't impose a risk on a third party. That's a pretty big pivot point. I'm not mad that people are idiots. I'm mad when their idiocy creates an increased risk for a third party. As for me? I'm fully vaccinated. Wherever I am permitted to go mask-free, I do. Where I am not, I mask up, because I respect the rules of places I'm visiting. See the theme in my entire post above? It's "don't be a dick." Just don't be a dick.
    17 points
  2. Exactly! Sometimes you really have to spell it out for these dumb bitches.
    14 points
  3. Manslpaining what it means to be a woman to a woman is the final test before you get your Libertarian black belt (every Libertarian obviously takes karate classes)
    12 points
  4. I think women should be allowed to have abortions as long as they smile more.
    11 points
  5. As an avowed liberal, I would like to thank far right idiots for bringing critical race theory to my attention. If it weren’t for you fucking morons and your obsession with talking about it every single fucking day on every single fucking platform available, I never would have heard of critical race theory. And i still don’t know what it is or why I as a liberal apparently want to foist it upon our nation and indoctrinate school children into its teachings. Or policies. Or is it a method? Fuck if I know! But y’all dipshits seem to be really worked up about this CRT shit, so I have to assume either it’s a made-up bogeyman along the lines of satanic heavy metal subliminal messages, Antifa Capitol rioters, and pizza parlor sex dungeons or it’s a real thing that I should support. Because if y’all moronic dinguses are against it, it’s almost certainly good for humanity. So I think I’ll go read up on it tonight. Thanks y’all!
    11 points
  6. Texas needs speedy WRs and large OL. But first, let me talk about my crush in this class, which is neither of those things.
    11 points
  7. 10 points
  8. Salisbury steak, you said? I made these again Sunday for a large family dinner. 2 lbs of ground venison mixed with 2 lbs of ground beef. Grilled about 3 minutes per side then covered with mushroom onion gravy and baked for about 25 minutes.
    10 points
  9. Go fuck yourself. We live in a country where sex education teaches abstinence rather than protection, and birth control isn’t readily available to everyone at a cheap or reduced cost. Without a woman’s ability to control her body completely, she becomes a second class citizen.
    9 points
  10. lol both sides If men got pregnant the Catholic Church would have a Saint Dilation and Curettage and abortion would be in the Bill of Rights. I fucking wish y’all could get pregnant.
    9 points
  11. Unless and until the state is prepared to care for potentially aborted babies then it should not be forbidden. It’s currently not able or willing to, so preventing it should not be allowed. As for the death penalty, the state should not ever impose it until its able and willing to do so in a non discriminatory manner. It currently is not able to do so, so it should also be disallowed. These are the hard truths.
    9 points
  12. 9 points
  13. So let me get this right. You don't think I should buy a bunch of gear, stuff, guns, etc. that I really don't need? Are you my wife?
    9 points
  14. As a Texas citizen this law is disgusting and I will do everything I can to oppose it. As a lawyer this is a great bill that gives me thousands of potential new clients to sue those greedy abortion clinics into the ground. The days of Planned Parenthood millionaire doctors facing no repercussions for providing free pre natal care to underprivileged women are over.
    8 points
  15. I wish this were funnier. The GOP committed secretly to the forces of darkness before Trump. He merely revealed their subtext and seized the reins of the hate engine; both had been in place for a long time. This is why it was specious to think Trump leaving office would materially change the elected GOP extablishment. Their souls were revealed, not changed. How could such people so thoroughly abandon all shreds of decency, integrity, or patriotism? I still think there is something deeper. This is omerta. This is real evil. They found a way to wrap it all in piety. Stunning. BLM in the same universe as the Capitol terrorists trying to bring down government? It wasn't actually any worse than a tourist group seeing sites? MiniTrue.
    8 points
  16. We finally have the opportunity to openly discuss, between conservatives and liberals, the failed public health response by the former administration to a global pandemic that has resulted in 580,000+ dead Americans and... we’ve let GRHorn successfully turn it into a referendum on whether JJ said ‘nigger’ or not? I am disappointed in you, Surly Liberal Cabal. Nevar Forget!
    8 points
  17. Nevermind the mind-numbingly stupid “both sides” game they play. Does someone WEARING a mask cause/risk any harm to anyone else? No. It can’t. Does someone NOT wearing a mask cause/risk any harm to someone else? Yes, it can. We can argue about how much, but the point is, the action of person X causes risk to person Y, to some degree. The two activities are not equivalent. Not even close. But we live in stupidland, so here we are.
    8 points
  18. It's the year of our Lord 2021 and there are still people that don't believe that systemic racism exist in this country. As much as we talk about the disparities in law enforcement, criminal justice, medical care, employment, schooling, etc, to be doubtful to the fact that systemic racism is indeed a thing is to walk through this society with blindfolds on and ignore the entire history of the country.
    7 points
  19. Well shit. I am fake news.
    7 points
  20. See, this is a perfect example. Instead of being curious as to why "cash bail" was proposed as an example of systemic racism, you reduce it to the barest possible argument. You have no interest in learning, you are simply trying to bait others into what amounts to a giant waste of words. Are you under the impression that anybody is being fooled?
    7 points
  21. Thanks for sharing because this is EXACTLY right, I can personally attest to every singular aspect she touched upon. Frankly I couldn't peek at some of the commentary in this thread without losing it over those who can't grasp the fuller context of the restaurant labor shortage so I'm relieved to see this contribution. I'm a personable guy, genuine and sincere, with admittedly less charisma than those naturally charismatic types, but I can get along with almost everyone. I cared a great deal about my job performance and I did it well for many years. I also cared dearly about the treatment my staff received from guests and most of all their opportunity to make money. However, dealing with the shit I put up with for so long--between asshole customers who complain about the dumbest, most inconsequential shit over a cheap fuckin lunch/dinner to drug addicts and alcoholic employees falling off the wagon to ownership constantly harping on labor costs (despite refusing to pay the most senior BOH staff more than $13/$14 hr!) my job beat the life out of me by the time the pandemic hit. For seven years plus I was expected to work a 55 hr week every week, but I typically worked 60-65 hrs most weeks and in the event I had some key positions unfilled, it wasn't uncommon to work 80 hrs. I never had any weekends off, worked most holidays (except Xmas and Thanksgiving) and was always at work late night at the end of every month for inventory regardless of what day it fell upon. I was denied a salaried assistant GM for a restaurant that operated seven days a week for 12 hrs a day. I was never offered bonuses for hitting our COGS targets. I worked my ass off day after day after day because I was committed to my job and my employees. I worked hard to support my family, but in the end my employer repaid my loyalty by laying me off to save salary when he could have laid off the highest earning salaries in the company and filled one or both of those roles himself. If it were my business and I needed to drastically cut costs, that's the move I would've made, but that also would have meant that he would have to actually work a 40+hr week....And then there's the issue of losing my family health insurance at the beginning of a goddamn global pandemic. Within a matter of weeks he collected over $772,000 in PPP loans and closed one underperforming, bloated location but did not hire back most FOH staff or any salaried managers. He had some performative tears when he let me go but I'm sure he still sleeps well in the hip million-dollar MCM he bought the previous year on the backs of his overworked and underpaid cooks and managers. But let's all beat up on restaurant employees and their paltry unemployment insurance and ignore the myriad reasons most of them don't want to go back. /rant
    7 points
  22. I confess that I am utterly unsurprised by the response of OP -- it was exactly as big a pile of garbage as I thought it would be. The damned shame of it is, there actually COULD be some really interesting conversations about CRT, about what it means, about where the proper boundaries and balance lie, etc. But we'll never, ever, ever have any of them, because it's been reduced to a collection of lazy buzzwords by its critics, and there it shall stay. I mean, I think it's pretty obvious to acknowledge that systemic issues are a FACTOR in current racial socioeconomic status in the US. Not to the exclusion of individual action and responsibility, but certainly as a factor alongside individual action. How many of our cities are laid out (and divided, and thus zoned) is largely a function of race-based decisions and actions. Austin included. Here's a good piece that summarizes some of the bigger factors: https://projects.statesman.com/news/economic-mobility/ Would any honest conversation about those factors acknowledge that 1) as time has gone by, particularly post-civil rights movement and post Austin's economic boom, the effects of those factors become more muted, but also 2) that they are not entirely erased? That's what an honest conversation would do. But we won't have one of those. Instead, we'll have further buzzword-laden mental masturbation by people like the OP, regurgitating shit from Fox and Prager U.
    7 points
  23. workwithseed has long bypassed MNLonghorn as the poster who has turned the dumbest in the Covid era. Quite an achievement.
    7 points
  24. CRT means you are either an oppressor or a victim based on your skin color.
    7 points
  25. The UT plan was also first adopted in 2017. It's been 4 years. I'm shocked that UT hasn't been "destroyed" yet like Evergreen State College. Which also hasn't been destroyed and is still open. Sorry I'm not outraged.
    7 points
  26. lol y’all responding to workswithseed
    7 points
  27. you nonsmokers are free to not smoke on the airplane! -workswithweed, probably
    7 points
  28. Hanna was very much part of the group that kept pushing the shitty short tunes like the wolf of wallstreet chest thump. And he was one of the dumbasses who insisted on playing Strong Eyes on 3rd down, only for the defense to crumble and give up the 3rd down - rather than playing it after a big 3rd down stop. Here's hoping Dr. Croomes brings a much-needed fresh perspective and new ideas to LHB, and hopefully some better fucking halftime shows than the UIL curly-Q bullshit that Hanna loves so much
    7 points
  29. I'll never forget that day in high school when the short bus rolled up and all the occupants poured out with bear spray, zip-tie handcuffs, helmets, and body armor. They got confused and tried to go into the locked athletic offices instead of the open school building. Feeling rejected and denied entry to what was rightfully theirs, one of the charismatic short bussers called on his fellows to take back the school building. They rushed the doors, over-ran the security guard, and then chased the girls' basketball coach around the hallways saying they would cut off her head. She just managed to lock herself in the janitorial closet while some of the invaders were delayed by slipping around on drool. Folks, this is just typical behavior of short bus people. We see it all the time. And you would call her an enemy of the state? Shame on you!
    7 points
  30. R6 RI VOS & fresh haircut Collings distressed goldie w/ throback buckers & bumblebees.
    7 points
  31. Trump isn’t rich like he says, but he isn’t poor. Even if he only has 50 million. That’s still rich. Yes, he didn’t pay Rudy and a host of other contractors during his rally speeches. That doesn’t mean he can’t pay people to keep him out of jail. He acts like a mob boss. That’s all he knows how to be. A selfish spoiled cunt. He didn’t pay Rudy because why should he, Rudy didn’t succeed in overturning the election. He didn’t pay thousands of contractors because fuck them, they should be happy to help him, he’s the King. If people want the money, they will have to claw and fight for it in court. And by then, most people will take less money just to be done with it. Any person or organization that does business with Trump is an idiot and has fallen for the gilded mirage. He puts up a mirage of gold and wealth and luxury. It’s a trap for idiots. It’s not real. It only exists to lure people in and shake them down for money. It’s a con. It’s always been a con. The same for his continual running for office. Another con for donations. American banks stopped loaning his money because they learned the hard way he never paid back his loans. Foreign banks, like Deutsch Bank, loaned him money, why? Most people think money laundering, but who knows if we will ever know.
    7 points
  32. 7 points
  33. Painting the desire for our populace to wear masks during a pandemic as radical anything, much less a political party, is peak idiocy for our hyperpartisan political climate. Wearing a mask during highly infectious influenza or coronovirus seasons is a commonly accepted practice.
    7 points
  34. I get angry about it because the spread of that lie is what killed my dad. He believed it, fucked around, and found out. Now, go fuck yourself.
    7 points
  35. The R8 Among its tribe.
    7 points
  36. I don’t know why I’m bothering, but: pretrial detention can result in job loss, child custody loss, eviction, excess leverage for plea bargaining, etc - not to mention that the detained are not necessarily guilty. Cash bail is a poverty penalty and disproportionately affects minorities. It affects poor white people too, and that is a concern, but it is the unintentional construct that has a disparate and perpetuating impact on minorities that we refer to as systemic racism.
    6 points
  37. The dems need to stop negotiating with terrorists.
    6 points
  38. That wasn’t me bro. That was GR Horn.
    6 points
  39. Last night outside Lubbock.
    6 points
  40. I, for one, am excited you were so proud of this joke you decided you needed to post it on both the football and recruiting board.
    6 points
  41. See! Even lesbians support the Eyes!
    6 points
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