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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2022 in all areas

  1. They're busy trying to secede from the union right now.
    28 points
  2. Do any of y’all have patience? I’m coming to Texas, any thing else you hear is bullshit. It’s Texas and it has always been Texas. Why would I go to Bama when Nick is about to retire and what quarterback even wants to go to Georgia now. Everyone calm down and stop your complaining/worrying, I’ll announce sometime soon.
    19 points
  3. I don't understand the danger. The argument is that the Rs will try to do the same to Biden and any other Dem prez in the future...as if these crazy motherfuckers aren't going to do that regardless. The Dems need to get over this idea that they need to abide by some unwritten rulebook to keep the Rs or else the Rs will do whatever. They're going to do the worst shit no matter what you do.
    16 points
  4. Having watched my wife get ghosted about 7-8 times during a 6-month job search last year, I could give jack shit all about companies whining about the shoe being on the other foot. I'm not talking basic crap like no response to an application. I'm talking, phone screen with HR, initial zoom interview with someone in the department, follow up in-person interview with the boss and then "We need to fill this position ASAP. We've got 2 more candidates we're interviewing this week, but will let you know something by COB Friday." Absolutely nothing thereafter, no calls, no emails. Sometimes the same position would get re-posted a few weeks or months later. Enjoy your fucking comeuppance.
    16 points
  5. Fuck Greg Abbott and everyone else involved in this cover-up.
    13 points
  6. I’ve never liked the dumb ass Texas-Aggy family analogies. If Texas was on fire, Aggy would light themselves on fire and jump on us so we’d burn faster.
    11 points
  7. I also think this “not prosecuting the president” once they leave office norm in the United States was based on the president actually not being a criminal that did criminal acts while in office. Trump kind of changed that “norm”.
    10 points
  8. Mack Brown almost died in Florida trying to land some recruits to make you happy. have some respect
    10 points
  9. I wholeheartedly disagree with this statement. Plenty of evidence of unfettered courage in those towers. Their selfless sacrifices solidified the expectation that all firefighters and police should have the mentality of laying down their lives to save others. Anyone not willing to do so should find a different line of work.
    10 points
  10. At the Texas Tower shooting, there was no training, no special resources and no plan. Two junior officers decided what to do on their own. They went to the top, carefully made their way to the observation deck, and improvised, “you go left, I’ll go right, and if you hear shots run like hell to them and try not to shoot me”. They had Whitman down in seconds.
    10 points
  11. 10 points
  12. This is the Steel Shank thread. Man makes his grub, man calls it whatever he wants. The fancy stuff I cooked thread is over there>>
    10 points
  13. Cool. The fact that you took my comment as "CR" or political and then blew a gasket and felt throwing a tantrum was the way to go says a lot more about you than me. I can't even remember ever having any past back and forth exchanges with you in CR, but whatever. I made a suggestion of something pretty effortless you could do that actually saves money overall and doesn't lead to needlessly creating more of something that takes half a millennium to decompose instead of giving Walmart money every week for the exact same thing you already pay for to come out of your pipes. Your response in turn was a tantrum. You're also pretty naive if you think our trash doesn't end up in the water, illegal or not. But feel free to go to the store today and buy as many plastic bags as it takes to fill that hole in your soul if it makes you feel better. Here's one more suggestion: you could take the money you save from not going through case after case of bottled water to pay for therapy instead.
    10 points
  14. He checks all the LIV boxes. Big name, high maintenance wife, game in decline (one win in three years, lowest world ranking since 2017), cunt.
    10 points
  15. This times a fucking million. Calling out all the so called conservatives on this site that support these motherfuckers. The ones that claim they want compromise and sensible gun control laws, but won’t vote for politicians that will put forth such laws “because no way can I vote for those fag grooming libtards!!!1!1”. Y’all are the problem. Fuck all y’all.
    10 points
  16. His food has likely been tampered with, too.
    9 points
  17. He must indict. It is obvious what he did…if you don’t indict, you are giving R’s a green light to keep doing this without any pushback. Fasten our seatbelts.
    9 points
  18. You can argue that those who went in the first tower to collapse didn’t know what was coming. I am blown away by the bravery of those that continued to run into the second tower, even after the first collapsed. I am disgusted by the cowardice of Uvalde LE.
    9 points
  19. Religious Schools Legally now have the right to access taxpayer money while at the same time discriminating against taxpayers. This country is beyond stupid.
    9 points
  20. Seriously it sounds like the opposite of my family here. They think that because I know Trump is one of the most vile people on the planet that I love Biden. There are only a handful of people alive I would not have voted for against Trump in 2020. They don't get that I look at Trump like OU, if Boise St is playing OU I root for Boise St but that does not make me a Boise St fan just that I hate OU. All this time they are like the Penn State fans that once an R always an R no matter what Joe Pa did. There are some people posting on here that they don't vote for Trump but they are not Dems but yall are busting their balls. Take the win graciously that there is another person out there that won't vote for Trump. Maybe they'll eventually get to voting against Abbott, Patrick, and that cock-eyed mutherfucker whose name I don't remember at this moment. Extend that to any souless bastard that promotes the big lie or failed to impeach the fat bastard. Nurture the sprouts, don't stomp them out because it's not a tree yet.
    9 points
  21. Ace is lucky he survived owing late rent to Hector Salamanca.
    9 points
  22. get ready for the Airport Sliding Doors of Reality
    8 points
  23. Gotta tell you, I've been swamped with life in general for months, and my time spent on the 995 board has been one of the major casualties, mostly because at the time when shit got crazy for me, this board was becoming wildly unbearable both from the program's dipshittery, as well as the murder of stumblefucks posting with increasing regularity. And here I stop back in thanks to a timely tag by Burt Macklin only to see Ray'sBoomBoomRoom sucking out all of the oxygen with his signature stupidity and terrible takes and well...I'm not feeling like I've missed much of anything since about February or March.
    8 points
  24. It blows my mind to hear these idiot cultists say, "There is no way that 81M people voted for Biden" as their "proof" of election fraud. I always reply with, "You're absolutely right, there's no way that 81M people voted for Biden. About 10M people voted for Biden and about 71M people voted against Trump."
    8 points
  25. If the DOJ doesn't do anything with all of this, why do we have a DOJ? Don't they protect Democracy? There are smoking guns being dropped on the table now and they have the testimony from the man himself talking about being able to shoot a person...like what the fuck?
    8 points
  26. Anyone have an asian fetish? Just trying to mix things up for recruiting luck.
    8 points
  27. Fuck Ronald Reagan. And fuck Peggy Noonan who filled the actor's mouth with niceties to cover the dreadful direction the nation took when he was president. He was the smiling face stretched across the hate engine. A useful idiot.
    8 points
  28. So some positive news, relatively. Had both an endoscopic ultrasound and PET CT this past week. Ultrasound showed a sizable tumor. But PET CT showed very little spread. And that’s the key. Now there is a plan. 6 weeks of radiation 5 days/week and chemo 1x/week for the same period. Then wait 8 weeks or so and if it worked to shrink it down, then open me up, cut out a section of my esophagus, and then hope that’s that. So at least there’s a path to the other side.
    8 points
  29. Narrator: there was no light. It wasnt a bunch of olds stuffed in that back of that Proud Boys van in Idaho. There's a campus of 70K trumptards just a couple of hours from Austin. this isnt just an "olds" problem.
    7 points
  30. 415 first responders (police/fire) died a little less than 21 years ago running into burning office towers that had planes sticking out of them, knowing they probably wouldn't make it out alive. But they had to try. Today? Nope, the cops probably would have stood outside the WTC keeping the fire department out.
    7 points
  31. y'all are falling for the side show. don't fall for the side show.
    7 points
  32. Wordle 367 2/6* 🟨⬛⬛🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
    7 points
  33. newsom has a lot to do, but he’s taking a quick break to troll on truth social and it’s kinda fun
    7 points
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