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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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7 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:



And today:




Well there you have it.

I tested positive for Covid last week. If I had seen that fascist why-is-it-always-some-damn-Guido-like-Mastriano salute when I was coughing up chunks of invisible death, I would have journeyed up into the closest rally, "howdy y'all'd" myself inside, and stood as close to the true believers on stage as I could, yackin my guts up.

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This.  I would have thought it hyperbole but the last month has made it very clear what's truly beginning to unfold.  Actually it's been unfolding for awhile, but the participants are much more zealous and open about it.  

But the 'gas chambers' are already here.  The Nazis deployed the gas chamber solution for a number of reasons (first small, isolated experimentation labs, the large mobile trucks, and finally the permanently constructed facilities at the camps.  Efficiency, scalability, ability to disconnect soldiers from having to see the bodies of that many dead civilians (particularly women & children) by burning them, etc.  And one lesser known reason was bullet scarcity, particularly at the very start and very end of the war.  Some analytic German Colonel did the math and realized there wasn't enough ammo, never mind enough men, to liquidate the entirety of Europe's ethnic minorities.  Which also fed back to, even after dehumanization, it's tough to tell your family you're off to war for the glory of the Reich...and then just spend 3 years off the front shooting women between the eyes for mass burial.  Bullets for reasons of morale, and needed for a 2.5-theater front, were quickly dismissed as an option.  And so gassing/burning becomes the method.  Even with conscripted SS and Sonderkommand from occupied territories, it was the only way forward after bullets were dismissed.   

The United States is not fighting a war on 2 1/2 fronts.  But we do have 400mm guns and 8.0bn rounds of ammunition.  If you safely assume the 30% of U.S. adults who are Trump bootlickers probably out-own weapons/ammo 2:1 over the other 70% of us...that's 240mm firearms and 4.8bn bullets.  And even only a tiny portion of them resort to violence, that's a sizable answer to the bullet question.  Their gas chamber goes by the name AR-15, they have the decency to wear uniforms, and gunmen don't need to wait for the erection of camps.  Their method of mass murder has been sitting in their unlocked gun case for years.  

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32 minutes ago, Tuco said:

Not a bad way to play it.  Make Vance say that he was perfectly comfortable with how Trump portrayed their relationship or make him push back. 

He doesn’t have to say it. What’s sad is that his competition for the nomination — Mike Gibbons and Josh Mandel — would be no different. They were running ads saying they were more Trumpy than the other. They all went down to Mar-a-Lago to grovel before Trump to earn his endorsement.


Meanwhile Rob Portman is totally silent. 

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So it looks like my theory that Trumpco liked Dearie because he signed the Carter Page warrants is truthy.  https://www.axios.com/2022/09/18/trump-special-master-dearie-fbi-skeptic

But, it really doesn't matter if Dearie is the biggest FBI skeptic in the world.  He won't have that opportunity.  He will get to look at the documents, hear the arguments, and make rulings that have zero to do with the FBI's credibility.

Another facile legal take by Trumpworld.

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and on what basis does he determine whether a top secret document is a TS document? i mean how does he actually make that ruling? impose his own made up judgment on what should be a TS document? take the agency's word for it? its not a judicial ruling to make. just so fucking stupid.

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3 hours ago, YGIFS said:

True, but cowards with a victim complex, and a basement full of guns 'n ammo have historically done some fucked up shit.  

But those cowards didn’t have the internet to blow off steam bitching to one another and watching porn, or sports on a cheap big screen TV.  And Dear Leader won’t be around too much longer - he’s one unhealthy motherfucker.

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Just now, Longhorn94 said:

and on what basis does he determine whether a top secret document is a TS document? i mean how does he actually make that ruling? take the agency's word for it? its not a judicial ruling to make. just so fucking stupid.

If it’s marked top secret by an agency, I doubt he’s going to be like “yeah, no, Israel’s nuclear arsenal isn’t classified.”

Keep in mind that this is stuff that is juicy enough that Trump wanted to steal it from the White House, so it’ll be obvious that it’s Really Fucking Secret. 

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Just now, atomheartbevo said:

If it’s marked top secret by an agency, I doubt he’s going to be like “yeah, no, Israel’s nuclear arsenal isn’t classified.”

Keep in mind that this is stuff that is juicy enough that Trump wanted to steal it from the White House, so it’ll be obvious that it’s Really Fucking Secret. 

so he is just checking to see if the US Govt is lying about whether the documents are marked TS or classified? seems like that should take less than 15 minutes with respect to the 100 classified documents.

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4 minutes ago, Longhorn94 said:

so he is just checking to see if the US Govt is lying about whether the documents are marked TS or classified? seems like that should take less than 15 minutes with respect to the 100 classified documents.

Do you understand how billable hours work?  He’ll drag it out to the Nov 30 deadline. 

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34 minutes ago, Longhorn94 said:

so he is just checking to see if the US Govt is lying about whether the documents are marked TS or classified? seems like that should take less than 15 minutes with respect to the 100 classified documents.

I would assume that that is correct, and whatever far-fetched arguments Trump wants to make about them.  The biggest issue there is probably those bearing Trump's handwriting and whether that gives rise to any executive privilege claim.

Then I suspect he would take up the attorney-client privileged stuff, as that is relatively straightforward also, along with any "personal" stuff.

Then what I presume would be the bulk of the documents, some of which may be subject to executive privilege claims.

Finally, I'm not sure it's going to amount to much, but there is potential for Trump to claim that some items, clearly meeting the statutory definition of Presidential Records are not, but are personal.  He has argued and there is some authority that the PRA doesn't provide judicial review of that question.  Then again, he fucking asked for it, after flouting the PRA.

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13 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:


Hahaha. Bwahahaha.  What a fucking load.  

Dearie is going to end up being their worst enemy.  Countdown before Trump starts calling him some kind of traitor or dumb-dumb.

Dearie:  Counsel, you asked for this proceeding, ostensibly for return of certain of these documents.  You at least partially invoked Rule 41.  You implied and insinuated all through your briefing that declassification may be a ground for returning documents.  The offenses under investigation do not contain classification as an element of the offense.  Whether the fact of declassification constitutes a defense in another proceeding is not my concern.  If you are going to assert it as a ground for returning these documents or keeping the government from investigating them, you are damn well going to give me an evidentiary and factual basis to do so.

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Tell me that an attempt to declassify certain state secrets particularly after you've left office is technically a criminal act without telling me that an attempt to declassify...

Also with regard to funeral seating.  First several, several rows are reserved for family and British dignitaries.  Then they fill in the church row by row.  I assume with Secret Service having to sweep such a large crowd, Bidens got there just in time and were still given protocol seating.  How the fuck does Trump not know how funeral seating works?  It's not like a wedding dipshit, "Oh, are you on the side of the dead or the living?"  Even little tiny funerals with 20 folks attending, first couple pews family and close friends/associates...then you fill towards the back upon arrival.  76 years on this planet, we gotta explain to him how pews work?  

Were I Biden, I'd throw some shade.  "Ask somebody how funeral traditions work in a church, not on a golf course."    You see Trump, at Ivana''s service, family sat on the 1st green, then close friends on the 2nd green, and then others started on the 3rd green and filled in from there...

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1 minute ago, tx 3 putt said:

what does their defense have to do with this special master ?

Very little.  In theory, at least, the government cannot discover or compel a criminal defendant to reveal trial strategy, except under very limited circumstances.  But that is within an actual indicted criminal case.

That a matter of proof in this civil proceeding happens to overlap with a defense in some unknown criminal proceeding is, I think, almost entirely irrelevant.

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20 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

What does this mean?


Also in the comments someone said the payment to the special master is still pending lol

It's not incriminate himself.

His legal team is saying it doesn't want to give facts supporting the alleged declassification thing, because that might constitute a defense to a criminal case later on.  That is a mostly spurious argument.

What he doesn't want to do is take a position on whether he declassified now.  First, because it would be a lie and it would probably be sniffed out between now and any criminal trial, and second, he doesn't want to perjure himself until he has to.

I am fairly certain that Dearie is going to say, you don't want to give evidence now, fine.  Shut the fuck up about declassification until you do.

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1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

I would assume that that is correct, and whatever far-fetched arguments Trump wants to make about them.  The biggest issue there is probably those bearing Trump's handwriting and whether that gives rise to any executive privilege claim.

Then I suspect he would take up the attorney-client privileged stuff, as that is relatively straightforward also, along with any "personal" stuff.

Then what I presume would be the bulk of the documents, some of which may be subject to executive privilege claims.

Finally, I'm not sure it's going to amount to much, but there is potential for Trump to claim that some items, clearly meeting the statutory definition of Presidential Records are not, but are personal.  He has argued and there is some authority that the PRA doesn't provide judicial review of that question.  Then again, he fucking asked for it, after flouting the PRA.

Are post it notes with the highest bid considered personal or executive privileged?

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54 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

Very little.  In theory, at least, the government cannot discover or compel a criminal defendant to reveal trial strategy, except under very limited circumstances.  But that is within an actual indicted criminal case.

That a matter of proof in this civil proceeding happens to overlap with a defense in some unknown criminal proceeding is, I think, almost entirely irrelevant.

Beyond that, you can't use whatever privilege this is as a sword.  He's the fucking Plaintiff.  He can't say "I have a claim, but you can't see any of the evidence of my claim (or even know whether I'm making a claim) because that is privileged."  GTFO with that bullshit.

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