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Donald Trump 2019

Francisco 2.0

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Not sure if posted previously..

The president's negotiating style has settled into a familiar — and increasingly ineffective — pattern.



1) Spark a crisis by threatening harsh consequences if hazy, unspecified demands aren’t met.

2) Torque the suspense as an artificial deadline approaches, while nervous observers warn of the dire consequences of going over the cliff.

3) Cut a vague, imperfect or constitutionally questionable deal at the last minute, claiming victory and savaging the critics.


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2 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

history's greatest villains

1) hitler

2) chairman mao

3) people who say 'an historic.'

it also really creases me when i hear phrases like "extremely historic".  don't try to spice up a finite adjective.

things can't be "extremely historic".  nor can they be "very unique".

i've become such a cranky grammar asshole in my middle age.

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5 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

it also really creases me when i hear phrases like "extremely historic".  don't try to spice up a finite adjective.

things can't be "extremely historic".  nor can they be "very unique".

i've become such a cranky grammar asshole in my middle age.

You have a very unique take on grammar. 

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20 minutes ago, AbeFroman said:

Let's take our massive dooshbaggery on the road.  How about Ireland?  Yah Bro!

Shameless second-rate scoundrels. I would have loved it if the barman had stopped them when they were leaving. "Are you going to pay up, sirs?"


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17 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

Shameless second-rate scoundrels. I would have loved it if the barman had stopped them when they were leaving. "Are you going to pay up, sirs?"


Well, as it turns out, even a gal -- a KENNEDY, no less -- who owns a bar in Ireland exhibits more discretion than anyone in the White House.  She knew that pressing the boys about the tab would escalate into all kinds of shit on an international scale, so she played it correctly.

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34 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

it also really creases me when i hear phrases like "extremely historic".  don't try to spice up a finite adjective.

things can't be "extremely historic".  nor can they be "very unique".

i've become such a cranky grammar asshole in my middle age.

Well, for the very unique record, capital letters area  thing.  

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5 hours ago, TornACL said:

The Donald sure loves to retweet himself. I assume he reviews the engagement numbers for each and every one of his tweets, and retweets the ones that didn't get sufficient views, likes, or retweets the first time around. 

He's also many people whenever he tweets many people....

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You know what's truly hysterical?  These fucking morons elected the Swamp Thing to "drain the swamp."  The insider/self-dealing that's going on now is more naked and corrupt than it's ever been.  They literally did the exact OPPOSITE of what they thought they were doing.  But they think if they repeat it enough -- "SWAMP DRAINED!" -- that somehow makes it true.

Idiots and suckers.  Every last fucking one of them.  And there's no cure.

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12 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

You know what's truly hysterical?  These fucking morons elected the Swamp Thing to "drain the swamp."  The insider/self-dealing that's going on now is more naked and corrupt than it's ever been.  They literally did the exact OPPOSITE of what they thought they were doing.  But they think if they repeat it enough -- "SWAMP DRAINED!" -- that somehow makes it true.

Idiots and suckers.  Every last fucking one of them.  And there's no cure.

unfortunately, the cure is information and education.

if this were the 70's/80's, tv would fix the problem.

but since twitter, facebook, etc, there's too much noise, and people just don't care.

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11 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

You know what's truly hysterical?  These fucking morons elected the Swamp Thing to "drain the swamp."  The insider/self-dealing that's going on now is more naked and corrupt than it's ever been.  They literally did the exact OPPOSITE of what they thought they were doing.  But they think if they repeat it enough -- "SWAMP DRAINED!" -- that somehow makes it true.

Idiots and suckers.  Every last fucking one of them.  And there's no cure.

It’s not that they’re idiots and suckers (those too), it’s that Trump is inflicting pain on those they don’t like (browns, libs, statists, etc.). Many of them know exactly what’s going down. They feed off of our disdain, and they get the added sense of belonging to team deplorable. They could be the person he shoots on 5th Ave. and they’d be grinning ear to ear for being a part of showing us how totally owned we are. 

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5 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

unfortunately, the cure is information and education.

if this were the 70's/80's, tv would fix the problem.

but since twitter, facebook, etc, there's too much noise, and people just don't care.

Nope. The cure is winning. They’re impervious to reason. Get the 2008 base back out and hope enough sensible Pubs stay home. 

Edited by softlynow
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2 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

well the goal is certainly winning.

as for the cure, i'm fine with the sick staying sick.

Long-term, some of those people will go back to voting their interests, but Dems have to offer them that choice again. They’ve had the choice of pain or pain and the promise of sticking it to [insert group they hate], and really made the obvious choice for the latter. 

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Winning isn’t going to solve shit without good uncompromising leadership.  We need our best and brightest to stop looking at their stock portfolios, tune in, and put in some service for the greater good.  

In other words, we’re past the point of no return and looking down the barrel of an easily preventable disaster.   I’m more interested in what will come after that.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
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friendship tree dead.

In what may be the greatest act of political satire ever performed by a plant, the symbolic “friendship tree” planted last year by Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron has died, according to reports in France. The French president gifted the young oak tree to Trump during a state visit to Washington in 2018. Photographs of the two planting the tree at the White House while their wives, Melania and Brigette, watched on were widely ridiculed on social media. But, as the two presidents’ budding bromance withered and died, so too did the tree. It was reportedly taken into quarantine after its planting with the intention of it being replanted, but it never was. In a tweet at the time, Macron said: “This oak tree (my gift to @realDonaldTrump]) will be a reminder at the White House of these ties that bind us.”



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Shocking, just shocking



The facts: There's no evidence that Mexico agreed to "large" purchases of agricultural products from the United States as part of the deal to avoid tariffs. Nor did the White House provide any details to show such a deal exists.

The joint declaration between the U.S. and Mexico released by the State Department late Friday makes no mention of agriculture. Officials from Mexico deny an agreement was reached on farm goods as part of the talks.

"Everything that was negotiated was in the joint statement," said a Mexican official familiar with the discussions who was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity. When Mexico's ambassador to the United States, Martha Barcena, was asked repeatedly Sunday on CBS' "Face the Nation" whether there was a new agricultural deal, she demurred, saying such trade between both countries should increase over time.


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12 minutes ago, RPM said:

That's the problem. When you're actually in the military you can't just add pieces of flair.

Under a normal Commander in Chief, sure. A couple more years of Trump and our armed forces will all look like Chotchkie's employees. 

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3 minutes ago, Lagunamadre said:

Under a normal Commander in Chief, sure. A couple more years of Trump and our armed forces will all look like Chotchkie's employees. 

I will give Trump credit for not forcing everybody in the Army to wear a Ranger black beret so they all feel special.  

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1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

It’s good to know they let in just any old 47 year-old.  

I don't think it's that unusual.  I have a close friend who joined the Air Force at that age, and went in as a Major.  8 years later he's now slated for 2 years at Army War College.

I'm not commenting on Priebus' qualifications, but middle age isn't an automatic disqualifier.

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4 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

Macron said: “This oak tree (my gift to @realDonaldTrump]) will be a reminder at the White House of these ties that bind us.”


Guess it wasn’t a white oak.... 

Edited by brown water
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9 hours ago, Bama Chick said:


CNN tweeted the Trump campaign is considering putting resources into Oregon.   So that's Oregon, New Mexico, New Hampshire, Nevada and Colorado they are looking to flipping.  Their map is so incredibly narrow and the numbers must be so incredible bad in the Rust Belt that they have to search for new electoral votes.

Michigan, Wisconsin, PA - 46 votes
Oregon, New Mexico, NH, Nevada, Colorado - 31 votes

Their math isn't adding up.  Fitting for people who think science and math are for libtards. 

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