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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/21 in all areas

  1. I'm trans-slender.
    30 points
  2. On TOS there was a fasting thread, and i talked a bit about some of my hard core fasting. I lost 150lbs in about 8 months and after almost 3 years I'm still 125 down. So went from 345 to 195, and i hover around 225 now (I'm 6'1 and 53 years old). So not close to skinny, but can tie my shoes and run a 10k without dying. All that to say I have some experience being fat ( i had a decade of big time obesity and a life time of needing to lose a few). I understand them. Those fatties know they are fat, they have just given up and don't think they can fix it. Every minute of the day they think about their weight, they don't go on family vacations, or if they do, it is reluctantly. That guy debated about going to the astros game because those seats are small and he knew they will be in the next person's way sitting there - but someone convinced them and they couldn't tell them why they didn't want to go. They wake up every Monday morning saying today is the day it will change and they fail by lunch. Over and over, decade after decade they fail. All that failure is just a beating and have given up. They have accepted their fate - they are committing suicide, and they know it, and they hate themselves way more than you hate them.
    28 points
  3. I love someone from the Valley being judgey about Houston. LOL.
    23 points
  4. You were in one of the fattest cities in one of the fattest states, at a game for a team with the fattest dumbest fanbases in sports. All that said, yes America has a big time fat problem.
    23 points
  5. Surly night at Minute Maid Park?
    23 points
  6. The Terrance Brooks situation reminds me of an old Louis CK bit about being on one of the first flights with WiFi. They were just testing it out and hadn’t told any of the passengers beforehand. The WiFi crapped out in the middle of the flight and the guy next to him started bitching that this was bullshit which led CK to exclaim “You didn’t even know this existed 10 seconds ago!” We all thought Brooks was going to Bama for the longest. The amount of time we thought we would land him was super short, literally less than a day, and now it’s supposed to be this great loss.
    22 points
  7. "That's, like, one 6-star, man!" Let's not pretend it's hard to make Nahlin sulk and jump off the cliff. IT was ready to pull the plug on Sark when the staff wasn't recruiting all of their perfect prospects in fucking April, then they jumped back on board once they had their nap and a juice box. FWIW, I don't think anyone should outright trust any Texas beat writers right now, at least not with a good dose of skepticism. Piggy-backing off of these remarks. I haven't heard much of Jimbo referencing EOT against Texas (from my end, at least). If so, it's hopefully because he's learned he can't cast those types of stones while he's coaching A&M. The biggest EOT slingers that I've heard of continue to be Alabama. The rest of these problems can only be invalidated by getting shit done on the field (what a revelation). I also liked the comment about perception. How successful programs recruit against each other is not how pretty much every program, regardless of their success, is currently recruiting against Texas. Much of the battles between elite programs come down to "let me show you why we can do more for you here instead" (and obviously payment for qualifying prospects). To contrast that with what Texas is dealing with currently, every school is spinning pretty much the same negative recruiting pitch outlined above. If every negative recruiting pitch can be successfully generalized to the point where the majority a kid will hear all sound the same from multiple different sources, it's going to have a stronger effect, regardless of the validity of their pitch or the resume of some of our staff. I have zero clue if Texas can reach back out to Sexton, or if they will even try. I will say it's pretty standard practice by any program to tell a kid 'sorry we're full' when they've got someone they like better in the class. @closetojumping's take regarding confidence and confirmation earlier is apt. Unfortunately for Texas, Cam gave them confirmation when he wasn't confident about it himself. I can lay out what I heard from Texas as far as how things went last weekend on Cam's visit. Monday morning, they felt like he was committed. Texas validated his commitment status early Tuesday morning. I don't know shit about what happened between when my people received that confirmation and today. I can tell you Texas is not happy about losing him this way. Hopefully they're upset enough to make them stop being so relaxed regarding the commitment status of what's now been two targets that have seemingly pulled the rug out from under them. Regardless, this is an outright loss on a prospect that had committed to Texas just days ago and had been made a priority by Flood after offering. There's not a reason to spin it as anything else, and any pessimism regarding Flood I'll admit to being warranted at this point. We've all seen good on-field coaches in the past that can't recruit or can't close, and everyone probably knows how it works out. At best, you become ND, starved of the talent you need to get over the hump. At worst, we're hiring someone else in 2 years and proclaiming them the savior of the program or the nail in the current HC's coffin. At the very least, try not to let the losses make you all jump off the ledge before a down of football has even been called by this staff.
    19 points
  8. OK, back and ready to report. Methodology: divided the world into 7 body types: 1. Dependasaurus: Capable of burning out the motor of a Rascal scooter. Early Cuyler's girlfriend. 2. Big and Fat. Like, really fat, but can walk to the elevator. Usually stand with knees kind of poked in against each other. 3. Kinda Fat. Capable of full range of activities, just obviously kinda fat and that's that. Couldn't chase you very far, but could whoop your ass if you didn't try to get away. 4. "Normal" aka Fat in 1978. People who could be healthy with minor changes like dropping junk food and taking a short walk every day. Or they could start hanging out at the buffet and get kinda fat. 5. Actually Skinny. People who could play a pick-up sports game and enjoy it. Sometimes almost the same weight as "Normal," except they move better because they are used to moving. Could also be some lazy asshole who still has a teenager's metabolism. I didn't interview them, they just looked skinny. 6. Meth Skinny. Self-explanatory. --------------- Size of sample: 43 people Activity: Shopping/working Location: Taco Bell and Hobby Lobby, at "Wildwood" shopping area Homewood Alabama Unit: individual civilians plus staff of those two stores. About 9/10s of them were female. Mix of Caucasian and African-American, plus one possibly Guatemalan or Honduran or I don't know maybe she grew up here but her daddy was from Oaxaca. I didn't interview her I just saw her walking past. Time: noonish Equipment: Blue vests for the Hobby Lobby workers, black clothing for Taco Bell, beach casual for civilians. ---------------- I needed to get my head back to 1978, so I did what I would do then, and stopped in Taco Bell to buy one of the cheapest thing they had, a Bean Burrito. To my shock, none of the three workers seemed to partake of their product; they were fit, happy, and possessed social skills. They were less good at assembling Bean Burritos because the one they gave me exploded in my hand as I ate it in my car, rather like trying to handle a baby's diaper full of diarrhea as I licked that gooey goodness off my hands. Mentally, I felt ready for Hobby Lobby. I walked into Hobby Lobby listening for the whir of Rascal wheels, but instead saw-- lots of Normal-looking people. I was surprised-- Hobby Lobby is not upscale so you don't expect to see Spa Queens or anybody who Had Work Done, but there we were, people ranging from Kinda Fat down to Actually Skinny, with no real outliers. I made one pass around the store. Whoever cam in after that, I didn't count, but I didn't see anybody very far from the average. Admittedly, it was in the eye of the beholder, but I've seen church groups from Missouri and there was nobody nearly that big. The Kinda Fats usually weren't all that much bigger than the "Normal"s. So here are my results: Dependa: 0 Big & Fat: 0 Kinda Fat: 12 "Normal": 19 Actually Skinny: 12 Meth Skinny: 0 ------------- Conclusion: Hanging out at Hobby Lobby makes people lose weight. I was less than a mile from a Walmart, a Sam's Club, and a Chinese Buffet, so no doubt those are the places to seek out more Houston Astro Game-ish numbers, but hell, I just didn't feel like it.
    18 points
  9. To be fair, he misread the course title when enrolling in the class.
    15 points
  10. My brother is fucking around and he is going to find out. He got angry at me saying he is tired of people of telling him to get the vaccine. I told him I would be really fucking angry with him if him being unvaccinated caused the death of one of our parents because he brought COVID home to them (they have the J&J shot, which we do not have real world numbers on for the Delta variant yet). I am fucking tired of his fucking feelings. I pay the mortgage on my parent's house and he lives with them. I am basically putting my foot down. He needs to get vaccinated to continue to live there. Otherwise, I cut the money off.
    14 points
  11. I'm guessing the girls did not have the same "everyone ... looks incredible" thought.
    13 points
  12. would everyone please shut the fuck up if you're not going to talk about recruiting? This is not the bitch about coaches thread.
    13 points
  13. Hahahahahaha. What the fuck is this shit? Listen, when the idiots went all in on Herman, I wanted Fuente at the time and I was simultaneously right and wrong, it turns out. Right about Herman, who purely fucking sucked, and wrong about Fuente. I'm glad Texas didn't wind up with him. He's running a program that is rotting from the inside at VT right now. They have an amazingly shitty culture, high turnover, and bad guys all over the place with middling results. As far as Sarkisian goes, not many here were high on the guy. He's hired a great staff. Our choices are to run around on the boards shouting that he sucks and anyone thinking otherwise is an idiot and we're all fucked again, or hoping he stays off the sauce and brings Texas back to power. After a couple of years of 7-Win-Steve, many of us will throw in the towel. Choosing not to do so right now doesn't make us ignorant, it just makes our lives more fun. You guys capitulating to despair ahead of actual results is your own choice, and the rest of us don't have to take that trip into the fucking tumbledown with you, sorry.
    12 points
  14. There is nothing worse to me than seeing fat kids who have fat parents because you know these kids have zero fucking shot at being in shape without a major commitment as they will be battling their parents bad choices. Seeing these big fat parents at select baseball games with their kids already looking like "Baby Huey" is sad.
    12 points
  15. There’s more people in Chicago than Asia, Europe, or America
    11 points
  16. Yeah, the point is you keep fucking up details…in every single post. This board isn’t really for the casual fan. It’s pretty much fanatics only. We won’t let that shit slide, so you can feel warm and fuzzy about being heard. You’re spouting off half truths that you want to talk about while we’re talking about what’s actually happened/happening. If I accidentally read any more of your posts, I’m going to have to take savant out of my handle.
    11 points
  17. Holy shit guys, we have fucked this up ourselves over the past 48 hours. We need to get our heads out of our asses and do our jobs.
    10 points
  18. If he did fail multiple drug tests, can we call him D.a.r.e.?
    10 points
  19. Here you go - here's the gist of it: You’re actually fucking stupid. You made an argument and provided nothing. Literally shut the fuck up and quit bitching. He hasn’t coached a down of football here. Got damn you miserable fucking cunt. You keep fucking up details…in every single post. We won’t let that shit slide, so you can feel warm and fuzzy about being heard. You’re spouting off half truths that you want to talk about while we’re talking about what’s actually happened/happening. If I accidentally read any more of your posts, I’m going to have to take savant out of my handle. You stupid mother fucker. Literally go die in a fire and choke on a bag of dicks with bob stoops you tyroneswoopes/texaslonghorns1996 bitch ass mother fucker.
    10 points
  20. I lost about 60 pounds a few years ago and have kept it off. A few scattered thoughts: 1. People who want to lose weight but never seem to do so often tell me that losing weight was really easy for me and that it’s really complicated. It was the exact opposite. It was very simple but very difficult. Friends and family minimizing the work I did is a little annoying, but I understand the psychology. And they’re still fat and I’m not, so I don’t really care. 2. I still get lots of pushback against eating choices that I make. There’s a great deal of social pressure to make food choices that make you fat. It’s a small price to pay to feel so much better, but the social pressure is real and doesn’t make things easier. 3. I think one thing that helped me was that I didn’t tell anyone what I was doing. I get the idea of a support system, but my experience has been that our culture wants you fat. I didn’t get any pressure to eat poorly until people noticed that I wasn’t fat anymore. 4. And know what I’ve eaten every day for the past 3ish years. It’s simple, but not easy. I feel so much better though. 5. I don’t think it’s so much a knowledge thing or a laziness thing or whatever. Some years back, everyone in education start using the word grit. It’s that. Losing weight is unpleasant and persisting in the unpleasantness is the price you have to pay.
    9 points
  21. popped up on my feed... and since i just mentioned her and it's exactly one year since she left us, here's Cass ❤
    9 points
  22. Then Nancy vetoes all of them and the only Republican on the panel is non traitor Cheney and Nancy probably sticks kinzinger on there as well. It’s time to stop giving one single fuck about what traitor republicans think or want.
    9 points
  23. Lol. Every guy getting indignant about the thread title and gushing their period blood all over the thread are doing a great job prolonging said thread title. also an insult to the kids? Lol. How very football board. Gonna get a “recruits patents read these message boards” next? Collectively lighten up, Francis.
    9 points
  24. Really? The governor of Texas is there giggling as a degenerate moron accused the actual President of the United States as being basically incompetent? This is decorum? This is dignity? This is a fucking graduate of my university? No one will remember Greg Abbott. He's a non-entity other than as the personification of sycophancy. He can only dream of being a Pa or MA Ferguson. I don't know why my mind goes to drowning when I view the despicable, but it does. Let their last breaths be inhales of the warm water of the Gulf of Mexico.
    9 points
  25. I don't understand the "Sark can't close" thing. He closed just fine at USC when he was drunk and oh ok I see it now.
    8 points
  26. Just picked up this beauty for my son.
    8 points
  27. I was thinking full medical history. For example, here are my x-rays from last year after a small knee operation I had that caused me to pack on a few lbs. Lab work will come in later
    8 points
  28. Her online communities who gleefully pushed her deeper down the rabbit hole. Next question.
    8 points
  29. Fixin to go to a Hobby Lobby in Alabama, will keep one hand free to count the skinny people.
    8 points
  30. America, fuck yea!
    8 points
  31. Not sure what point you're trying to make.... Floyd only got the backlash it did from the bystander video showing the cop slowly strangling him and made it public. In the Timpa case, the police HID THE FOOTAGE for three years. Your whataboutism from a right-wing rag is weak shit. No shit people are more worked up about something that just happened and is a current event, and not years-old. Turns out, crime is best prosecuted when it's fresh. Which is why the police go to such lengths to hide their criminality
    8 points
  32. On my dating app I state that I am seeking "a not too rough looking 40-something female".
    8 points
  33. If there’s one thing we know, Roma, it’s that telling me what to do and how to do it will always work out. Also, making sure to identify a chink in your online armor by explaining what irritates or bothers you, that’s key info that I will never use to push buttons.
    8 points
  34. A lesbian, a cripple and an Alzheimer's patient walk into a bar...
    8 points
  35. Fat shaming doesn't work and anyone that is an advocate of it has rocks instead of grey matter in their head. It will result in the opposite of what you are trying to achieve. Don't do it if you are genuinely trying to help someone. If you are doing it because you are an asshole than stop being an asshole.
    7 points
  36. I'd say their actions are pretty shellfish.
    7 points
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