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Donald Trump 2019

Francisco 2.0

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27 minutes ago, Goredho said:


A day later and I still can’t get over this pic.  Brisket nailed it already, but it is a perfect encapsulation of our times and should be a defining image of Trump’s fast-food Presidency.  The huckster offers America his Faustian bargain: a delicious meal: all we can eat and it will cost us nothing. In reality, it is unsubstantive, poisonous and will kill us if we consume too much.  Fuck it, we feast anyway.   Meanwhile, honest Abe looks down in contemplative judgment.  Judging not so much the huckster but *us* and the decision we have made.  Fucking brilliant.  Should win a Pulitzer Prize.  


What do you think Honest Abe's favorite menu item at McDonald's would be?  Nuggets? Quarter pounder with cheese, or do you think he would be more of a filet-o-fish man?

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16 minutes ago, Homercles said:



He uses the word ‘I’ (instead of ‘we’) more than any president I can recall.


Remember when Fox News and conservitards used to count how often Obama said "I" in his speeches?

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4 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

I believe y’all got 9-D chess’d.  Nothing is going to play better with his base than a bunch of ‘athletes’ (wink wink) turning their noses up at the free food that they were given —  that is the staple of his base’s diet.  

And they'll all believe he actually paid for that out of his own pocket, which is complete bullshit.

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1 hour ago, Chuckie Finster said:

The saddest part of this is that there is a 100% chance that Trump thought this would be a genius political move.

Judging by this thread and social media, this ranks as one of his better distractions.  Who cares about a caravan, shutdown, or the treason when he goes full white trash pizza party at the White House. 

This is better than Kanye day in the Oval Office.

However, I don’t think this distraction was intentional or by design.  He’s just naturally gifted at being so very shitty. 

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14 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Judging by this thread and social media, this ranks as one of his better distractions.  Who cares about a caravan, shutdown, or the treason when he goes full white trash pizza party at the White House. 

This is better than Kanye day in the Oval Office.

However, I don’t think this distraction was intentional or by design.  He’s just naturally gifted at being so very shitty. 


This, otoh, is more than a distraction:




Trump lost the House, so he shuts down the government indefinitely.

Edited by triplehorn
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1 minute ago, retread said:

Shuts it down with a solid assist from Turtle. I don't know if they'd overturn a veto, but if the Senate voted, it would at least get them on the record.

The Senate couldn’t get the CR through with the 5.7 wall money.  

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
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I was thinking more about the one that passed the Senate 100-0 in 2018. I think the House (2019) has passed that one. I know McC won't bring it to the floor bc it would put DOTUS in a bad position, but I'm not sure that's how Congress is supposed to function.

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1 minute ago, retread said:

I was thinking more about the one that passed the Senate 100-0 in 2018. I think the House (2019) has passed that one. I know McC won't bring it to the floor bc it would put DOTUS in a bad position, but I'm not sure that's how Congress is supposed to function.

If McConnell could, he would pass a CR in the senate with the 5.7 wall money and kick it to Nancy to take the blame. 

McConnell doesn’t even have the votes to do that.  

That’s how much of a no win situation he is in.

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2 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Fifty years from now the McDonald's fries will still be free of mold 

When the walls are closing in on him in the next few months, the only thing of comfort to Trump will be those still-edible Big Macs and stale fries that Miller stashed in the resolute desk and under the couch cushions.

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C'mon y'all. Hamberders is obviosly the secret code word to signal the Q-Anon dorks to start pouring over the fast food wrappers & how the junk food items are stacked & arranged to find Trump's hidden message.

You don't think the placement of the Fillet-o-Fish to the LEFT Lincoln's portrait isn't a huge tell? Or the sequence in which the aide lit the candles? Get woke, sheeple!

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WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Upbraiding the ESPN anchor Jemele Hill for calling Donald Trump a “white supremacist,” the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said on Wednesday that “no one has done more than President Trump to prove that white people are not superior.”

“It’s grossly unfair that Ms. Hill sought to portray Donald Trump as an upholder of white supremacy, when everything he says or does directly undermines that whole concept,” Sanders said. “Anyone who thinks that Donald Trump is on some mission to make white people look good hasn’t been paying attention.”

Sanders urged the ESPN anchor to “do her homework” on Trump before making baseless allegations. “Read his tweets,” she said. “Listen to his speeches. If you still think Donald Trump is trying to prove that white people are superior, I tip my hat to you.”

Ending on a personal note, Sanders said that she was “a hundred-per-cent sure” that her boss is not a white supremacist. “Donald Trump cannot even spell the word ‘supremacist,’ ” she said.

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1 minute ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:

C'mon y'all. Hamberders is obviosly the secret code word to signal the Q-Anon dorks to start pouring over the fast food wrappers & how the junk food items are stacked & arranged to find Trump's hidden message.

You don't think the placement of the Fillet-o-Fish to the LEFT Lincoln's portrait isn't a huge tell? Or the sequence in which the aide lit the candles? Get woke, sheeple!

Sigh....odds that the Qidiots run in this EXACT direction?  200% chance?

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