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Bernard Jr plays with cap gun. Cop busts cap in his ass.


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"The District Attorney determined the shooting was justified."

Well, yeah.  I mean, from looking at the video, it was pretty obvious that the suspect was black.



Jesus fuck.  My buddies and I used to run around our neighborhood -- including open fields, houses under construction, etc. -- with bb guns or even toy guns that looked a bit realistic -- back in the day.  We acted no differently than this kid did.  And with a .6 second warning...we all would have gotten our asses shot as well.

This LEO mentality is fucked in the head.  The burden of proof that you aren't a threat is on every single citizen who happens to be living his life, and you sometimes have .6 seconds to prove your case -- GO!  The consequence of failing to meet that burden of proof is death.  Better hurry up, you've already used up .4 seconds.....

Oh, and here's how we know the cop is 100% in the wrong: ANYONE with ANY experience around firearms (and as a cop, I presume he's been to the range a time or two) knows the sounds of "firing" that he heard from that backyard were NOT gunshots.  They were cap gun or air gun shots, without any doubt.  They were NOT gunshots.  Sound is a sensory input as much as sight.  And the sound 100% eliminated the possibility that they were real guns.

Edited by Brisketexan
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God damn that is nuts. 8th grade kid playing with a bb gun. You could by the sound it wasn't a real gun. Pussy ass cop and his bitch ass boy that comes to back him up. I love how he whispers "you shot him." Black kid with a hoodie better take him down

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Love the part where Joe Friday can't inspect for a thigh shot because he didn't bring his gloves.

Hey, asshole.  You shot him.  You shot him in the upper leg, which can be fatal if it hits the wrong blood vessel.  Fuck your gloves and your fear of contracting blAIDS and find the wound.


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That's the difference between an attitude of confrontation and an attitude of protect and serve.

Anticipating a fire-fight even though you just said it sounded like a cap-gun is what gets you a .6 second reaction after the command.

An approach of protect and serve takes the cap-gun information and lets that process through the decision making once the command is given.


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Probably will never be charged. Furtive movements, fear for his life, etc. But he showed he incapable of being a cop on the street. The other cops won't say shit but you know they think he is a dumbass as well and don't want to have him as a partner. But nothing will happen.

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First video is really depressing.


But I am confused, why is the other 7 min video on this thread-?

I'm not a fan of cops at all,  and I expect them to be lying assholes, but that video seemed to show a valid shooting.

(even though the female cop absolutely shocked as shit that she shot the guy)  dude was combative the whole time, escalated the situation, ignored the cop trying to calm him down and just give him a ticket. 

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29 minutes ago, Grade of D as in David said:

Even the ED 209 from RoboCop gave you 20 seconds to comply before shooting you.



Quite true, but the ED 209 was not terrified of being shot by a cap gun. At super-close range that sulfur smell can be really irritating to a human officer, but no so for a robocop!


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7 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:

When keeping it real goes wrong.

seat belt ticket, so fucking dumb.  Hand out a fucking warning.  Guarantee every other mother fucker wasn't wearing one either.  So few blacks in Lawrence, guarantee that's why he was the one pulled over.

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9 hours ago, mulletpelini said:

seat belt ticket, so fucking dumb.  Hand out a fucking warning.  Guarantee every other mother fucker wasn't wearing one either.  So few blacks in Lawrence, guarantee that's why he was the one pulled over.

So how did it feel to get shot in the back over a seat belt ticket, Mr. Lewis?

Mother fuckers 35 years old and has no clue how to deal with a police officer.


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