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Donald Trump 2018


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5 hours ago, ckhorn said:

I still think Hugo is a bot.


Almost 7,000 posts in less than 4.5 months.    And that's just here on SurlyHorns. It doesn't include his tweets, posts on Tiger Droppings etc.... How is that healthy ... or even possible? I'm here every day, have about 500 posts, and my gf complains that I have no life because I spend it here.




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17 minutes ago, Hornius Emeritus said:



Almost 7,000 posts in less than 4.5 months.    And that's just here on SurlyHorns. It doesn't include his tweets, posts on Tiger Droppings etc.... How is that healthy ... or even possible? I'm here every day, have about 500 posts, and my gf complains that I have no life because I spend it here.




I'm starting to think he is a paid Russian poster. But he's "our" paid Russian poster. 

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4 hours ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

You mean the one that at least prevented Iran from working toward acquiring enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon for a decade? That Iran deal? The one that now they could conceivably start rebuilding their centrifuges immediately to refine yellowcake uranium to make enough material to create a nuclear device now? Is that the Iran deal you are talking about? The one where there was international oversight into the Iranian facilities? Surely that's not the Iranian deal you're talking about.

Ive read the deal. What you're talking about doesn't exist.

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32 minutes ago, Thetexashammer said:

Ive read the deal. What you're talking about doesn't exist.

No, apparently, you haven't. If you had, you would know that what I stated is right in line with what was agreed to by the P5+1 and Iran back on 2 April 2015 and was being overseen by the IAEA.

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2 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

Obviously, he projects a lot, but I really think he's underestimating Sessions.  

As I've said, Sessions was one of the first to support him, he's a Southerner proud of his heritage and his military service, and right now, there's a draft-dodging Yankee publicly tossing him under the bus, shitting all over him.

And he's publicly questioning Sessions's backbone, honor, and integrity.  That's a stupid fucking thing to do when it comes to an old-school prosecutor from the South.

That's a good way to make sure that Sessions is going to run interference for Mueller.

And Sessions and Mueller have a helluva lot more in common than Sessions and Trump.  

He's trying to shame Sessions into quitting but Sessions has no shame

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57 minutes ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

Nixon was a crook (despite what he would have everyone believe), but at least he didn't conspire with a foreign government and actively work to destroy or undermine our Republic and institutions.

Well, actually he did secretly tank Johnson's efforts to get peace going in Viet Nam when Nixon was running for president. He was afraid of an October surprise that would sink him. Vanity Fair is where I first read the story. 

Nixon was a villain but a complicated one. He didn't operate out of greed but out of power thirst and delusion. He was neither a coward nor an idiot.  I believe his record on the environment was solid. I don't think anyone owned him. You could see why the electorate might vote for him.

He left office with 24% support. Many of those felt that he was the victim of the ebil media. I think that 24% engendered Trump's hard core support damning this country today. They won't believe anything out of sync with what they're told by a narrow array of sources. 

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1 hour ago, RomaVicta said:

Well, actually he did secretly tank Johnson's efforts to get peace going in Viet Nam when Nixon was running for president. He was afraid of an October surprise that would sink him. Vanity Fair is where I first read the story. 

Nixon was a villain but a complicated one. He didn't operate out of greed but out of power thirst and delusion. He was neither a coward nor an idiot.  I believe his record on the environment was solid. I don't think anyone owned him. You could see why the electorate might vote for him.

He left office with 24% support. Many of those felt that he was the victim of the ebil media. I think that 24% engendered Trump's hard core support damning this country today. They won't believe anything out of sync with what they're told by a narrow array of sources. 

It’s well documented in Ken Burns’ Vietnam documentary. It’s largely what led him into his paranoia. He was so concerned with America finding his treason in regards to those peace talks that he began his criminal descent. 

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10 hours ago, Mdhorn said:

Sessions does what he does because he's a straight up Southern racist that literally couldn't wait to start deporting Latinos.  So he does have that in common with Trump which is enormous.  But I sure as hell wouldn't put him in the same boat as Trump's other racist cabinet since unlike the others, he actually has a backbone and a pretty cruel one. And the fact he stayed on as long as he has shows he doesn't give two fucks about what Trumps says.  He got what he wanted, is doing the deporting part of his job with glee and has given Trump a big F'k you --fire me if you have the stones.  I think Sessions has worked with Trump behind the scenes but won't carry his water in public.  

Sure, Sessions couldn't wait to boot out brown people or crack down on The Devil's Weed.

But at some point, if he decides he wants to get some payback for the public humiliation that Trump is heaping on him (and yesterdays' tweet was pretty bad, calling him a coward), the best way is to remain where he's at and run interference for Mueller.

Plus, if Trump ever grows a spine and starts firing people, Sessions would be at the top of the list - he knows that Trump is not loyal to him in any way.

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20 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

Every day, he finds a new way to be a whiny little bitch. 

Prety obvious his lawyers got to him though, since he’s throwing proxy statements out there.

Biggest story of our time?:

9/11? - nope

Saddam Hussein?  - nope

 Multiple mass shootings at schools, concerts, churches? - nope

Natural disasters displacing thousands? - nope

Some FBI agents not wanting Trump to become President? - ding, ding, ding, winner

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8 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

Sure, Sessions couldn't wait to boot out brown people or crack down on The Devil's Weed.

But at some point, if he decides he wants to get some payback for the public humiliation that Trump is heaping on him (and yesterdays' tweet was pretty bad, calling him a coward), the best way is to remain where he's at and run interference for Mueller.

Plus, if Trump ever grows a spine and starts firing people, Sessions would be at the top of the list - he knows that Trump is not loyal to him in any way.

Agree, the most damage Sessions can do to Trump is to stay on in a recused position.   Trump doesn't do his own dirty work so he can give the appearance of keeping himself clean.  If there's a coward, it's the Donald. 

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