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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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Wow that was a wild ride.  Nicole seems like one of those people I come across in DT, and bray a bit about China, post a bunch of tweets like MBU or otherwise  right wing talking points…and I’ll nod along and say to myself ‘China does suck” or something similarly benefit-of-the-doubt.  I’ll kinda wonder if they’ve been eaten by the fox crowd or just have opinions I don’t totally agree with.  

Then they come in here, let their freak flag fly and remove all doubt about ‘their’ opinions, lack of unbiased research and critical thinking skills in a torrid cat fight.  

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11 minutes ago, Homercles said:

Wow that was a wild ride.  Nicole seems like one of those people I come across in DT, and bray a bit about China, post a bunch of tweets like MBU or otherwise  right wing talking points…and I’ll nod along and say to myself ‘China does suck” or something similarly benefit-of-the-doubt.  I’ll kinda wonder if they’ve been eaten by the fox crowd or just have opinions I don’t totally agree with.  

Then they come in here, let their freak flag fly and remove all doubt about ‘their’ opinions, lack of unbiased research and critical thinking skills in a torrid cat fight.  

“She” is a troll. The signs are all there and are frankly obvious because he sucks at it. Apparently has built up rep over time posting nude photos on other forums (no doubt giving rep to himself from socks) and has now ventured over here to bless us with his inane bullshit.

Problem is he sucks at it at it and therefore has failed his employer because it’s obvious what he is doing.

  Nice try troll. Now go get your shinebox. 

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3 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

Take your low IQ, lame Karen insults and fuck off back to the DT where you can get your sad pathetic ego stroked.

Seek help, you nasty dumb twat.

PS - none of the men on this board have any interest in fucking you. You’re desperate and it bleeds through every attention seeking post you submit.

You’re nothing but Fitlump 2.0.

Good luck on your future City Council race!

You haven't the first clue about me at all. You made it personal.  I attacked back. Not sorry. You singled me out as a poster ass-uming you know fuck all about me. Since the last several posts seem to be about me...DM me or whatever that is. I lied about leaving. Sorry. NOT SORRY. 

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12 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

“She” is a troll. The signs are all there and are frankly obvious because he sucks at it. Apparently has built up rep over time posting nude photos on other forums (no doubt giving rep to himself from socks) and has now ventured over here to bless us with his inane bullshit.

Problem is he sucks at it at it and therefore has failed his employer because it’s obvious what he is doing.

  Nice try troll. Now go get your shinebox. 


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9 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

Most women are not as stupid as you portray yourself to be. And they certainly don’t post on a male dominated college football message board. 

It’s pretty obvious you are a fraud. 

I found this site because my brother and my brother's friend  (cousin in law) were on it. I like football. I married a surly. Probably all my fault it did not work out. Sorry I am not  the fraud you think I am.


Edited by Nicole44
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4 hours ago, BrickHorn said:

“So we can get this country back - the constitutional republic of 1776.” 

That lady votes. Think about that. A complete imbecile who doesn’t even know basic facts about US history has strong opinions based on a complete misunderstanding of reality and gets to express those opinions at the voting booth, the same as educated, level-headed Americans.

We’d be better off letting chimps vote. That’s not a joke. At least their choices would be random. People like that woman systematically vote for terrible assholes based on lies. 

History books will observe that the United States of America was impregnable to any outside threat, and was only defeated by the dumbest and worst of its own people.

Errbody gonna skip over the "19th President" part?  I thought he was President 45.  Who were the other 18?

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1 minute ago, Bullneck said:

Errbody gonna skip over the "19th President" part?  I thought he was President 45.  Who were the other 18?

Please don't make me dig through my notes for an explanation of "the United States is a corporation" and how no presidents after the 18th were legit. Some stupidity is so toxic, even asbestos gloves can't stop the burn.

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2 minutes ago, StassneyHorn said:

Since Panhandle girls are MY wheelhouse. Few questions to decide if you are a girl 

1. When’s the last time you uttered“Well, I spoke to Daddy…” unprovoked in conversation?

2. When did you graduate from Okla St?

3. What did that whore of a SIL do now?

1. My dad died in 2005. He was a pathologist. UT grad like me. And most of my family.

2. I never went to Ok St

3. I have no idea what you are sayiing or how to answer.

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11 minutes ago, Walden Ponderer said:

Please don't make me dig through my notes for an explanation of "the United States is a corporation" and how no presidents after the 18th were legit. Some stupidity is so toxic, even asbestos gloves can't stop the burn.

Huh, never heard that one.looked it up



Under hashtags like #19thpresident (which has more than 235,000 views), or #march4th (which has more than 1.4 million views) TikTok users are propagating the idea that an obscure 1871 act made the United States a corporation and not a federal government, thus rendering any laws passed after that year moot and U.S. citizens not subject to them. According to this theory, the United States will revert back to its original form on March 4th, the date when presidents were inaugurated prior to the 1933 passage of the 20th amendment. They believe Trump will be sworn in as the 19th president of the United States. (The 18th president, Ulysses S. Grant, served between 1869 and 1877, or the time period when those who cling to this theory believe the United States “became” a “corporation.”)

One video linking to a YouTube video that promotes this belief has more than 44,000 views; another, featuring a woman claiming “in March, President Trump will be the original president under the US Constitution,” has more than 442,000 views. Some conspiracy theorists point to the presence of National Guard troops in Washington, D.C. until March as “evidence” to support this theory, or cite the fact that FederalRegister.gov, a database of federal register documents, is not yet listing Biden’s approved executive orders as “evidence” that his administration is a sham.

“Listen, patriots, y’all can relax. We’re going back to a republic come March. Trump will be back in the presidency but he will be the 19th president ’cause we’re not gonna be a corporation no more. We’re going back to the republic,” one TikTok creator says in a video that has also been duetted by other Trump supporters. “Your boy will be inaugurated March 4. Period, point blank, end of story,” says another TikTok creator with more than 78,000 followers, in a video that has 15,400 views.

These fucking morons will believe anything, which really helps with all the grifting.

Edited by Blotto
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1 hour ago, Nicole44 said:

You haven't the first clue about me at all. You made it personal.  I attacked back. Not sorry. You singled me out as a poster ass-uming you know fuck all about me. Since the last several posts seem to be about me...DM me or whatever that is. I lied about leaving. Sorry. NOT SORRY. 

I thought you were leaving?

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5 hours ago, Nicole44 said:

I am not backing off. Put me in timeout. Apparently I have a fan club and I doctor my pics. I want a fair fight. Also, If Colt didn't have the stinger no way you win that game, Harry Styles hooker!

BTW excellent timing. I have gone through a ton of shit recently and @Bama Chick you are the cherry on a shit sundae. 

Going through a lot of shit does not give you a pass to come in here and blather about “both sides” like the ignorant cunt that you are.  

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4 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

I mean think about it. Hopefully there is never a breakthrough variant that can beat the vaccines and then cause a significant amount of death.

But what if there is? What do you think that particular variant would do to the unvaccinated? It might kill almost half of them. 

jon stewart wish GIF

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5 hours ago, tigol said:

This is the Trump thread, not the Nicole44 thread.

I wonder who(m) might have called me out/singled me out and made it personal. Who in the fuck could it be? I only hope you can suss out the clues Nancy Drew and get back to me with One Direction. 

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4 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

Going through a lot of shit does not give you a pass to come in here and blather about “both sides” like the ignorant cunt that you are.  

Twat? I cunt hear you. Well enlighten me. Been called cunt a bunch on this "enlightened" thread. No doubt you fall on the shady side of who gives a fuck. So nice to have met u. so nice.

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1 hour ago, Nicole44 said:

Twat? I cunt hear you. Well enlighten me. Been called cunt a bunch on this "enlightened" thread. No doubt you fall on the shady side of who gives a fuck. So nice to have met u. so nice.

You are so out of your fucking league here.  I suggest you take your crazy back to the Daily Texan where they might enjoy your schtick.

Edited by PenelopeWitherspoon
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4 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

All the womenz gettin' into the fray. 

I'd propose a happy hour with just us awesome ladies...but somehow I am a cunt. Hopefully, with a bit of encouragement, some of the ladies will realize how they are "not" reflecting the ideals of the party they have chosen. Hopefully, Trump will just go away. 

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