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Donald Trump 2018


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6 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:


sigh. this is EXACTLY what tariffs do to businesses.

So now he wants to use the law to retaliate against a private business for making a business decision that is well within their legal rights.  And Republicans want to claim that he's not an authoritarian, anti-American, shit face?  

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4 hours ago, sachick said:

Anderson Cooper re: Manafort and Trump lying.

"they are all dependent on, for success, everybody else being stupid and they're all dependent on the idea that everyone else who hears them is stupid. Clearly the Mueller team is not stupid nor are the American people when they hear repeated lies from the President that are easily checked. I don't understand the kind of low level of lying, just really bad lying. "  Sorry to tell you Coop, but if this administration has show us anything, is that there is core base of stupid Americans.


David Gergin nails it. Manafort thinks his odds of getting a pardon go up if he refuses to tell the truth about a particularly damning piece of information.

I have a feeling he's right.

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1 minute ago, Chooky said:

Trump:  I'm going to apply tariffs.

American Corporations:  Don't.  That will hurt business and will likely lead to downsizing and the loss of jobs.

Trump:  Tariffs applied mothafuckas!

American Corporations:  This has hurt our business and we are downsizing and many people will lose their jobs.

Trump:  I will punish you for this.

American Corporations:  You already punished us with these policies.

Trump:  There will be more punishing LOL.

the beatings will continue until morale improves!

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13 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

David Gergin nails it. Manafort thinks his odds of getting a pardon go up if he refuses to tell the truth about a particularly damning piece of information.

I have a feeling he's right.

Odds go down on a polonium cocktail.

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Trump is graciously displaying apathy and understanding to Saudi Arabia and sparing them further derision from his own CIA director.  What a huge heart.  This whole "murder and dismemberment of a journalist" thing has been hard on them.  Enough is enough.  Let's not pile on during this stressful time they are enduring.  

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30 minutes ago, Pancho Negro said:


April seems so long ago but remember when DOTARD dropped these gems:

President Trump on Monday acknowledged that U.S. farmers could take a hit from trade disputes with China but said they will ultimately "understand" why the confrontation is necessary.

“But if we do a deal with China, if, during the course of a negotiation they want to hit the farmers because they think that hits me, I wouldn’t say that's nice. But I tell you, our farmers are great patriots,” Trump said.

“These are great patriots. They understand that they're doing this for the country," Trump said. "And we'll make it up to them. And in the end, they're going to be much stronger than they are right now.”


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I feel we've gone to far afield on the steam power ship mockery.

Trump wants to keep steam powered catapults.  We mock him for that as weird manifestation of MAGA is that catapults have to work like they did 50 years ago.


Some interpret him as saying he wants steam power for the propellers.  They mock him for that.

The ships have steam power for the screws.  That is what powers them.  That's what nuclear propulsion systems do.  They boil water.  They create steam.

I think some on here have in mind coal fired plants.

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33 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

I feel we've gone to far afield on the steam power ship mockery.

Trump wants to keep steam powered catapults.  We mock him for that as weird manifestation of MAGA is that catapults have to work like they did 50 years ago.


Some interpret him as saying he wants steam power for the propellers.  They mock him for that.

The ships have steam power for the screws.  That is what powers them.  That's what nuclear propulsion systems do.  They boil water.  They create steam.

I think some on here have in mind coal fired plants.

uh, thanks?

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1 hour ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

I feel we've gone to far afield on the steam power ship mockery.

Trump wants to keep steam powered catapults.  We mock him for that as weird manifestation of MAGA is that catapults have to work like they did 50 years ago.


Some interpret him as saying he wants steam power for the propellers.  They mock him for that.

The ships have steam power for the screws.  That is what powers them.  That's what nuclear propulsion systems do.  They boil water.  They create steam.

I think some on here have in mind coal fired plants.

What are you, some kinda Einstein?

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5 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

Why the hell is he giving a penny?  And if so, why in isolation?  Trump wants that money so bad.  You could tie it to all sorts of stuff.

Do we know if it's in isolation?  

Do we know it isn't tied to other things or constrained in some way (i.e., Schumer: "You can say it's for your wall, I don't give a shit.  But if you use it for anything but X, it stops.")

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Against that backdrop the administration is increasingly nervous that the Senate will rebel against its policy of maintaining support for Riyadh and Prince Mohammed, asserting its powers under the War Powers Resolution.

As of Tuesday, however, the Senate was told by the administration to expect only Pompeo and Mattis at the Wednesday briefing. The White House did not respond to a query on the absence of an intelligence official.

“There is always an intel person there for a briefing like this,” a Senate staffer told the Guardian. “It is totally unprecedented and should be interpreted as nothing less than the Trump administration trying to silence the intelligence community.”

Bruce Riedel, a veteran CIA official and an expert on the US-Saudi relationship at the Brookings Institution, said: “Gina [Haspel] has been the case officer on this. She traveled to Turkey and she is the one who listened to the tapes and is reported to have briefed the president multiple times.

“This is further evidence that the White House is trying to outdo the Saudis in carrying out the worst cover-up in modern history,” Riedel added.


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