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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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Thankfully there's a Republican civil war going on right now.  Well, it's turning into a Republican vs Trumpkins civil war, and it's going to be a messy divorce.

It won’t be. The old Republicans have already lost. This is just their Battle of the Bulge, a last dying gasp of a side that has long-since been defeated.
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When I was watching the video of the policeman being crushed in the door as the invaders were doing a rhythmic heave-ho to break it down, I kept thinking he should pull his weapon and shoot the guy pulling on his mask. As his suffering continued, I thought that the other police should do the same: pull their weapons, fire warning shots, and then fire into the attackers. Maybe shoot low if it's an option.

They would have been justified. Then what? Would it have been better to clear the mob in a hail of gunfire rather than have it play out the way it did. I'm truly wondering.

As it happened, it has taken days to discern how much more dangerous that crowd was than it first appeared when all we saw was a wandering mob of idiots taking selfies. Even so, there is no question of who the malefactors were and the death toll is as low as one could expect.

If there had been gunfire killing and wounding the mob, what happens then? We are a stupid country. Would we focus on police over-reaction and, in that argument, lose sight of how far-reaching and intentional this invasion was? We might actually be sidetracked on a detail rather than the whole picture. I'll use the example of school shootings which exclusively slide into arguments about gun laws while ignoring other important aspects like mental health and our murderous culture (we're always number one among democracies! Bigly!)

Consider the optics of a fusilade in the Capitol with screaming victims. The sound. The shots heard 'round the world as a gun fight breaks out at the seat of American government. We would be defined, likely forever, as gun-crazed, violent, and crazy. And constantly self-congratulatory about it.

These times are unique to history. Immediate communication of any and all information streaming through myriad media with no filter for truth. Middle-age adherence to cult beliefs melded to wide sharing of same. Q Anon, what took you so long? Pizzagate is the modern equivalent of plague era Europeans accusing the Jews of poisoning the wells (which, by the way, the Jews also drank from) to bring on the disease.

Id-ee-ittt world.

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43 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

You are both right and wrong. How’s that for a both sides? 

You are right that we are dealing with terrorists. The definition fits. However the right wing white trash domestic terrorist brigade that calls its MAGA has gone too far this time and is not strong enough nor sophisticated enough to accomplish what it wants. The reason they were able to storm the capitol is because trump let them and wanted it to happen. Trumps terror reign will end in a few days and with it will end the ability of the white trash terrorists to do jack shit.

You are wrong that we are in big trouble. Once trump is gone the full weight of the federal government will shift and be unleashed on these people and even though traitors like Cruz and Rawley won’t support it, the assault on the white trash maga terrorists will be supported by the full weight of corporate America, the defense industry and the American military, and oh yeah, 60 percent of the country.

The terrorists are right about one thing. A storm is coming. Just not the one they expect. 

32 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

In America today and once Trump is gone and the pandemic has hopefully subsided, you can either take up arms against the country in defense of the orange god, or you can go to Six Flags and Applebee’s on the way home while bitching on Twitter on your iPhone. 99.9 percent of MAGA will choose the latter when given a choice. The rest will be dealt with.

The MAGA types, not the mentally ill Qanon types mind you, but the everyday MAGA types, they are simply not hungry enough to take their little revolution to any kind of conclusion.  They are going to suddenly remember they have other things they need to do.  They have their homes, their jobs, as you say they want to hit up Applebees, want to get in their twitter of Facebook posts, want to take in the grandkids soccer game or there's some shows they want to watch on Netflix or whatever.

The MAGA types are just not hungry enough to risk it all for Trump.

Hell, we saw this just under a year ago, when these people talked about being prepared for the apocalypse, but covid hit, and they couldn't go a few weeks without Chili's or SuperCuts.  People who claimed to be prepped for the end times couldn't handle waiting in a 15-minute line at Walmart, or wearing a piece of fabric, or being asked to wash their hands.  And apparently those motherfuckers were ready for the end times, but hadn't bothered stocking up on toilet paper.

And for all of the body armor they were wearing on Wednesday, they weren't actually prepare to mix things up with police - that was one of the glaring differences between the MAGA/Qanon crowd, and the antifa/BLM crowd.  The Antifa/BLM crowd come prepared to deal with tear gas and pepper spray, they come with medics.  The Antifa/BLM crowd assume they are going to get tear gassed and pepper sprayed and hit with batons.


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9 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

Out of all the grim news and such, thank you so much for coming through with the goods mchookem. My oh my, how on earth have I missed this dish?

you're obviously not a vampire fan 😄 he's also really, really tall 😛


Edited by mchookem
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1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

If y’all don’t think that we are already in the midst of a protracted civil war - which will turn hot more times than we should be comfortable with - you haven’t been paying attention.

This is an insane, religiously fanatical terrorist movement. They believe in things more fantastical - and much more dangerous - than any religion does. There are tens of millions of them. And they are fanatically dedicated to their orange god.

We are in deep, deep trouble. It is going to get worse. Much worse.

Pass the scotch.  I’m watching the snow fall from The Ledge. 

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18 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

It won’t be. The old Republicans have already lost. This is just their Battle of the Bulge, a last dying gasp of a side that has long-since been defeated.

The old Republicans that just laid down and resigned, opening up their seats for fanatical Trumpists made this much worse more quickly. 

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11 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

I am so fucking tired of the, he's learned his lesson shit. 

Blunt has a decision to make and he made it.  Does he want to get re-elected to the Senate.  His constituents in Missouri won't elect him if goes against Trump.  He chose his job over his country.  Many others are doing the same.  Do I blame him/them for being weak assed bitches?  Yes.  Do I find more blame on the actual people in his state of Missouri that will vote him out or primary him that are the reason he is acting like a coward?  Yes again.  The country can't be fixed until all of these people are fixed and sadly I don't see that as viable at this point.

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Holy hell, do any of these idiots have children? That was the lesson we taught ours: action have consequences. Nothing worse than watching a parent try and negotiate with a toddler. Little miniature terrorists they are. You love em with all your heart, but when they act out in age appropriate ways, it's imperative that you, the parent, set the course for resolution and you don't blink. Would you allow your two year old to play with matches a second time after they burned the living room carpet?


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1 hour ago, Patrick Bateman said:

LOL.  This is going to grind his gears more than anything...... becoming persona non grata.  He'll always have his rednecks but he'll be like OJ, roaming around that shitty or 2nd rate places.


He can just open up his courses to his MAGA cult faithful.  That should go well.


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50 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

The MAGA types, not the mentally ill Qanon types mind you, but the everyday MAGA types, they are simply not hungry enough to take their little revolution to any kind of conclusion.  They are going to suddenly remember they have other things they need to do.  They have their homes, their jobs, as you say they want to hit up Applebees, want to get in their twitter of Facebook posts, want to take in the grandkids soccer game or there's some shows they want to watch on Netflix or whatever.

The MAGA types are just not hungry enough to risk it all for Trump.

Hell, we saw this just under a year ago, when these people talked about being prepared for the apocalypse, but covid hit, and they couldn't go a few weeks without Chili's or SuperCuts.  People who claimed to be prepped for the end times couldn't handle waiting in a 15-minute line at Walmart, or wearing a piece of fabric, or being asked to wash their hands.  And apparently those motherfuckers were ready for the end times, but hadn't bothered stocking up on toilet paper.

And for all of the body armor they were wearing on Wednesday, they weren't actually prepare to mix things up with police - that was one of the glaring differences between the MAGA/Qanon crowd, and the antifa/BLM crowd.  The Antifa/BLM crowd come prepared to deal with tear gas and pepper spray, they come with medics.  The Antifa/BLM crowd assume they are going to get tear gassed and pepper sprayed and hit with batons.


That’s a very good point about the differences.....

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38 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

That’s a very good point about the differences.....

And the millions of other MAGA types are watching the DC MAGAs being arrested, being doxxed, losing their jobs, having their businesses impacted, etc.

I look at all of the MAGA types I personally know, and for all of their bluster on Facebook, if you told them "you have a choice, show your support and go storm some Capitol building, go attack some legislators, and risk being arrested and going to jail and losing your jobs, with a felony or two on your record, or stay home and bitch on Facebook", they will choose Facebook every time.

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1 hour ago, RPM said:

He was great in Generation Kill.

a buddy of mine was in that and became pals with most of those guys.  i've hung out with alex a couple of times in public (after genkill and before everything else) and seeing how women reacted to him, even out here, was...something. 

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1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

Telling everybody that Trump "won't touch the hot stone again" is basically asking Trump to touch the hot stone again.

As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began. 
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire, 
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

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3 hours ago, Patrick Bateman said:

LOL.  This is going to grind his gears more than anything...... becoming persona non grata.  He'll always have his rednecks but he'll be like OJ, roaming around that shitty or 2nd rate places.


Jack Nicholson Reaction GIF

What I’d really like to see: the USGA refuse to rate any of his courses, authorize them, or accept scores from rounds played at them.

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2 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

Jack Nicholson Reaction GIF

What I’d really like to see: the USGA refuse to rate any of his courses, authorize them, or accept scores from rounds played at them.

Eminent Domain and build some public housing projects.  Maybe a mental health care facility or two.  Black Lives Matter and Antifa headquarters.  Things like that.

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7 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

Jack Nicholson Reaction GIF

What I’d really like to see: the USGA refuse to rate any of his courses, authorize them, or accept scores from rounds played at them.


2 minutes ago, conVINCEd said:

Eminent Domain and build some public housing projects.  Maybe a mental health care facility or two.  Black Lives Matter and Antifa headquarters.  Things like that.

Just make it caddy day all day every day


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3 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

The MAGA types, not the mentally ill Qanon types mind you, but the everyday MAGA types, they are simply not hungry enough to take their little revolution to any kind of conclusion.  They are going to suddenly remember they have other things they need to do.  They have their homes, their jobs, as you say they want to hit up Applebees, want to get in their twitter of Facebook posts, want to take in the grandkids soccer game or there's some shows they want to watch on Netflix or whatever.

The MAGA types are just not hungry enough to risk it all for Trump.

Hell, we saw this just under a year ago, when these people talked about being prepared for the apocalypse, but covid hit, and they couldn't go a few weeks without Chili's or SuperCuts.  People who claimed to be prepped for the end times couldn't handle waiting in a 15-minute line at Walmart, or wearing a piece of fabric, or being asked to wash their hands.  And apparently those motherfuckers were ready for the end times, but hadn't bothered stocking up on toilet paper.

And for all of the body armor they were wearing on Wednesday, they weren't actually prepare to mix things up with police - that was one of the glaring differences between the MAGA/Qanon crowd, and the antifa/BLM crowd.  The Antifa/BLM crowd come prepared to deal with tear gas and pepper spray, they come with medics.  The Antifa/BLM crowd assume they are going to get tear gassed and pepper sprayed and hit with batons.


Here’s the thing though. These are all reasons they won’t be successful in achieving the white supremacist state that they want. But none of it means they can’t do an extreme amount of damage in trying.

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Stripe quit processing donations on Trump's websites





Stripe Inc. will no longer process payments for President Trump’s campaign website following last week’s riot at the Capitol, according to people familiar with the matter.

The financial-technology company handles card payments for millions of online businesses and e-commerce platforms, including Mr. Trump’s campaign website and online fundraising apparatus. Stripe is cutting off the president’s campaign account for violating its policies against encouraging violence, the people said.




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10 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

Stripe quit processing donations on Trump's websites







That’ll put a dent in the grift until they can find another processor. This sort of thing makes me wonder what conversations are going on over at Deutsche Bank over the last several days.

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16 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

What's his hot take on twitter today?  Oh right.

The Donald losing his twitter account is huge. Much bigger than most realize. trump is a narcissistic idiot but he is smart enough to realize the implications. Twitter made him with his Russian inspired birther conspiracy he amplified with Twitter. Without it, he has nothing. 

Good luck finding an alternative.  It won’t happen. 

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The Donald losing his twitter account is huge. Much bigger than most realize. trump is a narcissistic idiot but he is smart enough to realize the implications. Twitter made him with his Russian inspired birther conspiracy he amplified with Twitter. Without it, he has nothing. 
Good luck finding an alternative.  It won’t happen. 

Pelosi was on 60 minutes tonight talking impeachment and the 25th amendment. It must be killing him not being able to respond on Twitter.
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21 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

I'm hearing right wing folks that are canceling their twitter accounts and now having parler get yanked are trying gab. Is that something you can view without joining? Is it going to work for them in the same way as the previous two?

you can view their posts without joining. It doesn't seem user friendly nor easy to read from what little poking around I did. 


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I just did a little rooting around. This is the creator's blog apparently? Goldwater saw this coming, but *sigh* the *WASC FASHY people seem very much at home there. I forgot that Gab got deplatformed due to the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter, but I recall not knowing what Gab was then either. Just assumed it was a chatroom. This seems a lot more like twitter than I realized.

From the blog:


This is a sample of their tweets. Like a lot of businesses, they scream about twitter, but they use it.

Is the reason they have a frog because of the Pepe frog?

And this seems to be the patriarchal evangelistic nationalistic part. Click on the second tweet to see the full manifesto. They can (and probably will if given the opportunity) pry the 19th Amendment from my cold dead hands.



*They don't seem to be WASP with the protestant as much as Christian militants. This was also by the creator.

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3 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

I just did a little rooting around. This is the creator's blog apparently? Goldwater saw this coming, but *sigh* the *WASC FASHY people seem very much at home there. I forgot that Gab got deplatformed due to the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter, but I recall not knowing what Gab was then either. Just assumed it was a chatroom. This seems a lot more like twitter than I realized.

From the blog:


This is a sample of their tweets. Like a lot of businesses, they scream about twitter, but they use it.

Is the reason they have a frog because of the Pepe frog?

And this seems to be the patriarchal evangelistic nationalistic part. Click on the second tweet to see the full manifesto. They can (and probably will if given the opportunity) pry the 19th Amendment from my cold dead hands.



*They don't seem to be WASP with the protestant as much as Christian militants. This was also by the creator.

In my opinion They are Christians in Name only. 

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