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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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22 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:


they 100% know this grift is coming to an end - cash in as much as you can, as fast as you can 

Edited by tx 3 putt
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On 9/11/2021 at 11:08 AM, Js1 said:

Clinton/Obama doing something with Pres Biden in NYC. GWB is with VP Harris in Pennsylvania. 

Trump is doing boxing. Still so fucking rage inducing we elected this selfish man-baby president. 

What’s even more mind boggling is how anyone could watch the incompetence and corruption of his four years in office, vote for him again, and they’ll vote for him again if he runs in 2024. People who claim to be in favor of democracy, or public health, or Christianity, or simple human decency. It betrays the lie that they ever believed in any of those things in the first place.

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What’s even more mind boggling is how anyone could watch the incompetence and corruption of his four years in office, vote for him again, and they’ll vote for him again if he runs in 2024. People who claim to be in favor of democracy, or public health, or Christianity, or simple human decency. It betrays the lie that they ever believed in any of those things in the first place.

“Now let’s go down to the Capitol!”

Capitol is stormed, some organized by domestic terror cell, police bashed, police and national guard stand down, the most ignominious day in US history orchestrated by the President.

10-20% believe they no longer want a Federal government and knew Trump orchestrated it, that he is a useful idiot playing the part to destroy the Union and strengthen white, fascist, or mysogonistic culture

10-20% believe it was a false flag Antifa conspiracy and they love Trump

10-20% are true red conservatives and were outraged at Trump’s behavior but believe both sides are responsible or are so low information they dont know what the fuck happened

That about right?
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“Now let’s go down to the Capitol!”

Capitol is stormed, some organized by domestic terror cell, police bashed, police and national guard stand down, the most ignominious day in US history orchestrated by the President.

10-20% believe they no longer want a Federal government and knew Trump orchestrated it, that he is a useful idiot playing the part to destroy the Union and strengthen white, fascist, or mysogonistic culture

10-20% believe it was a false flag Antifa conspiracy and they love Trump

10-20% are true red conservatives and were outraged at Trump’s behavior but believe both sides are responsible or are so low information they dont know what the fuck happened

That about right?

Now what the believe and what they say are different. There are posters here that say things like they are in the 3rd category but are likely in the 1st category to some extent. Maybe they’re not fascist but nihilist and think the world order needs an reset.
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34 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

The only thing keeping January 6 from being the worst day in American history is that the Trump coup ultimately failed. It is easily the most embarrassing day in American history by any metric and nothing has caused us greater disrespect and deservedly so. 


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58 minutes ago, Eskimohorn said:

“Now let’s go down to the Capitol!”

Capitol is stormed, some organized by domestic terror cell, police bashed, police and national guard stand down, the most ignominious day in US history orchestrated by the President.

10-20% believe they no longer want a Federal government and knew Trump orchestrated it, that he is a useful idiot playing the part to destroy the Union and strengthen white, fascist, or mysogonistic culture

10-20% believe it was a false flag Antifa conspiracy and they love Trump

10-20% are true red conservatives and were outraged at Trump’s behavior but believe both sides are responsible or are so low information they dont know what the fuck happened

That about right?

Some responded that what really bothered them was vandalism committed during what were mostly peaceful demonstrations after the murder of George Floyd. The attempted overthrow of the U.S. government? No big deal. But the attempted overthrow of a CVS? That’s serious business. 

Edited by WhatTheBuck
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2 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

meh, melania is a dumb whore that trapped a billionaire dumb ass. when does melania sign her book deal ?

Probably in the pre-nup.

Then again, could Trump afford to divorce her at this point?  What if he can't provide the money necessary to make her and Barron go away?  Do any agreements fall by the wayside at that point?

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2 hours ago, Eskimohorn said:

Now what the believe and what they say are different. There are posters here that say things like they are in the 3rd category but are likely in the 1st category to some extent. Maybe they’re not fascist but nihilist and think the world order needs an reset.

There's no way for those posters to be financially secure enough to weather the fall of the federal government, and same goes for most who are voting Republican these days. As in getting the fuck out of Dodge if things go to shit, and living in a stable country.  Most can't do it, and even if they could, if they have not prepared for that and are not already leaving the country when things start getting dicey, they are fucked like everybody else.

The real shit-stirrers, like the Proud Boys up in Oregon who have the time on their hands to go around starting shit during weekdays - way too many are types who clearly don't have much too lose, and are either living in their parents' basement, or are living paycheck-to-paycheck.  Most of them aren't guys who are pulling down decent salaries, who own their own homes, aren't leasing Corvettes, have families, etc.

Or they are mentally ill.


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Okay, of all the dumb books and interviews and hacking threats made lately, there is actually a modicum of possibility that rogue detonation of nuclear weapons by Trump could actually strike a chord with some of his minions.  Not many, but some.  Even the dumb ones know what nuclear bombs do.

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9 minutes ago, Lobo said:

Okay, of all the dumb books and interviews and hacking threats made lately, there is actually a modicum of possibility that rogue detonation of nuclear weapons by Trump could actually strike a chord with some of his minions.  Not many, but some.  Even the dumb ones know what nuclear bombs do.

it’ll only fire up the base. Big govt was holding him back !!!

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9 minutes ago, Lobo said:

Okay, of all the dumb books and interviews and hacking threats made lately, there is actually a modicum of possibility that rogue detonation of nuclear weapons by Trump could actually strike a chord with some of his minions.  Not many, but some.  Even the dumb ones know what nuclear bombs do.

Not sure if serious. They already turned on Milley months ago when he eviscerated the "CRT is evil" crowd. This story won't even register. Just the MSM blowing up the lies of a lying liar who was super jelly of Trump.

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Here's the NYT article.  Where Dan Quayle is the voice of reason:





The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff twice called his Chinese counterpart in the final months of the Trump administration to reassure him that Donald J. Trump had no plans to attack China in an effort to remain in power and that the United States was not collapsing, according to “Peril,” a new book by the Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Robert Costa.

“Things may look unsteady,” the chairman, Gen. Mark A. Milley, told Gen. Li Zuocheng of China on Jan. 8, two days after Mr. Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol to try to stop the certification of his election loss and in the second of two such calls. “But that’s the nature of democracy, General Li. We are 100 percent steady. Everything’s fine. But democracy can be sloppy sometimes.”



Yet despite his assurances, General Milley was so concerned about Mr. Trump that later that day he convened a meeting with top commanders to remind them that the procedures for launching a nuclear weapon called for his involvement in such a decision.

The book also reveals how Vice President Mike Pence struggled more than was publicly known over how to navigate Mr. Trump’s demands that he upend the election certification. Speaking privately to former Vice President Dan Quayle, who oversaw the certification of the 1992 election in which he was on the losing ticket, Mr. Pence appeared open to going along with Mr. Trump’s plan, pushed the false claim that Arizona’s voting results were wrong and asked whether there was any way he could delay certification.



“Peril,” which is scheduled to be released next Tuesday, says its accounts are based on contemporaneous notes, documents and interviews with unnamed firsthand participants and witnesses. The New York Times obtained a copy of it.

Similar to other media reports and books released since Mr. Trump left office, the book details how Mr. Trump’s presidency essentially collapsed in his final months in office, particularly after his election loss and the start of his campaign to deny the results. Top aides — including General Milley, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Attorney General William P. Barr — became convinced that they needed to take drastic measures to stop him from trampling on American democracy or setting off an international conflict, and General Milley thought that Mr. Trump had declined mentally in the aftermath of the election, according to the book.

A little less than half of the book also covers the first several months of Joseph R. Biden’s administration, as the new president grappled with the pandemic, a faltering economy, Congress and the military’s withdrawal from Afghanistan.

“If the mission is to preserve the Ghani government, I would not send my own son,” Mr. Biden is quoted as telling aides in his first few months in office during the discussions about the withdrawal, referring to President Ashraf Ghani, who at the time was trying to repel the Taliban from taking over the country.

But it is the book’s details about the Trump administration that are likely to garner the most attention.

In the days leading up to the 2020 election, the book reveals, American intelligence showed that the Chinese believed that Mr. Trump planned to launch a military strike to create an international crisis that he could claim to solve as a last-ditch effort to beat Joseph R. Biden Jr.

General Milley, who had become increasingly concerned about China’s growing military power and the potential for one misread move to set off combat between the world superpowers, first called General Li around that time on a secret backchannel. He wanted to assure General Li and President Xi Jinping that the United States was not planning to attack China.

On the Jan. 8 call, General Li suggested that Chinese leaders feared that the United States government was unstable. He pressed General Milley over the course of an hour and a half about whether the military was going to take action.

Despite General Milley’s reassurances, he feared that Mr. Trump might be trying to find a moment that he could seize on to remain in power, similar to Hitler’s exploitation in 1933 of an arson fire at the German Reichstag to help institute emergency powers, the book said.

But even after the call, General Milley concluded that the situation was “grave” and General Li “remained unusually rattled,” the book reports.

Mr. Trump, General Milley had concluded, did not want a war but might order the launch of some sort of military strike that would set off a chain reaction and lead to war.

“I continually reminded him,” General Milley is quoted as saying, “depending on where and what you strike, you could find yourself at war.”

Later that day, General Milley spoke to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was growing increasing concerned Mr. Trump would lash out and use military force.

“This is bad, but who knows what he might do?” Ms. Pelosi said. “He’s crazy. You know he’s crazy. He’s been crazy for a long time. So don’t say you don’t know what his state of mind is.”

“Madam Speaker,” General Milley said, “I agree with you on everything.”

General Milley, who as the president’s top military adviser is not in the chain of command, tried to reassure Ms. Pelosi that he could stop Mr. Trump.

“The one thing I can guarantee is that as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, I want you to know that — I want you to know this in you heart of hearts, I can guarantee you 110 percent that the military, use of military power, whether it’s nuclear or a strike in a foreign country of any kind, we’re not going to do anything illegal or crazy,” he said.

“Well,” Ms. Pelosi said, “what do you mean, illegal or crazy?”

“I can give you my word,” General Milley said. “The best I can do is give you my word and I’m going to prevent anything like that in the United States military.”

After speaking to Ms. Pelosi, General Milley convened a meeting in a war room at the Pentagon with the military’s top commanders, telling them that he wanted to go over the longstanding procedures for launching a nuclear weapon. The general reminded the commanders that only the president could order such a strike and that General Milley needed to be directly involved.

“If you get calls,” General Milley said, “no matter who they’re from, there’s a process here, there’s a procedure. No matter what you’re told, you do the procedure. You do the process. And I’m part of that procedure. You’ve got to make sure that the right people are on the net.”

The general added: “The strict procedures are explicitly designed to avoid inadvertent mistakes or accident or nefarious, unintentional, illegal, immoral, unethical launching of the world’s most dangerous weapons.”

Then, he went around the room and asked each officer to confirm that they understood what he was saying.

Twelve days later, General Milley said, he thought he may be one of the happiest people at Mr. Biden’s inauguration because Mr. Trump had finally left office.

“We know what you went through,” Mr. Biden told General Milley shortly before the inauguration. “We know what you did.”

While much had been reported about General Milley’s views of Mr. Trump, the book’s depiction of Mr. Pence revealed for the first time the depths that the vice president went to as his fealty to toward Mr. Trump collided with calculations about his political future and the counsel of his aides and advisers to follow the Constitution.

In the days leading up to Jan. 6, Mr. Pence called Mr. Quayle, the only living Republican vice president forced to certify an election in which he was on the losing ticket.

Mr. Pence told him that the president was convinced that Mr. Pence could throw out the election results in order to keep himself in power.

“Mike, you have no flexibility on this,” Mr. Quayle told Mr. Pence. “None. Zero. Forget it. Put it away.”

“I know, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell Trump,” Mr. Pence said. “But he really thinks he can. And there are other guys in there saying I’ve got this power.”

Mr. Pence then echoed Mr. Trump’s false claims of election fraud. “Well, there’s some stuff out in Arizona,” Mr. Pence said.

“Mike, I live in Arizona,” Mr. Quayle said. “There’s nothing out here.”


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Jesus, that's so fucking sad.  

"Guess what Quayle?  I can put you in Arizona the night of the election fraud!" 

"Really Mike?  I live in Arizona.  Did you put that together yourself Pence?  You got a team of Rudy lawyers working around the clock on this?"  

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Mike'll flip ya.  He'll flip the results for real.



Also, I found this statement odd.  "the only living Republican vice president forced to certify an election in which he was on the losing ticket."

I figured he had to be the only one alive at all regardless of party.  Turns out google says Walter Mondale just died, so at the time of the certification there was a D VP in that position.  

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Didn't Gore kinda have to do that same thing?  He was the sitting VP/president of the Senate in January of 2001 when he had to certify the EC votes.  I mean, his ticket was going out either way...but he also had to certify his own demise vote?  I dunno, Pence was in a weird spot.  I have no sympathy for him.  But it has to be weird when your man-crush tries to have you hung before you ever got to see how hung he was.  

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Just now, Lobo said:

Didn't Gore kinda have to do that same thing?  He was the sitting VP/president of the Senate in January of 2001 when he had to certify the EC votes.  I mean, his ticket was going out either way...but he also had to certify his own demise vote?  I dunno, Pence was in a weird spot.  I have no sympathy for him.  But it has to be weird when your man-crush tries to have you hung before you ever got to see how hung he was.  

Yeah Gore had to announce his presidential loss to the Senate lol. 

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34 minutes ago, Macanudo said:

This might leave a mark.


29 minutes ago, Lobo said:

Okay, of all the dumb books and interviews and hacking threats made lately, there is actually a modicum of possibility that rogue detonation of nuclear weapons by Trump could actually strike a chord with some of his minions.  Not many, but some.  Even the dumb ones know what nuclear bombs do.


They're not losing anyone.

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1 hour ago, Js1 said:

Yeah Gore had to announce his presidential loss to the Senate lol. 

Yeah, a man decided to do what he thought was best for the country only to become a target of ridicule for the hate engine.

That pretty much tells you all you need to know about how we got here.


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4 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

New Woodward book being discussed on CNN.  Claims generals took action behind the scenes to stop dotard from killing us all.  

4 hours ago, Macanudo said:

This might leave a mark.

3 hours ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

Not a fucking thing will come out of it.  Dotard will fall back on his two magic words, “fake news”, and the circus seals will go right back to barking and clapping like usual.


I fully expect Trump to not only admit that he was a wild card and the generals were working against him, but that he should get a do-over.

He's going to use this as 100% proof that he deserves a do-over.


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Chuckie gets it. The republic being destroyed and incinerated is a feature of their worldview, not a bug.

And the GQP is all-in. Again, we have a political party that is openly dedicated to destroying the Republic, because of they can’t have it, nobody can.

This fucking timeline.
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