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Donald Trump 2020

Francisco 2.0

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1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

This is a man who has been able to push people around his entire life to get his way, rules be damned.  It's blowing his mind that it finally isn't working.

I’d argue it is working. He won’t win but he is going to go out a winner to about 35 million people and he has received enough support that seemed unthinkable for a political party to provide in a situation like this. He won’t likely be charged because the Dems are pussies. He won’t have to run the country.

And because his team has spent the past two months moving the goalposts on COVID so that the vaccine is the main and only talking point, he will be hailed by his supporters as a god. Not to mention the Maggie Habermans of the world are waiting to give him a lot of credit in about 6 months.

Did I mention getting unthinkable support in destroying democracy?

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Hitler sold German high command on a whole bunch of bullshit, like the hollow earth theory, but on the other hand he was also competent as fuck at a wide variety of things. The use of side-by-side-by-hundreds-of-sides tennis courts, for example, to circumvent rules against building airstrips? Brilliant. He completely fucked over the rules the French wrote after WWI in ways that the Giant Orange Windbag never in a billion years would have been able to pull off.

So, does Trump have as few ethical qualms as Hitler? Maybe. Was he even remotely as competent as Hitler? Not in a billion fucking years.

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3 hours ago, Walden Ponderer said:

Hitler sold German high command on a whole bunch of bullshit, like the hollow earth theory, but on the other hand he was also competent as fuck at a wide variety of things. The use of side-by-side-by-hundreds-of-sides tennis courts, for example, to circumvent rules against building airstrips? Brilliant. He completely fucked over the rules the French wrote after WWI in ways that the Giant Orange Windbag never in a billion years would have been able to pull off.

So, does Trump have as few ethical qualms as Hitler? Maybe. Was he even remotely as competent as Hitler? Not in a billion fucking years.

Bush 2 is as dingbat as they come but he had evil greedy fuckers right in his orbit who financially ruined the country, the economy, and set up decades long wars to murder millions of civilians and soldiers for their own profit. 


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Has Milos ever actually been for anything in his entire life? I mean, it's pretty much the American style of nihilism; the Russian variety was all anarchist and bleak, but the American variety of just being against everything is a cocaine-fueled fun ride through dystopian capitalist excess. The fact that a bunch of redneck dumbasses who would just as soon use Milos for target practice as for anything else comprise his target demographic is rife with irony, but it is nowhere near as satisfying as irony-rich schadenfreude ought to be. It's mostly just sad.

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12 minutes ago, Walden Ponderer said:

Has Milos ever actually been for anything in his entire life? I mean, it's pretty much the American style of nihilism; the Russian variety was all anarchist and bleak, but the American variety of just being against everything is a cocaine-fueled fun ride through dystopian capitalist excess. The fact that a bunch of redneck dumbasses who would just as soon use Milos for target practice as for anything else comprise his target demographic is rife with irony, but it is nowhere near as satisfying as irony-rich schadenfreude ought to be. It's mostly just sad.

I don't know much about him, but I've seen him on a TV show (Maher, maybe?).  My impression was he's a super-fruity gay dude that tells everybody it's OK to shit on gays.  I think he said something along the lines of "gays are shitty employees because they're always thinking about cock". 

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8 minutes ago, Walden Ponderer said:

Has Milos ever actually been for anything in his entire life? I mean, it's pretty much the American style of nihilism; the Russian variety was all anarchist and bleak, but the American variety of just being against everything is a cocaine-fueled fun ride through dystopian capitalist excess. The fact that a bunch of redneck dumbasses who would just as soon use Milos for target practice as for anything else comprise his target demographic is rife with irony, but it is nowhere near as satisfying as irony-rich schadenfreude ought to be. It's mostly just sad.

also, he's not american. it's all a fucking game

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9 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

I don't know much about him, but I've seen him on a TV show (Maher, maybe?).  My impression was he's a super-fruity gay dude that tells everybody it's OK to shit on gays.  I think he said something along the lines of "gays are shitty employees because they're always thinking about cock". 

Pretty much nailed it.

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14 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

I don't know much about him, but I've seen him on a TV show (Maher, maybe?).  My impression was he's a super-fruity gay dude that tells everybody it's OK to shit on gays.  I think he said something along the lines of "gays are shitty employees because they're always thinking about cock". 

Ahhh so just like the vice president

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5 hours ago, Lagunamadre said:

"Trump also has been telling confidants that "people at the highest levels of Fox" have reached out to his people to try to repair the relationship but that he has no desire to do that.

"He wants to make them pay," said a source who discussed Fox News with Trump in recent days."


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Serious question regarding the destroy the GOP movement. Could someone start a website raising funds for this, divert the money to a different intity, pay themselves an enormous salary and assuage that guilt by allocating the charitable donations to various progressive causes that hopefully destroy GOP but not in the way my patrons think?
Asking for a friend.
I mean I could donate to a local school. Education will destroy the GOP...

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20 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

Can I just say that I love the fact that when it comes to celebrity public intellectuals in their corner, Democrats have the greatest chess player in history and Republicans have that bald dipshit that drew Dilbert. 

Don't discount Chachi. 

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21 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

Can I just say that I love the fact that when it comes to celebrity public intellectuals in their corner, Democrats have the greatest chess player in history and Republicans have that bald dipshit that drew Dilbert. 

Yeah? Pillow guy. Boom. Checkmate. 

LIL Pump.

Hand in pants Rudy. Lawn equipment Rudy. Dripping Rudy. Farting in Detroit Rudy. Covid Rudy. 

There's more. 5D.


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What the fuck does a church need with 368 employees?  Yeah, I get it...it's a big church with lots of members and a strong online/TV presence but 368 employees to run a church that's not even really a church?  Or is that the feature, not the bug?

I know some Surly posters who are members of his flock.  They've got to be embarrassed with this assclown.  But then again, if you're 15 years and $15k into Joel already, I doubt this suddenly becomes your 'come to Jesus' moment.  

Remind me not to give a fuck about conning people in my next life.  

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1 hour ago, Lobo said:

What the fuck does a church need with 368 employees?  Yeah, I get it...it's a big church with lots of members and a strong online/TV presence but 368 employees to run a church that's not even really a church?  Or is that the feature, not the bug?

I know some Surly posters who are members of his flock.  They've got to be embarrassed with this assclown.  But then again, if you're 15 years and $15k into Joel already, I doubt this suddenly becomes your 'come to Jesus' moment.  

Remind me not to give a fuck about conning people in my next life.  

Lulz. Thats not how it works. The fleeced are just fine with all of it. Thats why they keep getting fleeced.

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I'm updating my earlier prediction. I think I can be more specific on my 2021 dead pool assumptions. I think after January 20th, he will slip first into excited catatonia, and then when benzodiazepines are prescribed and don't work he will succumb to akinetic catatonia, and ultimately suffer liver and kidney failure. He'll be dead by July 4th.

I'm willing to bet a roll of Certs on it. If you don't like Certs, Tic-Tac's will do.

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There's not a single aspect of this shitstain's life that isn't surrounded in controversy and legal fuckery. 



Next-door neighbors of Mar-a-Lago, President Trump’s private club in Palm Beach, Fla., that he has called his Winter White House, have a message for the outgoing commander in chief: We don’t want you to be our neighbor.

That message was formally delivered Tuesday morning in a demand letter delivered to the town of Palm Beach and also addressed to the U.S. Secret Service asserting that Trump lost his legal right to live at Mar-a-Lago because of an agreement he signed in the early 1990s when he converted the storied estate from his private residence to a private club. The legal maneuver could, at long last, force Palm Beach to publicly address whether Trump can make Mar-a-Lago his legal residence and home, as he has been expected to do, when he becomes an ex-president after the swearing-in of Joe Biden on Jan. 20.

The contretemps sets up a potentially awkward scenario, unique in recent history, in which a former Oval Office occupant would find himself having to officially defend his choice of a place to live during his post-presidency. It also could create a legal headache for Trump because he changed his official domicile to Mar-a-Lago, leaving behind Manhattan, where he lived before being elected president and came to fame as a brash, self-promoting develop



The current residency controversy tracks back to a deal Trump cut in 1993 when his finances were foundering, and the cost of maintaining Mar-a-Lago was soaring into the multimillions each year. Under the agreement, club members are banned from spending more than 21 days a year in the club’s guest suites and cannot stay there for any longer than seven consecutive days. Before the arrangement was sealed, an attorney for Trump assured the town council in a public meeting that he would not live at Mar-a-Lago.

I'm sure he'll figure out some way to move his fat ass into Mar-a-Lago eventually, but goddamn that must be a miserable, exhausting way to live.

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