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Donald Trump 2020

Francisco 2.0

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52 minutes ago, Goredho said:

Yeah, but I mean the last free and fair democratic election in our history might have been in 2012.  There might not be a legitimate chance to overcome Trump via election this fall.  Certainly if Trump and the GOP could ensure a victory by subverting the will of the people, they would jump at the opportunity.  No one, least of all the Dems, should assume that we still live in a representative democracy where voters sick of Trump's shit will be able to correct the problem.

A lot of formerly registered voters with the name Rodriguez are going to go to the polls on November 3 only to find that they are no longer registered.  Same thing may happen with voters named Washington.

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8 hours ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

This evening is his BIG interview with Laura Ingraham of Fox. (I don't know if this is live or taped). My guess is taped to avoid surprises?



It will be taped so he doesn't grab her pussy live on the air. They can just edit it out, giving her time to collect herself like all the other good girls at Fox who traded dignity for money.

Edited by pacman
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4 minutes ago, pacman said:

It will be taped so he doesn't grab her pussy live on the air. They can just edit it out, giving her time to collect herself like all the other good girls at Fox who traded dignity for money.

It already happened.  He disclosed more information to her about the intel on Soleimani than he did Congress.

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1 minute ago, Chuckie Finster said:

It already happened.  He disclosed more information to her about the intel on Soleimani than he did Congress.

I thought that was all classified? At least the notification was. Gah, he probably only classified it so he could spill it all during the interview.

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12 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

I thought that was all classified? At least the notification was. Gah, he probably only classified it so he could spill it all during the interview.

Classified information is just gossip material to Trump.

The higher the classification, the more willing he is to spread it wide and far.

If our natsec folks could get by with it they probably shouldn't bother stamping anything Top Secret or Eyes Only, to ensure he wouldn't be tempted to dial up everybody and tell them what he learned today.

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You know how some of the Trump sexual accusation news has been caught up in the maelstrom of other news? These women haven't forgotten and they traveled around NYC today, spending time outside Weinstein's trial courthouse and finishing up at one of Trump's hotels:

They have adopted a Chilean anti-rape anthem:

If this gains traction, the Proud Boys better not mess with them.

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1 hour ago, pacman said:

It will be taped so he doesn't grab her pussy cock live on the air. They can just edit it out, giving her time to collect herself like all the other good girls at Fox who traded dignity for money.


51 minutes ago, Brandywine said:

And so now the corrupt RNC and the Trump family are forcing Donald down our throats. 

At least it won't be a choking hazard. 

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1 hour ago, Brandywine said:

And so now the corrupt RNC and the Trump family are forcing Donald down our throats. 

Yes, isn't that a funny, or not so, for Republican establishment who tried so hard to get rid of Trump early on in their primaries.

Of course, the RNC has done this bs in the past in trying to force Palin in as VP.

Remember when we thought Palin in the Whitehouse would be the worst idea we ever heard...

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4 minutes ago, pacman said:

Yes, isn't that a funny, or not so, for Republican establishment who tried so hard to get rid of Trump early on in their primaries.

Of course, the RNC has done this bs in the past in trying to force Palin in as VP.

Remember when we thought Palin in the Whitehouse would be the worst idea we ever heard...

To be fair, at the time it was.

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2 hours ago, pacman said:

Yes, isn't that a funny, or not so, for Republican establishment who tried so hard to get rid of Trump early on in their primaries.

Of course, the RNC has done this bs in the past in trying to force Palin in as VP.

Remember when we thought Palin in the Whitehouse would be the worst idea we ever heard...

She swung my vote to Obama and I was a big McCain supporter.

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It’s reasonable to consider that Trump/Rudy Hunter Biden Ukraine cock-up was about bothsides-ing the corrupt criminality of Ivanka, Eric, and Jr as it was damaging a presidential candidate.  The kiddos in the legal sights would be no bueno for Dotard with no false equivalence to stupify the public.  Kush has a whole special level of hell awaiting him.

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2 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

It’s reasonable to consider that Trump/Rudy Hunter Biden Ukraine cock-up was about bothsides-ing the corrupt criminality of Ivanka, Eric, and Jr as it was damaging a presidential candidate.  The kiddos in the legal sights would be no bueno for Dotard with no false equivalence to stupify the public.  Kush has a whole special level of hell awaiting him.

The level he'll fall to is where the demons' balls have all dropped and he'll only be able awkwardly squeak out a prepubescent cry of "666 5th."

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Did they ever figure out who loaned him the money in the handshake deal (the 1.4 billion dollar mortgage payment) that rescued his Manhatten office building? I don't know if much was revealed in the Mueller report regarding that, but regardless, when you add up his slumlord ruthlessness, his foreign affairs panhandling, with all the rest of it, he has a lot of skeletons for someone so young.


*I should note, I don't keep up with him and still have not made it through all the details with the Report, so I apologize if I'm rehashing an old topic.

Edited by Mrs Whiggins
Clarification due to beer
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33 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

Did they ever figure out who loaned him the money in the handshake deal (the 1.4 billion dollar mortgage payment) that rescued his Manhatten office building? I don't know if much was revealed in the Mueller report regarding that, but regardless, when you add up his slumlord ruthlessness, his foreign affairs panhandling, with all the rest of it, he has a lot of skeletons for someone so young.


*I should note, I don't keep up with him and still have not made it through all the details with the Report, so I apologize if I'm rehashing an old topic.

My recollection is it was the Chinese who bailed him out. Could be wrong though.

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9 minutes ago, bolverk said:

My recollection is it was the Chinese who bailed him out. Could be wrong though.

What a life. Owned by all the best people. Lucky for them they never got whacked by (insert foreign/domestic criminal organization here) but unlucky for America that no one ever did.


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Don't Trumpers claim that he can declassify anything at any time and by blabbing classified info, it is declassified so he is not in any trouble?

Yes. It’s the, “The King can do no wrong” argument. Persuasive only to the dimmest of bulbs. Getting dark in here, no?
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38 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

Shrub got some bad advice when he got to DC and was credulous and gullible.  But he's a very decent human being, I think.

Can't say the same for teh donald.

In this clip, W sounds 1,000% more intelligent than Trump ever has.  Let that sink in. 

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Sorry to interrupt the Bush/Trump discussion, but Puerto Rico had another earthquake: 6.0. The President finally signed an Emergency Declaration this week, but thus far HUD has only disbursed $1.5 billion of the $9 billion approved by Congress in September (officials citing corruption as a concern). So someone tell me again why we bother to have a Congress when our King President is obviously looking out for the welfare of our taxpayer  monies? I mean, being so concerned about corruption and all. By the way, that servant, Bolton, he seems concerned about corruption and aid. Does he have something to say about the topic? King Cat got his tongue?

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19 hours ago, Post Oak said:

Gaetz will be back on his bullshit soon and those numbers will climb



I just want to make it clear to everyone, and let there be no mistake, that I am still a piece of shit.  In fact I consider myself the pieciest of pieces of shit.  Myself and shit have a great relationship.  Why just the other day shit was regaling on my pieceness to his larger massive shit existence.  And I will gladly stand up next to shit and defend him still today.

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1 hour ago, Goredho said:

His only skills are a lust for conflict, a self-confidence that is as unshakable as it is unwarranted, a savvy understanding of base human nature, a knack for media manipulation and a complete void of conscience that allows him to operate unconstrained by ethics or morality.

Trump has little self-confidence.   He is constantly looking for positive feedback and positive reinforcement from Twitter, Fox News, Republicans in Congress, his cabinet.    He is drawn to men who act more powerful than him.  In theory, he should be the most powerful man in the world, but he acts subservient to people like Putin, Lil Kim, the Saudis   

Rarely does a day go by where he doesn’t display his utter lack of self-confidence on twitter for all the world to see.  

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56 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

Trump has little self-confidence.   He is constantly looking for positive feedback and positive reinforcement from Twitter, Fox News, Republicans in Congress, his cabinet.    He is drawn to men who act more powerful than him.  In theory, he should be the most powerful man in the world, but he acts subservient to people like Putin, Lil Kim, the Saudis   

Rarely does a day go by where he doesn’t display his utter lack of self-confidence on twitter for all the world to see.  

Yeah, that one is complicated.  I do think he honestly believes he’s a genius, called upon by a higher power and the best President that ever graced America with his leadership.  I think the root of his incessant lying is because his self-image is so diametrically opposed to reality.  He has to manufacture a reality that supports his view of himself and feels extremely uncomfortable when anything threatens it.  It’s why he has to go to LSU v Bama after the World Series, kill an Iranian general before impeachment can be ramped back up, tell everyone his inauguration was the biggest, etc...

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2 minutes ago, Goredho said:

Yeah, that one is complicated.  I do think he honestly believes he’s a genius, called upon by a higher power and the best President that ever graced America with his leadership.  I think the root of his incessant lying is because his self-image is so diametrically opposed to reality.  He has to manufacture a reality that supports his view of himself and feels extremely uncomfortable when anything threatens it.  It’s why he has to go to LSU v Bama after the World Series, kill an Iranian general before impeachment can be ramped back up, tell everyone his inauguration was the biggest, etc...

Or, and I'm just spitballin' here, he's fucking insane.

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He may have been a "jock,"  and I don't know if he was bullied at the military school when he first started out but he was the second son and fourth of five in a German/Scottish family and I think you would have to delve, as you put it, "waay deep down." Edit- I don't know how I doubled the pics.

?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.KQGEQeRpCkMpgCapdsbvsgHaFj%26pid%3DApi&f=1This Is Where Donald Trump Played By The Rules And Learned ...
Edited by Mrs Whiggins
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43 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

He may have been a "jock,"  and I don't know if he was bullied at the military school when he first started out but he was the second son and fourth of five in a German/Scottish family and I think you would have to delve, as you put it, "waay deep down." Edit- I don't know how I doubled the pics.

?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.KQGEQeRpCkMpgCapdsbvsgHaFj%26pid%3DApi&f=1This Is Where Donald Trump Played By The Rules And Learned ...

The mafia youth movement was strong back in the day.

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