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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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2 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

Do you think either Smartmatic or Dominion qualify as public figures?  That's one factor.

The other, I suppose, is that most journalistic entities do subscribe to some ethics and codes of conduct.  And they mostly stick to factual reporting or clear opinion/editorial. Fox not so much.

Hopefully, this puts a crimp in "infotainment" or falsity news (sort of the inverse of reality tv).

I do kind of wonder how they're going to hit the billions without being overboard speculative.  Dominion would seem to have a better case for that, as they were more specifically and frequently defamed, have more US business, and are asking for less than half the damages.  I assume that punitives don't figure into their damage prayer, but didn't pay that close attention to it.

Edit:  Smartmatic prayed for 2.7Bn compensatory damages, not including punitives.

I think there is an argument they aren’t public figures which lowers the bar. But I’m not a specialist on defamation law. 

I just think their overall case is very strong regardless of that. And in these type of cases that is relatively rare. 

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26 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

I think there is an argument they aren’t public figures which lowers the bar. But I’m not a specialist on defamation law. 

I just think their overall case is very strong regardless of that. And in these type of cases that is relatively rare. 

Yeah, I feel like they were very casual about vetting any of the "sources" and I suspect the evidence will bear that out.  They are allowed to report lawsuits, but I think what they did went considerably beyond that.

I know that you can't make a public figure by defaming them, but I don't recall much beyond that.

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47 minutes ago, mdmost said:

He's going to be more pissed about this than the impeachment trial.


Great news, but Im guessing this will be overturned or made obsolete by some semblance of regulation over the next few years. At the very least, we're never going to hear about it from the right. Stifling speech, etc. 

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38 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

It's amazing how quickly Trump became irrelevant after the Twitter ban and moving out of his house.

I wouldn't get your hopes up. Something tells me he'll be making a lot more noise once he's acquitted. I think he's, for once, listening to the people around him and keeping a low profile to play into the "it's over, he's no longer President, why impeach someone who's not even in the public eye anymore" narrative the GOP has been pushing. Dude really doesn't want to be impeached, and if he had spent the last month targeting RINOs and spewing nonsense on FOX, maybe a few on-the-fence Senators grow a spine. He's just playing it extra safe. There's no way he won't bombastically celebrate his impending "victory."

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1 hour ago, BradInATX said:

It's amazing how quickly Trump became irrelevant after the Twitter ban and moving out of his house.

Yeah, not so fast chooch.


51 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

Almost every GOP Senator who will vote top acquit next week says hi. 

More like this, up here. Trumpism is thriving. 

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2 minutes ago, Ted Lange said:



I would actually like to read that for the simple reason, maybe the kids' version will help me understand what exactly the good things were about the Trump Administration.  Because I've been reading the grown-up version for three years now and I ain't found shit.  A handful of things (tax cuts, federal judicial appointments, and casting a light on our relationship with China) that any other Republican President would have rubber-stamped while in office. 

I will give him some credit on the criminal justice reform bills, because even Democrat presidents fail at that, and it wasn't wildly popular with his base.  But I seriously doubt they mention letting black people out of prison early in Mike Huckabee's coloring book.  


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1 hour ago, Lobo said:

I would actually like to read that for the simple reason, maybe the kids' version will help me understand what exactly the good things were about the Trump Administration.  Because I've been reading the grown-up version for three years now and I ain't found shit.  A handful of things (tax cuts, federal judicial appointments, and casting a light on our relationship with China) that any other Republican President would have rubber-stamped while in office. 

I will give him some credit on the criminal justice reform bills, because even Democrat presidents fail at that, and it wasn't wildly popular with his base.  But I seriously doubt they mention letting black people out of prison early in Mike Huckabee's coloring book.  




Probably need to leave the flag out of the coloring book.

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I always wondered what he was doing in that photo?  Was he trying to switch papers with the girl so nobody could see how bad he fucked up the flag.  Was he trying to play it off like a "I made the very first back the blue flag"?  He looks like he's also having a TIA event.   I can't see colors terribly well on my laptop, but it also looks like the color he was using wasn't even blue, it was purple.  

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2 hours ago, Ted Lange said:



Son:  Dad, if President Trump were so great, why did he increase the deficit by a record amount, yank kids out of their mother's arms to put them in cages, oversee a disaster of a pandemic response that has resulted in more dead Americans than WWII and try to crowdsource a coup when a majority of Americans voted him out of office?

Dad:  Goddamit, you sound just like your fucking mother.  Shut the fuck up and read your MAGA Highlights, you little shit.

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1 minute ago, hayden_horn said:

that grift tho

"it's free, just pay s&p!"


Kinda like the Columbia House record model.    Speaking of, if we started some sorta MAGA version of Columbia House, 3 Tshirts for a nickle!  Then we send them a new shirt every month (a $3 screen printed piece of shit made in china) and charged them $30 if they didn't return it in 30 days....

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SIAP. Just as many thought, Trump was in much worse shape when he battled COVID-19 back in October.



WASHINGTON — President Donald J. Trump was sicker with Covid-19 in October than publicly acknowledged at the time, with extremely depressed blood oxygen levels at one point and a lung problem associated with pneumonia caused by the coronavirus, according to four people familiar with his condition.

His prognosis became so worrisome before he was taken to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center that officials believed he would need to be put on a ventilator, two of the people familiar with his condition said.

The people familiar with Mr. Trump’s health said he was found to have lung infiltrates, which occur when the lungs are inflamed and contain substances such as fluid or bacteria. Their presence, especially when a patient is exhibiting other symptoms, can be a sign of an acute case of the disease. They can be easily spotted on an X-ray or scan, when parts of the lungs appear opaque, or white.

Mr. Trump’s blood oxygen level alone was cause for extreme concern, dipping into the 80s, according to the people familiar with his evaluation. The disease is considered severe when the blood oxygen level falls to the low 90s.


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It has been previously reported that Mr. Trump had trouble breathing and a fever on Oct. 2, the day he was taken to the hospital, and the types of treatment he received indicated that his condition was serious. But the new details about his condition and about the effort inside the White House to get him special access to an unapproved drug to fight the virus help to flesh out one of the most dire episodes of Mr. Trump’s presidency.

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The new revelations about Mr. Trump’s struggle with the virus also underscore the limited and sometimes misleading nature of the information disclosed at the time about his condition.

The former president resisted being taken from the White House to Walter Reed, relenting when aides told him that he could walk out on his own, or risk waiting until the U.S. Secret Service was forced to carry him out if he got sicker, two people familiar with the events said.

While Mr. Trump was hospitalized at Walter Reed, his medical team sought to downplay the severity of the situation, saying that he was on an upswing. At 74 and overweight, he was at risk for severe disease, and was prescribed an aggressive course of treatments. He left the hospital after three days in which he at one point staged a brief ride in his armored sport-utility vehicle to wave at the crowd of supporters outside the building.

A person close to the former president denied that he had been seriously ill, echoing comments Mr. Trump himself made after he was sick.

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There are still unanswered questions about whether Mr. Trump was already sick with Covid-19 when he participated in a presidential debate on Sept. 29, just two days before the public announcement that he had been diagnosed with the disease and three days before his deteriorating condition forced him to go to Walter Reed.

Mr. Trump’s physician, Dr. Sean P. Conley, repeatedly downplayed concerns about Mr. Trump’s condition during his illness. At one briefing, Dr. Conley said Mr. Trump was receiving X-ray and CT scans. But when asked about whether there was evidence of pneumonia or damage to the tissue, he would only say there were “expected findings, but nothing of any major clinical concern.”


Dr. Sean P. Conley, Mr. Trump’s physician, repeatedly downplayed concerns about Mr. Trump’s health.Credit...Doug Mills/The New York Times

Dr. Conley also told reporters that while Mr. Trump’s oxygen level had dropped to 93 percent, it had never dropped to the “low 80s.”

Mr. Trump had trouble breathing at the White House. He was twice given oxygen before being taken to Walter Reed, as Dr. Conley acknowledged after it was reported by The New York Times.

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Feb. 11, 2021, 8:22 p.m. ET2 minutes ago

2 minutes ago

Biden says the U.S. will soon have enough vaccine for all Americans, but logistical hurdles remain.

Some vaccinated people exposed to the virus don’t need to quarantine, C.D.C. says.

How sick was Trump when he had Covid-19? A worrisome new portrait has emerged.

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While still at the White House, Mr. Trump received a drug developed by the biotechnology firm Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. The antibody cocktail — not widely available at the time — helps people infected with the virus fight it off.

After Mr. Trump was hospitalized, he began a regimen for a steroid, dexamethasone, which is usually recommended only for Covid-19 patients who have severe or critical forms of the disease, often those who need mechanical ventilation or supplemental oxygen.


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And he received a five-day course of the antiviral drug remdesivir. Medical experts at the time believed that his medication course was a clear signal of significant issues related to his lungs.

In news conferences outside the hospital that weekend, Dr. Conley offered data that made it appear his patient was recovering quickly. He noted that Mr. Trump had fared well on a spirometry test, which measures lung capacity. “He’s maxing it out,” Dr. Conley said. “He’s doing great.”

Medical experts say a spirometry test is virtually meaningless with Covid-19 patients.

When Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, tried to surreptitiously tell reporters that the situation was more dire, Mr. Trump erupted in anger, according to people who spoke with him.

On Sunday, Oct. 4, Dr. Conley acknowledged that he had given a rosy version of Mr. Trump’s condition.

“I was trying to reflect the upbeat attitude that the team, the president, his course of illness has had,” he said. “I didn’t want to give any information that might steer the course of illness in another direction, and in doing so, you know, it came off that we were trying to hide something, which wasn’t necessarily true.”

Mr. Trump’s medical team said that on that Friday, he had a “high fever” and that his oxygen level dropped, requiring him to be administered oxygen. Mr. Trump’s oxygen level dropped again on Saturday.

Mr. Trump appeared to still be struggling with the disease when he returned to the White House, where he stationed himself on a balcony in a choreographed scene, tearing his mask off and saluting his helicopter. Doctors at the time noted how Mr. Trump used his neck muscles to help him breathe in those moments, a classic sign that someone’s lungs are not taking in enough oxygen.


Mr. Trump removed his mask immediately after returning to the White House from the hospital, although he still appeared to be struggling with the disease.Credit...Anna Moneymaker for The New York Times

On the night of his diagnosis, Oct. 1, White House officials scrambled to get the Regeneron antibody cocktail — not at that point authorized by the Food and Drug Administration for treatment — to Mr. Trump.


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A top lawyer in the White House Counsel’s Office, Patrick F. Philbin, called Dr. Stephen M. Hahn, the F.D.A. commissioner at the time, to discuss how the agency could approve the drug’s use for two senior administration officials he did not want to identify, according to one person who heard about the call.

Mr. Philbin was exploring how the president could quickly get access to the drug through normal F.D.A. procedures. Regeneron had already signed off on the use of the doses, Mr. Philbin told Dr. Hahn.

Dr. Hahn and other F.D.A. officials, including Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni, the top federal drug regulator, worked to clear the drug through a standard process known as an emergency investigational new drug application, often used for very ill patients who agree to take an experimental drug still being tested in clinical trials. The agency reviews the medical histories of those patients to identify whether there might be severe risks to take a treatment.

Regeneron shipped a package of doses that included extras, “in case of any administration issues,” a company spokeswoman said.

The extras were never returned. Dr. Conley at one point told associates they had been sitting in a refrigerator in the White House’s medical office.

Only in the days following the application’s approval did White House officials acknowledge that the doses were for Mr. Trump and the first lady, Melania Trump, who also tested positive for the coronavirus but turned down the drug, which is infused intravenously for about an hour. The person close to the former president also denied that Mrs. Trump had turned down the drug.


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Around that time, as other people close to Mr. Trump started getting sick, his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, offered to facilitate getting the Regeneron treatment for them, two people with knowledge of the discussions said. An aide to Mr. Kushner disputed that he had made such an offer at that time.

In the weeks after his hospitalization, Mr. Trump was convinced that the Regeneron treatment had saved his life, telling aides, “I’m proof it works.”

That line became a running joke among top health officials, who would ask each other whether anyone was going to break it to Mr. Trump that he was in fact a failed clinical trial result for Regeneron, since the aim is to prevent people from being hospitalized after receiving it, one former senior administration official said.


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SIAP. Just as many thought, Trump was in much worse shape when he battled COVID-19 back in October.
WASHINGTON — President Donald J. Trump was sicker with Covid-19 in October than publicly acknowledged at the time, with extremely depressed blood oxygen levels at one point and a lung problem associated with pneumonia caused by the coronavirus, according to four people familiar with his condition.
His prognosis became so worrisome before he was taken to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center that officials believed he would need to be put on a ventilator, two of the people familiar with his condition said.
The people familiar with Mr. Trump’s health said he was found to have lung infiltrates, which occur when the lungs are inflamed and contain substances such as fluid or bacteria. Their presence, especially when a patient is exhibiting other symptoms, can be a sign of an acute case of the disease. They can be easily spotted on an X-ray or scan, when parts of the lungs appear opaque, or white.
Mr. Trump’s blood oxygen level alone was cause for extreme concern, dipping into the 80s, according to the people familiar with his evaluation. The disease is considered severe when the blood oxygen level falls to the low 90s.
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It has been previously reported that Mr. Trump had trouble breathing and a fever on Oct. 2, the day he was taken to the hospital, and the types of treatment he received indicated that his condition was serious. But the new details about his condition and about the effort inside the White House to get him special access to an unapproved drug to fight the virus help to flesh out one of the most dire episodes of Mr. Trump’s presidency.
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The new revelations about Mr. Trump’s struggle with the virus also underscore the limited and sometimes misleading nature of the information disclosed at the time about his condition.
The former president resisted being taken from the White House to Walter Reed, relenting when aides told him that he could walk out on his own, or risk waiting until the U.S. Secret Service was forced to carry him out if he got sicker, two people familiar with the events said.
While Mr. Trump was hospitalized at Walter Reed, his medical team sought to downplay the severity of the situation, saying that he was on an upswing. At 74 and overweight, he was at risk for severe disease, and was prescribed an aggressive course of treatments. He left the hospital after three days in which he at one point staged a brief ride in his armored sport-utility vehicle to wave at the crowd of supporters outside the building.
A person close to the former president denied that he had been seriously ill, echoing comments Mr. Trump himself made after he was sick.
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‘Saturday Night Live’ Throws a Super Bowl Party With Host Dan Levy
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Continue reading the main story
There are still unanswered questions about whether Mr. Trump was already sick with Covid-19 when he participated in a presidential debate on Sept. 29, just two days before the public announcement that he had been diagnosed with the disease and three days before his deteriorating condition forced him to go to Walter Reed.
Mr. Trump’s physician, Dr. Sean P. Conley, repeatedly downplayed concerns about Mr. Trump’s condition during his illness. At one briefing, Dr. Conley said Mr. Trump was receiving X-ray and CT scans. But when asked about whether there was evidence of pneumonia or damage to the tissue, he would only say there were “expected findings, but nothing of any major clinical concern.”
Dr. Sean P. Conley, Mr. Trump’s physician, repeatedly downplayed concerns about Mr. Trump’s health.Credit...Doug Mills/The New York Times
Dr. Conley also told reporters that while Mr. Trump’s oxygen level had dropped to 93 percent, it had never dropped to the “low 80s.”
Mr. Trump had trouble breathing at the White House. He was twice given oxygen before being taken to Walter Reed, as Dr. Conley acknowledged after it was reported by The New York Times.
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Feb. 11, 2021, 8:22 p.m. ET2 minutes ago
2 minutes ago
Biden says the U.S. will soon have enough vaccine for all Americans, but logistical hurdles remain.
Some vaccinated people exposed to the virus don’t need to quarantine, C.D.C. says.
How sick was Trump when he had Covid-19? A worrisome new portrait has emerged.
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While still at the White House, Mr. Trump received a drug developed by the biotechnology firm Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. The antibody cocktail — not widely available at the time — helps people infected with the virus fight it off.
After Mr. Trump was hospitalized, he began a regimen for a steroid, dexamethasone, which is usually recommended only for Covid-19 patients who have severe or critical forms of the disease, often those who need mechanical ventilation or supplemental oxygen.
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And he received a five-day course of the antiviral drug remdesivir. Medical experts at the time believed that his medication course was a clear signal of significant issues related to his lungs.
In news conferences outside the hospital that weekend, Dr. Conley offered data that made it appear his patient was recovering quickly. He noted that Mr. Trump had fared well on a spirometry test, which measures lung capacity. “He’s maxing it out,” Dr. Conley said. “He’s doing great.”
Medical experts say a spirometry test is virtually meaningless with Covid-19 patients.
When Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, tried to surreptitiously tell reporters that the situation was more dire, Mr. Trump erupted in anger, according to people who spoke with him.
On Sunday, Oct. 4, Dr. Conley acknowledged that he had given a rosy version of Mr. Trump’s condition.
“I was trying to reflect the upbeat attitude that the team, the president, his course of illness has had,” he said. “I didn’t want to give any information that might steer the course of illness in another direction, and in doing so, you know, it came off that we were trying to hide something, which wasn’t necessarily true.”
Mr. Trump’s medical team said that on that Friday, he had a “high fever” and that his oxygen level dropped, requiring him to be administered oxygen. Mr. Trump’s oxygen level dropped again on Saturday.
Mr. Trump appeared to still be struggling with the disease when he returned to the White House, where he stationed himself on a balcony in a choreographed scene, tearing his mask off and saluting his helicopter. Doctors at the time noted how Mr. Trump used his neck muscles to help him breathe in those moments, a classic sign that someone’s lungs are not taking in enough oxygen.
Mr. Trump removed his mask immediately after returning to the White House from the hospital, although he still appeared to be struggling with the disease.Credit...Anna Moneymaker for The New York Times
On the night of his diagnosis, Oct. 1, White House officials scrambled to get the Regeneron antibody cocktail — not at that point authorized by the Food and Drug Administration for treatment — to Mr. Trump.
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A top lawyer in the White House Counsel’s Office, Patrick F. Philbin, called Dr. Stephen M. Hahn, the F.D.A. commissioner at the time, to discuss how the agency could approve the drug’s use for two senior administration officials he did not want to identify, according to one person who heard about the call.
Mr. Philbin was exploring how the president could quickly get access to the drug through normal F.D.A. procedures. Regeneron had already signed off on the use of the doses, Mr. Philbin told Dr. Hahn.
Dr. Hahn and other F.D.A. officials, including Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni, the top federal drug regulator, worked to clear the drug through a standard process known as an emergency investigational new drug application, often used for very ill patients who agree to take an experimental drug still being tested in clinical trials. The agency reviews the medical histories of those patients to identify whether there might be severe risks to take a treatment.
Regeneron shipped a package of doses that included extras, “in case of any administration issues,” a company spokeswoman said.
The extras were never returned. Dr. Conley at one point told associates they had been sitting in a refrigerator in the White House’s medical office.
Only in the days following the application’s approval did White House officials acknowledge that the doses were for Mr. Trump and the first lady, Melania Trump, who also tested positive for the coronavirus but turned down the drug, which is infused intravenously for about an hour. The person close to the former president also denied that Mrs. Trump had turned down the drug.
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Around that time, as other people close to Mr. Trump started getting sick, his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, offered to facilitate getting the Regeneron treatment for them, two people with knowledge of the discussions said. An aide to Mr. Kushner disputed that he had made such an offer at that time.
In the weeks after his hospitalization, Mr. Trump was convinced that the Regeneron treatment had saved his life, telling aides, “I’m proof it works.”
That line became a running joke among top health officials, who would ask each other whether anyone was going to break it to Mr. Trump that he was in fact a failed clinical trial result for Regeneron, since the aim is to prevent people from being hospitalized after receiving it, one former senior administration official said.

Then he went out acting like he was John Wayne and his superior genes rendered covid no big deal. I wonder how many Americans’ he directly contributed to through his playground bravado?
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10 hours ago, Goredho said:

Goddamit, Covid-19!  You had ONE FUCKING JOB!

If that isn't proof that Dr. Fauci was not compromised by the Chinese government then I don't know what is. All the conspiracy people yapping at the Doctor, saying he was linked with the lab in Wuhan, etc. and the proof of his integrity was staring them in the face recommending bleach and sunlight.

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If that isn't proof that Dr. Fauci was not compromised by the Chinese government then I don't know what is. All the conspiracy people yapping at the Doctor, saying he was linked with the lab in Wuhan, etc. and the proof of his integrity was staring them in the face recommending bleach and sunlight.

Logical consistency is not an important part of the grand conspiracy. In the 9/11 truther world, why would “they” blow up the WTC and need to cover up shooting down United 93.

They then have to make 2 conspiracies, one involving the military and maybe Cheney part of the 2nd. Make believe is easy.
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The photo of the 20' stoppage of an otherwise standard sections of wall, so they could put up a monument is so wonderfully appropriate of the Trump presidency. 

wildly expensive, horribly ineffective, and whatever slim chance at pragmatism...halted so as to pay homage to the Dear Leader.  

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5 hours ago, C-Man said:


I've volunteered at lot of Special Olympics events over the years.  Since you can't see his whole face, or the hat...you could remove the entire chyron and tell me that's a photo of a "competitor" being dropped off by their parents at the mini-golf competition and I'd absolutely believe it like "Yeah, that checks out."  

What has two thumbs and tries to ruin his own Republic?  This fucking guy! 

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