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Donald Trump 2019

Francisco 2.0

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1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

A foreign war isn’t the political tool it once was... This country is sick of that shit and will not rally to support Trump in that endeavor, it will turn on him harder

I do not think starting one is viewed the same anymore either. Stop to remember who it is we are talking about here and who Dotard's base is. If it potentially involves killing Muslims they are right there cheering him on in their power scooters.

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I still visit Drudge on occasion as an aggregator and to get a sense of what he and the Fox News crowd are sprewing, and I just went and the vibe is a bit off tonight. The featured article is about Rudy being a twat, there’s a photo of the Pence’s together, apparently part of a glowing story about their Christian leadership. Is this positioning Pence as The Replacement? 

He shows the cover of The Atlantic, asking for impeachment...

I’ve always thought if Trump lost Drudge and Fox, he’s done. Now. Matt may turn around tomorrow and blow Trump like he usually does (like a Trumpet?) but it just seems to be less flattering right now. A boy can hope, can’t he?

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12 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

A foreign war isn’t the political tool it once was... This country is sick of that shit and will not rally to support Trump in that endeavor, it will turn on him harder

I think that's probably true, but I seriously doubt that's what Trump thinks would happen nor is it what the people pushing him to attack Iran are probably telling him will happen.

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Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Y’all know they’re going to force Trump to resign instead of convicting in the Senate, right? 

No way the GOP or Trump wants a trial.  They will cut a deal to stop the bleeding.

Trump will take a deal to keep his kids from being prosecuted.  

And I'm fine with all of those crooks walking if it gets that fucking con man away from the nuclear football.

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7 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

I think that's probably true, but I seriously doubt that's what Trump thinks would happen nor is it what the people pushing him to attack Iran are probably telling him will happen.

 Lots of voters will be disinclined to vote against a president during a hot war. 

Edited by WhatTheBuck
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1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Just remember, it’s up to Pelosi to decide when to impeach.

It’s 100% her call.

Actually, it up to Pelosi to decide when to start the impeachment hearings, and how long they go on, and in which order bad things are drip-drop released, and which of the many possible articles of impeachment are considered, and WHEN - as in how close to the 2020 election - the House approves which articles by vote.

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15 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

Trump will take a deal to keep his kids from being prosecuted.  

And I'm fine with all of those crooks walking if it gets that fucking con man away from the nuclear football.

If the deal involved Ivanka he would. The rest mean nothing to him. I do think if Melania sees Barron being threatened in any way she will toss the Hamberdler under the bus in front of Congress.

Edited by UpperWestside
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Just now, UpperWestside said:

If the deal involved Ivanka he would. The rest mean nothing to him. I do think if Melania sees Barron being threatened in any way she will toss The Hamberdler under the bus in front of Congress.

I don't think she cares any more about that kid than she does her wardrobe or Botox RNs.  He's either going to have a helluva tell-all book or he's going to Menendez someone.

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Only if I can still take the tour and laugh at them in their cells.  I would love to walk up to Dotard’s cell, open Twitter, and hold my phone inches from his tiny little child hands and taunt him with it.

2 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

I will automatically vote for the candidate that will re-open Alcatraz specifically for the Trump family and administration.  






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26 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

Trump will take a deal to keep his kids from being prosecuted.  

And I'm fine with all of those crooks walking if it gets that fucking con man away from the nuclear football.

Bullshit.  Fuck Trump.  He missed the chance for a soft landing some time ago.  No quarter for traitors.

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Holy shit. Holy shit. 


Kind of makes me want to call in sick tomorrow so I can watch the coverage of all this and whatever else is sure to come out tomorrow.

I’m definitely scheduling a “field day” on the day of Cohen’s testimony so I can watch that mess live.
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1 hour ago, TexArcher said:

Trump will take a deal to keep his kids from being prosecuted.  

And I'm fine with all of those crooks walking if it gets that fucking con man away from the nuclear football.

Plus there's always SDNY waiting in the wings so we can possibly still get our bowl of blood in the form of indictments.  

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25 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

And bullshittery like this is why ALL Republicans who have not only abdicated their party but the full power of AN EQUAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT to an orange traitorous shitgibbon should be voted out or thrown in jail for the traitors they are.

No fucking quarter. None.

if you drew hair on your big toe, that's what it'd look like.

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