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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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I think disabling the app is a dangerous move and is like throwing gas on a fire. It’s going to amp up the persecution complex of his followers and does nothing to cool things down. Parler their own terms of service against incitement of violence. It’s a bad look and it will piss off your regular joe conservative. It’s too broad of a net being cast 

OK Fozzz
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30 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

How would the President...of the fucking United States...alert the nation of an impending attack if he didn't have a Twitter account? That's their actual argument? The actual fuck?

If only we had some sort of system in place that could be used to alert the nation in case of an emergency

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I wonder what this means for the Trump brand. And I don’t mean steaks and ties: his name is prominently displayed on some of the most prime real estate in America. That name is forever associated with sedition and insurrection (if not treason) and death. These aren’t exactly Trumper strongholds either.

I’m not sure New York, Vegas, Chicago etc really want that as part of their skyline.

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Selling fear works better than selling hope. That is why Christians invented hell, and boy was it a great recruiting tool. Fear of hell was better at getting people to join and follow than the hope of heaven.  As an atheist, when Christians question why I don't believe in God, they almost never ask, "Don't you want to go to heaven?" Instead they ask, "Aren't you afraid of burning in hell forever?"   Fear > hope to most people, sadly.
It's why the GOP's messaging as been more successful than the Democrat's messaging for decades. They sell fear. Fear of immigrants, socialism, non-Christians, non-Whites, etc. and it works with a lot of people. Basically I heard this many times before the election from family when I asked why they were voting for Trump: "I do not like Trump, but if that son of a bitch, Joe Biden, is elected communism and open borders will follow. Plus, he will kill all the unborn babies, even after they are born. And if his old ass dies, that evil black woman Kamala Harris will take over. She will take our guns!" I never once heard something positive that Trump would do if elected, only the negative things they feared the Democrats would do.
Some folks get spiritual because they see the light, some cause the feel the heat.
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24 minutes ago, Pancho said:

I just don’t understand how and why they would die fir trump—one person.  I would never die or want to die just for Obama.  

He's a God, a prophet, the "one" who will save us all from whatever paranoid thing you want or need him to save us from. It has been a cult up to this point but now he might as well be Osama Bin Laden leading a terrorist organization. Someone to champion the causes of our worst at the sake of his ego and perceived character. 

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Just now, Buzzrock said:


That lady did not die because she was brave. She died because she was foolish. I don’t believe she ever thought they would use lethal force.


Yeah, mental illness is a hell of a thing. Doesn't mean there isn't a bunch more of her types willing to run to a fight because they aren't based in reality. They think they are saving our country by these acts. They have pumped themselves up as true patriots. They are lost and ignorant and desperate, thus dangerous. 

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1 minute ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

Yeah, mental illness is a hell of a thing. Doesn't mean there isn't a bunch more of her types willing to run to a fight because they aren't based in reality. They think they are saving our country by these acts. They have pumped themselves up as true patriots. They are lost and ignorant and desperate, thus dangerous. 

Exactly, there are more and more videos coming out of the loons at and outside of the riot. One of them is a man in his 60s who literally starts crying talking about how he'll die for Trump.

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Yeah, mental illness is a hell of a thing. Doesn't mean there isn't a bunch more of her types willing to run to a fight because they aren't based in reality. They think they are saving our country by these acts. They have pumped themselves up as true patriots. They are lost and ignorant and desperate, thus dangerous. 

Maybe you’re right. But I’ve got to think they are a fringe of the fringe. All those Q Karens ain’t lining up to take a bullet.
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1 hour ago, aggie08 said:

How would the President...of the fucking United States...alert the nation of an impending attack if he didn't have a Twitter account? That's their actual argument? The actual fuck?

Pearl Harbor never would have happened if FDR had been on twitter, smartguy.  You ever think about that?


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2 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:


Maybe you’re right. But I’ve got to think they are a fringe of the fringe. All those Q Karens ain’t lining up to take a bullet.


The police officers who allowed it to happen are the more difficult problem to solve.

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1 minute ago, Buzzrock said:


Maybe you’re right. But I’ve got to think they are a fringe of the fringe. All those Q Karens ain’t lining up to take a bullet.


And I hope I'm wrong but one thing I've learned these past few years is that America is filled with a lot of dangerous and ignorant people, happy to kill for the dumbest of reasons. School shootings, random bombs in Austin or Nashville or other states, anthrax, concert shootings, fucking taking over the capitol. We need to stop downplaying the potential of Trump and his followers. 



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Good, you should do this.  If you can't tell the difference between these and social media, I got nothing for ya.

You know what’s REALLY interesting?

Reasonable people think of the WSJ and NYT as representing “opposing viewpoints.” You know what viewpoint both of them are sharing this week? That Trump is a deranged traitor who must leave office immediately. Trump: so fucking awful that he can make the WSJ and NYT sing the same song in harmony.

If you find yourself disagreeing with literally every rational actor out there....it might just be YOU who is fucked in the head.
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45 minutes ago, Born to Run said:
8 hours ago, Jhawkmvp said:
Selling fear works better than selling hope. That is why Christians invented hell, and boy was it a great recruiting tool. Fear of hell was better at getting people to join and follow than the hope of heaven.  As an atheist, when Christians question why I don't believe in God, they almost never ask, "Don't you want to go to heaven?" Instead they ask, "Aren't you afraid of burning in hell forever?"   Fear > hope to most people, sadly.
It's why the GOP's messaging as been more successful than the Democrat's messaging for decades. They sell fear. Fear of immigrants, socialism, non-Christians, non-Whites, etc. and it works with a lot of people. Basically I heard this many times before the election from family when I asked why they were voting for Trump: "I do not like Trump, but if that son of a bitch, Joe Biden, is elected communism and open borders will follow. Plus, he will kill all the unborn babies, even after they are born. And if his old ass dies, that evil black woman Kamala Harris will take over. She will take our guns!" I never once heard something positive that Trump would do if elected, only the negative things they feared the Democrats would do.

Some folks get spiritual because they see the light, some cause the feel the heat.

Some like it hot, and some sweat, when the heat is on.

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Right wing posters? They're all in DT downplaying this. How about all the posters here, myself included, who told Brisket and his ledge dwellers they were nuts. I never thought we would see these fuckfaces actually taking up arms and storming the government to prevent the transition of power. At least they shot their wad and no one is going to take them lightly again. 

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Right wing posters? They're all in DT downplaying this. How about all the posters here, myself included, who told Brisket and his ledge dwellers they were nuts. I never thought we would see these fuckfaces actually taking up arms and storming the government to prevent the transition of power. At least they shot their wad and no one is going to take them lightly again. 

Yeah I fully admit I never thought something like that would happen. I was wrong.
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I just don’t understand how and why they would die fir trump—one person.  I would never die or want to die just for Obama.  

They are crying in the face of civilian consequences, not judicial consequences. They simply cannot process having real world consequences for their actions.

Their claims of standing up for freedom and trump are empty rhetoric at best for 99% of them. They are tough as Ted Cruz and as cowboy as John Cornyn.
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To Trump:

Losing the Presidency is bad.

Losing Twitter is an incredible insult.

But losing the opportunity to host the PGA Championship on a course you own; one of golf's 4 majors....that might be the ultimate disgrace to Trump.  This needs to happen.



On the day after the U.S. Capitol was stormed by a reckless mob of President Trumpsupporters — a throng spurred on by the president himself — it might make sense that Annika Sorenstam and Gary Player could have woken up, checked out the headlines, and said to themselves, “You know, I ought to decline that Presidential Medal of Freedom after all.” Accepting an honor from this president at this time isn’t showing respect to the office. It’s willingly associating with a delusional leader who has done his best to dismantle our democracy. 

But the problem doesn’t lie just with Sorenstam and Player, two of golf’s all-time greats, who followed through with long-held plans to receive their honors from Trump in a private ceremony Thursday. The problem is with golf as a whole, because the sport has entangled itself with this embattled president and apparently doesn’t see a way to make a clean break



That’s true at least for the PGA of America, which is scheduled to hold its signature PGA Championship at Trump’s facility in Bedminster, N.J., in 2022. That the tournament, one of four majors annually on golf’s calendar, should be moved is obvious, and it’s shameful that the PGA stood by after Wednesday’s horror show at the Capitol and announced nothing about its intentions. Messages to PGA of America spokespeople went unanswered this week. The organization’s most recent tweet is from Wednesday: a congratulations to outgoing LPGA commissioner Mike Whan.

Move along? Nothing to see here?

More than any sport I have covered — and that’s a lot of them — golf is detached from reality. In some ways, therein lies its charm. Play a late-afternoon round with a group of friends, with the shadows long and the light low, and the golf course is a perfect place to escape from the stresses of everyday life.



But such detachment creates an almost complete lack of self-awareness — from the people who play it to the people who govern it to the people who promote it. Think that’s not true? Sit in for a spirited debate about whether the grooves in the face of a club should be squared or V-shaped, or whether a putter should be anchored against the body or not, and you’ll know that the matters of import in golf don’t relate to the problems of the world. It’s elitist by nature and history. I love it, but damn if it isn’t self-absorbed and flawed.



Here, though, golf — writ large — has to understand the moment and the man in question. In choosing to go to the White House Thursday, Player and Sorenstam — natives of South Africa and Sweden, respectively — missed their chance to say, “Enough is enough.” The PGA of America can’t let a similar opportunity slide. It’s about the 2022 PGA Championship. But it’s also about the sport’s relationship with its most visible amateur player going forward.

Of all the traits golf purports to teach, honor is foremost among them. Golfers honor the rules, whether anyone is watching them or not. They honor their competitors by honestly recording their scores. In a casual amateur match, there is no referee. There is only trust that two players are reporting what happened truthfully.

Trump has torched those traits from the highest position in the nation, not just as a weekend hacker. This is worth noting because his tentacles are deep in the sport. His Virginia course hosted the Senior PGA Championship in 2017. His New Jersey course hosted the U.S. Women’s Open that same summer. At a media day to promote that event, Mike Davis, then the president of the U.S. Golf Association, outlined his sport’s stance on Trump — whose transgressions to that point included, among other things, boasting about sexually assaulting women. (He was elected after those remarks.)

“Let me make it very clear that we came here, this was all about coming to a great golf course to play the greatest championship in women’s golf,” Davis said then. “You know, the USGA since its founding in 1894 has never been involved with politics. Our focus is solely on the game of golf, and we appreciate there’s some out there that want to make this a political event, but we’re not.”

Debate whether that was an appropriate response at the time. There’s no doubt it’s an inappropriate approach following Wednesday.

That goes for playing partners, too. No leading figure in a sport has more separation between himself and whoever’s in second than Tiger Woods in golf. Before and over the course of this presidency, Woods has played golf with Trump, dined with Trump, palled around with Trump.

“He’s the president of the United States,” Woods said in 2018. “You have to respect the office. No matter who is in the office — you may like, dislike the personality or the politics — but we all must respect the office.”

On Jan. 20, he’ll be out of office. Will Woods — or any athlete — be willing to decline the invitation of an ex-president? Teeing it up to respect the office is one thing. Teeing it up with a person who used that office to incite violence against the country whose values he was supposed to uphold is another.

Right now, the 2022 PGA Championship is the only prominent tournament slated to be held at a Trump facility. The PGA Tour moved on from a long tradition at Doral, the course Trump owns outside Miami, but that move had more to do with the tour wanting an event in Mexico than abandoning Trump. The R&A, which oversees the game in the U.K., has not scheduled its flagship British Open for Trump’s resort in Turnberry, Scotland, which last held the event in 2009 — before Trump bought the property.

But it seems likely that Trump will pursue events for his properties once he leaves office. In 2013, before he ran for president, Trump’s club in Loudoun County, Va., hosted the PGA Junior Championship. The facility overlooks the Potomac River, a beautiful spot. In the week leading up to that event, I visited the club and asked Trump about his ambitions for his courses.

“I think I’ll get many, many tournaments, because I have the best product,” he told me that day. “Nobody has land like this.”

In the wake of the insurrection at the Capitol this week, many of Trump’s surrogates finally abandoned the president — by resigning or denouncing his actions or both. The PGA of America said nothing. That’s telling and troubling. 

President Trump may love the sport of golf. By now, the sport can ill afford to love him back.


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Yeah, mental illness is a hell of a thing. Doesn't mean there isn't a bunch more of her types willing to run to a fight because they aren't based in reality. They think they are saving our country by these acts. They have pumped themselves up as true patriots. They are lost and ignorant and desperate, thus dangerous. 

Not unlike radicalized Muslim terrorists, no?
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Exactly, there are more and more videos coming out of the loons at and outside of the riot. One of them is a man in his 60s who literally starts crying talking about how he'll die for Trump.

Calling these morons loons and mentally ill minimizes the actual danger that radicalization from social media and propagandist “news” outlets poses.
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So the day after he sparked an insurrection Trump awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to two foreign golfers at least one of which has a somewhat muddled past with support for apartheid.  Par for the course.  

Edited by Surly Bevo
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1 hour ago, Buzzrock said:

I wonder what this means for the Trump brand. And I don’t mean steaks and ties: his name is prominently displayed on some of the most prime real estate in America. That name is forever associated with sedition and insurrection (if not treason) and death. These aren’t exactly Trumper strongholds either.

I’m not sure New York, Vegas, Chicago etc really want that as part of their skyline.

You know how Instagram has the data to determine the most Instagrammed locations in the world? Eiffel Tower, Grand Canyon, lines outside the Apple Store, etc.? 

I wish someone had the data on the most flipped-off locations in the world. I bet Trump is associated with most or all of them. 

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