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Voter Suppression


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If we werent gambling with the future of democracy, I’d be interested to see the final math on how effective this voter suppression is. It just seems to me that the ire this is going to get from most Democrats and moderates is going to outweigh the actual effectiveness of preventing Democrats from voting.

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4 minutes ago, OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys said:

If we werent gambling with the future of democracy, I’d be interested to see the final math on how effective this voter suppression is. It just seems to me that the ire this is going to get from most Democrats and moderates is going to outweigh the actual effectiveness of preventing Democrats from voting.

I do remember there was a black lawmaker in Georgia I think who said every time you change the rules, we will just figure it out and play by those and win again. 

Its not going to deter them. It emboldens them to vote. 

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7 minutes ago, Js1 said:

I do remember there was a black lawmaker in Georgia I think who said every time you change the rules, we will just figure it out and play by those and win again. 

Its not going to deter them. It emboldens them to vote. 

Yep, one would think that would be the case.

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1 minute ago, TwiceHorn said:

Yep, one would think that would be the case.

We HOPE that would be the case. But there is a human threshold. If you reduce the hours of voting till 1 hour after folks get off work, and severely limit the hours/weekends by which they can vote (and many of these folks have jobs that aren't flexible) then you're going to have attrition. People will get tired and quit. Not everyone will wait 12 hours. Some folks won't pack water. Does anyone really think that removing super sites, less voting machines, less hours to vote, and requiring more identification and hoops to jump through will result the same or more turnout we saw in GA in 2022?

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We've seen increased turnout in response to this shit before and hopefully will again. However, we also know how successful Jim Crow was at keeping black people from voting for a century. It might boost turnout for an election or two but will have a horrible impact long-term if we can't roll this shit back.

We should make it a federal crime punishable by a minimum of 20 years in prison for any state official to attempt to suppress or dilute minority voting. 

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45 minutes ago, Mole said:

‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”


I think this is a clear violation of my religious freedoms.

That's a serious FAAFO post.  

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14 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:


amusing take from Texas Monthly.  The theory: Briscoe is chair because the more moderate Speaker knows his incompetence will keep something from being passed. 

How old is this fuck?  12?

1 hour ago, OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys said:

If we werent gambling with the future of democracy, I’d be interested to see the final math on how effective this voter suppression is. It just seems to me that the ire this is going to get from most Democrats and moderates is going to outweigh the actual effectiveness of preventing Democrats from voting.

They aren't bright enough to let a sleeping dog lie. 

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2 hours ago, OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys said:

If we werent gambling with the future of democracy, I’d be interested to see the final math on how effective this voter suppression is. It just seems to me that the ire this is going to get from most Democrats and moderates is going to outweigh the actual effectiveness of preventing Democrats from voting.

2 hours ago, Js1 said:

I do remember there was a black lawmaker in Georgia I think who said every time you change the rules, we will just figure it out and play by those and win again. 

Its not going to deter them. It emboldens them to vote. 




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House Elections Committee
The House Elections Committee had their weekly committee meeting yesterday and heard a couple of bills before bringing up HB 6 by Rep. Cain (R). Though he answered some questions from fellow committee members, the meeting was derailed after Rep. Cain refused to answer questions from Rep. Nicole Collier, the Chair of the Texas Legislative Black Caucus , who was not on the committee, a courtesy that is typically allowed. The Elections Committee has no Black members.

After an awkward exchange and a brief recess, the committee came back and Rep. Cain announced that the committee hearing was ending due to an alleged procedural mistake and would be rescheduled “soon”, meaning that the 100+ voting rights advocates and citizens who drove in from around the state and had been waiting since 7AM would have to leave without being allowed to provide testimony.

Watch that moment here 

  • Exchange starts around 57:00 
  • Announcement is at 1:34:00
The Texas Democratic Party, Texas House Democrats, Texas Freedom Network, Texas Rising, the Texas Civil Rights Project, Common Cause Texas, the Children’s Defense Fund, and other allies worked together to quickly hold a Citizens Hearing and uplift the testimony that Republicans refused to hear (watch here).

Though the public comment submission portal does not yet have HB 6 listed, when the committee notice is sent out, we do anticipate that it will have HB 6 listed and you will be able to again submit a public comment.

Senate State Affairs Committee
The committee is currently meeting right now (watch here) and are slated to hear the notorious SB 7 by Sen. Hughes (R) and SB 1340 by Sen. Buckingham (R). Though the committee still requires in-person testimony and in-person submission of public comment, you can still sign our petition here to let your legislators know that you oppose these bills.
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6 hours ago, wildcat09 said:

We've seen increased turnout in response to this shit before and hopefully will again. However, we also know how successful Jim Crow was at keeping black people from voting for a century. It might boost turnout for an election or two but will have a horrible impact long-term if we can't roll this shit back.

We should make it a federal crime punishable by a minimum of 20 years in prison for any state official to attempt to suppress or dilute minority voting. 

Chief Justice Roberts would have you know that racism in the form of voter suppression is a thing of the past. That’s why he invalidated Article 5 of the VRA. I wonder what he thinks of the Georgia law? 
Given the determination of the suppressionists, he must know we’re not too far from re establishing the jelly beans in the jar test for voting.

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1 minute ago, Satchel said:

Chief Justice Roberts would have you know that racism in the form of voter suppression is a thing of the past. That’s why he invalidated Article 5 of the VRA. I wonder what he thinks of the Georgia law? 
Given the determination of the suppressionists, he must know we’re not too far from re establishing the jelly beans in the jar test for voting.

He thinks it's cool and good and definitely not racist.

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7 hours ago, Js1 said:

I do remember there was a black lawmaker in Georgia I think who said every time you change the rules, we will just figure it out and play by those and win again. 


100% this, they're just stirring up a hornets nest and i hope it bites them in the ass in 2022 

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59 minutes ago, Satchel said:

Chief Justice Roberts 


this piece of shit has a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG history of fighting to suppress voting rights. when the GA case hits the supreme court, he'll gladly rubber stamp it and probably comment that these new laws are not extreme enough and that the state has more room to suppress voting rights. 

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4 hours ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

The more things change, the more some want to turn back the clock a century or more....

Long twitter thread, spoilered but worth the read.

  Reveal hidden contents







The only way those optics could look worse is if they had a black butler bring him a pen in that photo. 

The GOP is determined to bring us back to the pre-Civil Rights era. Sometimes it feels like any kind of progress that we make is temporary, fleeting, and these regressives will attempt to undo the progress as soon as we take our eye off the ball. I swear it's a 24/7 battle against white supremacy. 

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11 hours ago, Js1 said:

I do remember there was a black lawmaker in Georgia I think who said every time you change the rules, we will just figure it out and play by those and win again. 

Its not going to deter them. It emboldens them to vote. 

I was talking to my daughter about this today. I have a feeling this is going to backfire bigly 

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1 hour ago, FOXHOUND said:


The only way those optics could look worse is if they had a black butler bring him a pen in that photo. 

The GOP is determined to bring us back to the pre-Civil Rights era. Sometimes it feels like any kind of progress that we make is temporary, fleeting, and these regressives will attempt to undo the progress as soon as we take our eye off the ball. I swear it's a 24/7 battle against white supremacy. 

It is an eternal verity that no victory stays won. As I’ve mentioned before, even every perceived advancement made by non dominants is met with a reflexively harsh response from conservatives who view progress as an assault on their privilege.

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1 hour ago, aggie08 said:

This is how fucked up all of this is: this is pretty much the only CR thread with no GRHorn or Donkey or Don Johnson or Johnny Sack, etc. playing the both sides card or trolling or telling everyone that they're overreacting and common sense voting reforms were needed. There's no defending any of this...doing so means you either you believe Trump's big voter fraud lie, and you're an absolute moron, or you're a racist and don't want so many people--particularly minorities--to vote. Or both. Even our Republican friends know to stay the fuck away.

Came here to say this.  Have any of our republican posters even attempted to defend this?

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39 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

This is how fucked up all of this is: this is pretty much the only CR thread with no GRHorn or Donkey or Don Johnson or Johnny Sack, etc. playing the both sides card or trolling or telling everyone that they're overreacting and common sense voting reforms were needed. There's no defending any of this...doing so means you either you believe Trump's big voter fraud lie, and you're an absolute moron, or you're a racist and don't want so many people--particularly minorities--to vote. Or both. Even our Republican friends know to stay the fuck away.


14 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

Came here to say this.  Have any of our republican posters even attempted to defend this?


Give them a break.  They're probably pretty busy carefully crafting their arguments on why American citizens who live in Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico shouldn't be able to vote for representation in the Senate while California should be split up into 5 states, the way the founders intended.  

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These people are sick.

Kemp ‘won’ the election over Abrams by overseeing the election, and tossing out votes for her. Of course it was later determined she would have won. Since this is not considered a crime, the fraud will continue.
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We HOPE that would be the case. But there is a human threshold. If you reduce the hours of voting till 1 hour after folks get off work, and severely limit the hours/weekends by which they can vote (and many of these folks have jobs that aren't flexible) then you're going to have attrition. People will get tired and quit. Not everyone will wait 12 hours. Some folks won't pack water. Does anyone really think that removing super sites, less voting machines, less hours to vote, and requiring more identification and hoops to jump through will result the same or more turnout we saw in GA in 2022?

The trick will be to hand out water and a snack before the line forms. Put a port-a-pottie there, and have a few volunteer stand-in’s for those needing to step out of line to use the facilities.
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6 minutes ago, Nivek said:

We have bigger things to worry about, the debt, Gina Carano’s movie career, Mr. Potato Head. Real shit man.... /Republican traitors.

Won't someone please think of Dr. Seuss? The pain and energy of *checks notes* losing a handful of titles I don't think I've ever read is exhausting.

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1 hour ago, aggie08 said:

This is how fucked up all of this is: this is pretty much the only CR thread with no GRHorn or Donkey or Don Johnson or Johnny Sack, etc. playing the both sides card or trolling or telling everyone that they're overreacting and common sense voting reforms were needed. There's no defending any of this...doing so means you either you believe Trump's big voter fraud lie, and you're an absolute moron, or you're a racist and don't want so many people--particularly minorities--to vote. Or both. Even our Republican friends know to stay the fuck away.

you should tag them. all of them. 

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1 hour ago, Nivek said:

Kemp ‘won’ the election over Abrams by overseeing the election, and tossing out votes for her. Of course it was later determined she would have won. Since this is not considered a crime, the fraud will continue.

He’s going down in 2022 

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That tweet brings up an excellent point. We need every black athlete and celebrity to show up in GA and purposefully get arrested for handing out water.  Make it a fucking spectacle. Perp walk LeBron, Oprah, Denzel, fucking everyone. And scream racism on national television. This needs to be the fucking plan. 

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1 hour ago, SydneyCarton said:

That tweet brings up an excellent point. We need every black athlete and celebrity to show up in GA and purposefully get arrested for handing out water.  Make it a fucking spectacle. Perp walk LeBron, Oprah, Denzel, fucking everyone. And scream racism on national television. This needs to be the fucking plan. 

And get white athletes and celebrities to go down to the jail and pay their release bonds.  Double down on the imagery.

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Bingo. Check out the mechanism for the lege to just decide to void votes/an election.

I haven’t looked but I’d bet the requirement that vote counting has to be completed the same day includes the provision that whoever is leading the count at midnight is declared the winner, is in there.
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5 hours ago, Nivek said:

Kemp ‘won’ the election over Abrams by overseeing the election, and tossing out votes for her. Of course it was later determined she would have won. Since this is not considered a crime, the fraud will continue.

I think the amazing part of the story is they thought that would be it for Abrams and she would not be relevant going forward.

For every door closed like that one was for her another one was opened. It can be argued that that “win” by Kemp actually turned into a loss for them because Abrams helped engineer a massive GOTV effort in Georgia that gave Democrats control of the government at the exact time and moment that our country absolutely had to have them. 

Edited by UpperWestside
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48 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:


Should ask Pat McCrory what happens when you pass controversial legislation.  HB2 in NC led to:

PayPal backed out of a planned expansion into Charlotte

Deutsche Bank cancelled a planned office 

A bunch of states banned state funded travel into NC

Cancelled events and conferences and conventions 

Production companies cancelled filming in NC

2017 NBA All Star game pulled 

NCAA and ACC pulled championship games and sites from the state (no chance SEC would pull their FB champ from ATL)

A bunch of musical artists cancelled planned NC stops from tours

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