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Donald Trump 2018


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7 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

In fairness, no one credible in DC is going to say they want a job until it’s offered to them.   For example, no one publicly says they want to be the VP candidate until the presidential candidate asks them to run with them.  

The next CoS walks into too many unknowns and potentially gets pulled into a criminal conspiracy.  And what’s the upside that goes along with that.  

It's not that anyone would say they want the job that's the issue, it's that every one of these republican assholes carry this piece of shit's water for 2 years but none of them will take the job in his white house. That's all even the dumbest American should need to see to know trump is a fraud and sunk when everyone in his own party won't work for him anymore. 

Unfortunately there's a big portion that will continue to fall for the bullshit trump and republicans spew. 

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How did Trump propose? I can’t imagine him being romantic in any way. Does he even allow his girlfriend an option to say “no,” or does he just declare “congratulations, you’re marrying me” and slide a pre-nup across the table? Also, he’s been married 3 times; do you think each time was different? Did he get lazier with each one?

Nobody I’ve raised this question to has had a solid answer. Hoping you, the foremost experts on his weird jelly brain, can clear this up.



I thought about this for way too long, and though I think the easy thing is just to assume that Trump would treat a marriage proposal like every other Very Important Business Deal he’s ever made in his entire fraudulent life, I think that underestimates just what a deeply strange and fucked up person he is.

When I try to imagine Trump being charming or funny or romantic in his personal life, I keep coming back to this clip that Conan O’Brien aired in 2005, in which pre-presidency Trump, in an attempt to, like, improv some comedy, acted like a true psycho:


Trump plunges further into previously unexplored depths of human strangeness with every batshit tweet and whinging press conference and yanking handshake and embarrassing photo op, and that’s all stuff he does when he’s embodying his public-facing persona! Imagine how much weirder he is in private.

What I’m getting at is that I don’t think we are capable of imagining what a Donald Trump marriage proposal would actually look like, because it would surely be a display that could only be hatched from his rotten brain. The closest I think I can come to touching that particular void is this: He invited Melania into his office, handed her a butterscotch candy, said “Congratulations,” and then softly clapped his hands three times.


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9 hours ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

Because you, me, and every other reasonable person knows it was a bull shit promise from the start, and no response from him to that question would move the needle for everyone else. 

Perhaps, but it would still be fun to see what kind of bullshit response he would give.

Either way, I think the best route would be for Pelosi and Schumer to have a press conference in support of Trump's wall.  Something like...

"We agree with the President that border security is an important issue,  but we disagree with him that building a wall is the best solution. 

However, in the spirit of bipartisanship, we'd like to work with the President to help him fulfill his top campaign promise..a border wall paid for by Mexico. So as soon as Mexico's border wall check clears in the Treasury, we will make certain that money is available to the President to begin construction.  Thank you."

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Pompeo went on 'Fox and Friends' and removed his pants on national television and again started carrying water for a Muslim murderer.  The 'Fox and Friends' hosts actually did a good job of attempting to hold Pompeo up to a level of reality.  In all seriousness, for the Secretary of State for the United States to do what he just did is, to this point, the most shameful and dark day of this administration.  Amazing to see how many people are willing to defile themselves for Donald Trump.  

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I’m still not clear on when we’re supposed to follow the “Let’s not politicize a tragedy! Let’s wait for all the facts to come out and we should be focusing on the victims right now.” canard.

Mass shooting? Wait and see.

Terror attack? Politicize away.

That about correct?

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6 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

I’m still not clear on when we’re supposed to follow the “Let’s not politicize a tragedy! Let’s wait for all the facts to come out and we should be focusing on the victims right now.” canard.

Mass shooting? Wait and see.

Terror attack? Politicize away.

That about correct?

Don't forget the key to determining what is a "terrorist attack":

Image result for family guy terrorist attack

Edited by Chuckie Finster
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I’m still not clear on when we’re supposed to follow the “Let’s not politicize a tragedy! Let’s wait for all the facts to come out and we should be focusing on the victims right now.” canard.

Mass shooting from white people? Wait and see.

Terror attack by brown people? Politicize away.

That about correct?

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12 minutes ago, Chooky said:

Pompeo went on 'Fox and Friends' and removed his pants on national television and again started carrying water for a Muslim murderer.  The 'Fox and Friends' hosts actually did a good job of attempting to hold Pompeo up to a level of reality.  In all seriousness, for the Secretary of State for the United States to do what he just did is, to this point, the most shameful and dark day of this administration.  Amazing to see how many people are willing to defile themselves for Donald Trump.  

Let's never forget.  Before he ascended to the glitzy ranks of the Trump Administration, he was Congressman from Kansas, and a proud card carrying member of the Tea Party movement.  In other words, a fucking moron*.



*Yes, I know he went to Harvard Law. Morons can still come out of that prestigious academic institution.


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22 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

Wonder if he knows that the Stasbourg terrorist was born in...wait for it... Stasbourg.  A border wall would have done nothing to stop him

This is why we need to build smaller walls around individual people.  Little circular walls.  Very cheap to build.

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29 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

Wonder if he knows that the Stasbourg terrorist was born in...wait for it... Stasbourg.  A border wall would have done nothing to stop him

It's just a continuation of his false claim from yesterday about how we've stopped 10 terrorists at the border and why we need a wall to keep terrorists out. There's no evidence that a terrorist has ever entered the U.S. across the Mexican border. He just spews bullshit as easily as breathing. 

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4 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

This whole page is just word salad.  Good god.

It's a true reflection of the era:  the world's longest fart joke.  We don't know how it'll end, but we know it will be wet and the only hope is that there's a Denny's restroom close by where we can clean up and drop something unthinkable in the waste basket before scurry out in shame.

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20 minutes ago, 'stache said:

DOTARD:  "Trust me, Mexico will be paying for it ultimately.  We have been very clear, and things are happening.  They will ultimately be paying for the wall."

PRESS:  "But your asking for Congress to appropriate the funding out of the treasury.  That means the American taxpayers are paying for it."

DOTARD:  "Trust me, Mexico will ultimately be paying for it.  You're being very unfair in your comments.  That's why the people don't trust you.  It's all fake news."

PRESS:  "What do you mean that Mexico will ultimately be paying for an appropriation from the US Treasury?"

DOTARD:  "Trust me, things are happening.  You're twisting facts.  It's fake news.  The people understand."

DOTARD WORSHIPPERS:  "Yay Trump, Fuck Mexico!  They gonna pay for it!  Fuck the fake news!"

so damn plausible. 'stache nailed it.

Edited by yoladu
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2 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

What are the odds that Representative Quigley's mom still cuts his hair?

Image result for mike quigley rep.

He looks like a bouncer taking a church photograph.  What happened to his right eye?  Sassy drunk girl?

But that dude better watch his back because he dropped a pretty big truth bomb.  Those will not win popularity contests among the GOP in DC.

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11 minutes ago, retread said:

Stache's post is exactly why you can't even have a policy conversation w Cheeto. He'll filibuster and lie to advance the position that favors him, and, besides that, he doesn't even understand the facts themselves.

To suggest that the media isn't asking these types of pointed questions is wrong.  He just gets around it in the manner I suggested.  And his worshippers fall for it.  Every.  Damn.  Time.  His attack on the media is the lynchpin of his success, because his worshippers fall for it and he'll never be held accountable by the 63 million idiots who voted for him.

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I don't know Quigley.  But considering the way things work these days, I expect he'll be arrested, deloused with a fire hose, humiliated with a broom handle, released on bail, invited to an embassy and then getting severed into many pieces and disappearing in scattered chunks somewhere over the Red Sea.  That silly son of a bitch is way out of line and unless he knows how to maintenance Pat Robertson's diamond mining equipment, he's useless to all of us.

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For Trumpkins, shouting down uncomfortable policy questions passes for acceptable debate. Like Maybe A Coordinator suggested in the Rep Party thread, we should have a Question Time each week where 4 top Ds and 4 top Rs answer questions from reporters and the public. Will never happen.

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1 hour ago, Chooky said:

A Washington Post journalist was cut to pieces with a bone saw and the Secretary of State is denying the accuracy of multiple classified briefings from the Director of the CIA.  Shit has been off the charts weird.  But never this weird.   

You put it like that, and it sounds kinda bad.

Is there a smocking gun? If not, it's all just speculation just like the collusion and other crimes. You libs are being manipulated by a lying press. Nobody reports the great things being done.

We live in great days, bro.

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3 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:




How did Trump propose? I can’t imagine him being romantic in any way. Does he even allow his girlfriend an option to say “no,” or does he just declare “congratulations, you’re marrying me” and slide a pre-nup across the table? Also, he’s been married 3 times; do you think each time was different? Did he get lazier with each one?

Nobody I’ve raised this question to has had a solid answer. Hoping you, the foremost experts on his weird jelly brain, can clear this up.



I thought about this for way too long, and though I think the easy thing is just to assume that Trump would treat a marriage proposal like every other Very Important Business Deal he’s ever made in his entire fraudulent life, I think that underestimates just what a deeply strange and fucked up person he is.

When I try to imagine Trump being charming or funny or romantic in his personal life, I keep coming back to this clip that Conan O’Brien aired in 2005, in which pre-presidency Trump, in an attempt to, like, improv some comedy, acted like a true psycho:


Trump plunges further into previously unexplored depths of human strangeness with every batshit tweet and whinging press conference and yanking handshake and embarrassing photo op, and that’s all stuff he does when he’s embodying his public-facing persona! Imagine how much weirder he is in private.

What I’m getting at is that I don’t think we are capable of imagining what a Donald Trump marriage proposal would actually look like, because it would surely be a display that could only be hatched from his rotten brain. The closest I think I can come to touching that particular void is this: He invited Melania into his office, handed her a butterscotch candy, said “Congratulations,” and then softly clapped his hands three times.


Dude has a type. 

1. Foreign woman doing small time "model" work who knows her "modeling" window is closing and wants money and a greencard.

2. Domestic woman doing small time "model" work who knows her "modeling" window is closing and wants money.

3. Foreign woman doing small time "model" work who knows her "modeling" window is closing and wants money and a greencard.

None of these were looking for or wanted actual romance from that clown. They got what they wanted. These were business transactions. 

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23 hours ago, DigDug said:

Trump hasn't had that particular opportunity.   Trump in that position would be on a scale of 10 times worse.

Trump wouldn't have attacked Iraq. It wouldn't even have entered his mind or the minds of the grifting freaks he surrounds himself with.

Trump is no true believer in either the eternal destiny of Christendom or the tenets of liberal democracy. He wouldn't have gone on a holy crusade to spread Democracy at the point of a gun. We would've bombed Afghanistan to hell, declared victory, and ended it there.

Not because Trump is good, but because it makes no sense for him to want any of that. That's not what he cares about (unlike W and the neo-cons, who had been bloodthirsty for the Middle East for decades and literally wrote books and papers about how best to transform the region through military action).

Look at how Gaddafi said he was ending his (non-existent, completely fictional) WMD program in 2003 in order to curry favor with the West. It worked a charm. That would've been even easier with Trump at the helm.

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7 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Trump wouldn't have attacked Iraq. It wouldn't even have entered his mind or the minds of the grifting freaks he surrounds himself with.

Trump is no true believer in either the eternal destiny of Christendom or the tenets of liberal democracy. He wouldn't have gone on a holy crusade to spread Democracy at the point of a gun. We would've bombed Afghanistan to hell, declared victory, and ended it there.

Not because Trump is good, but because it makes no sense for him to want any of that. That's not what he cares about (unlike W and the neo-cons, who had been bloodthirsty for the Middle East for decades and literally wrote books and papers about how best to transform the region through military action).

Look at how Gaddafi said he was ending his (non-existent, completely fictional) WMD program in 2003 in order to curry favor with the West. It worked a charm. That would've been even easier with Trump at the helm.

If we're speculating on what trump would have done, he probably would have used nukes.  He's repeatedly said why have nukes if you're not going to use them.  It's at least as likely trump would have destroyed the entire planet after starting World War III as any more positive outcome in Afghanistan.

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12 hours ago, J.R. said:


”Mr President:  i’m going to ask you a very direct question so I would appreciate a direct response. How did we go from your campaign promise that Mexico would pay for your wall to your demand today that future generations of  American taxpayers pay for the wall (since we will borrow the money to build it) or you will shut down the government?“



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15 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Trump wouldn't have attacked Iraq. It wouldn't even have entered his mind or the minds of the grifting freaks he surrounds himself with.

Trump is no true believer in either the eternal destiny of Christendom or the tenets of liberal democracy. He wouldn't have gone on a holy crusade to spread Democracy at the point of a gun. We would've bombed Afghanistan to hell, declared victory, and ended it there.

Not because Trump is good, but because it makes no sense for him to want any of that. That's not what he cares about (unlike W and the neo-cons, who had been bloodthirsty for the Middle East for decades and literally wrote books and papers about how best to transform the region through military action).

Look at how Gaddafi said he was ending his (non-existent, completely fictional) WMD program in 2003 in order to curry favor with the West. It worked a charm. That would've been even easier with Trump at the helm.

I mostly agree, but Eric Prince absolutely would have pushed to invade Iraq. 

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