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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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16 minutes ago, conVINCEd said:

My worry is that she drives high turnout from team R because she has the audacity to have dark skin and a vagina.

The problem with that is the number of people who identify as Republican keeps shrinking due to the party going further right and getting old and dying (and now COVID-19)


my big worry which most of y’all are already talking about is Republicans getting the house back plus getting secretaries of State and local election officials. That’s where the fuckery will occur

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20 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

which is why i said it's all about turnout.  it will be made very clear that staying home = a vote for trump(ism).

so they ban the county clerk from mailing ballot request forms out because they're afraid the forms might get used.  ban you from asking your neighbor if you can drop their ballot off at the box because they're afraid that ballot will get filled out.

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2 hours ago, Doug E. Fresh said:

One of several reasons it wasn’t difficult for me to move to London. I miss my family, I miss my friends but for the long term, I’ll take this over the US and especially Texas. It’s not the Texas of my childhood and I don’t like the way it’s headed.

It is the Texas of our childhoods, it's just that people with shitty views didn't have a little computer in their pocket and a worldwide platform in which to find other people with the same shitty views, allowing them to push those views on that worldwide platform.

When we were kids, these people knew their views were awful, and were careful not to speak or push them around other people that they didn't know for fear of alienating themselves and/or building a bad reputation.

Now they've (virtually) surrounded themselves with people with the same shitty views, watch a cable news network that embraces those views, and so they think it's okay.


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2 hours ago, DDD Dad said:

This reminds me that I'm eligible for Canadian citizenship.  Probably should look into that.

I think we are about finished with our process, but I have a Canadian in-law, and just had some in-laws go through the process a few years ago, so no surprises that I know of (my wife is handling it, but it sounds straight-forward).

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5 hours ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

Yes and no. @Mo Horn   A lot of this is pumped up by the media, not just the Newsmax media, but regular media because the Biden administration is working through policy and due to intentional obstruction and delay, yeah, that's rather boring to people who want lions, and fights, and taunting, and 'hold my beer' type action. So, it inflates the noise, as well as giving traction for those groundswell groups to coalesce.

1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

He literally won an election 5 years ago.  He didn't lose by a lot (in the only states that mattered) 1 year ago.  And there are a shitload more ignorant swing voters than you think.

A metric shitton of people thought that he couldn't win in 2016.  They were very, very wrong to think that.  Don't repeat that mistake.

He lost the House in 2018, and the White House and Senate in 2020. Republican legislatures across the US are not acting like they have a sure thing anymore - they are fighting rear-guard actions to try and keep some power for a little longer. They simply aren't projecting any kind of confidence at all.

Also, Trump's followers are dumb enough not to realize the amount of grift that is driving everything around Trump.  In 2015/2016, Trump had a bunch of people around him (Bannon, etc.) who were True Believers and out to win it all so that they could push through EO's, etc. and they wanted to shape the government.  Now Trump is surrounded by people who are every bit as selfish and out to profit off of it as he is.

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I don’t know if it will kill him, but I can definitely see a moment of physical weakness like when Hillary got lightheaded at the 9/11 ceremony. That would absolutely ruin him to show that kind of weakness.

He can’t walk down ramps or hold a glass of water. Didn’t ruin him last time
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Yeah Biden ain’t running in 2024. He’s old as fuck. I want to believe Kamala can win, and I hope she does, it will basically be a referendum on racism. If Trump wins, I won’t live in a country that openly embraces white supremacism. 

I’d say she’ll eviscerate him in debates, but he probably won’t agree to them
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I’d say she’ll eviscerate him in debates, but he probably won’t agree to them

Trump loves debates but he doesnt actually debate. You have to understand issues and take a side. He hardly understands anything and he takes all sides and no sides. He then tramples over everything and talks over everyone.
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4 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

I understand that people may not like her and it has nothing to do with race or gender. That doesn’t refute my point that if Donald Trump, a known racist and sexist, wins, it will mean our country is racist and sexist


Are you laboring under the opinion that our country may not be racist and sexist, and that this next election will be the definitive answer?

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Trump loves debates but he doesnt actually debate. You have to understand issues and take a side. He hardly understands anything and he takes all sides and no sides. He then tramples over everything and talks over everyone.

….and it works. And it will work again.

We live in Stupidistan in the stupidest timeline.
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5 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

It is the Texas of our childhoods, it's just that people with shitty views didn't have a little computer in their pocket and a worldwide platform in which to find other people with the same shitty views, allowing them to push those views on that worldwide platform.

When we were kids, these people knew their views were awful, and were careful not to speak or push them around other people that they didn't know for fear of alienating themselves and/or building a bad reputation.

Now they've (virtually) surrounded themselves with people with the same shitty views, watch a cable news network that embraces those views, and so they think it's okay.


Well there it is.gif

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2 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

Are you laboring under the opinion that our country may not be racist and sexist, and that this next election will be the definitive answer?

We had 8 years of a Gay, Bi-sexual, Black, Half-White, Muslim, Atheist, Communist, Socialist, Marxist Community Organizer born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia, inserted into Hawaii (which, by the way is where his parents met while studying a Russian language course during the motherfucking Cold War), working out of Chicago guy by the name of Barrack Hussein Obama II.

The guy who spoke out a decade ago about the guy above being from Kenya or Indonesia or wherever, and who was saying the quiet racist things out loud couldn't win a second term, even though a Black, Half-Indian woman by the name of Kamala Harris (whose mother is named  Shyamala Gopalan) was on a ticket with a really old white guy that may not finish his term.

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5 hours ago, SquishMitten said:

I’d say she’ll eviscerate him in debates, but he probably won’t agree to them

2 hours ago, Eskimohorn said:

Trump loves debates but he doesnt actually debate. You have to understand issues and take a side. He hardly understands anything and he takes all sides and no sides. He then tramples over everything and talks over everyone.

If he actually goes through the process (he won't, it's all about the grift and taking over the financial side of the GOP), he would agree to the debates, because he couldn't stand all of the people calling him a chicken, he probably thinks it would get him his twitter account back, and because he always believes he's the smartest man in the room.

He's holding fucking rallies in Alabama cow pastures.

Right now, you couldn't keep him away from a national debate that would get him on all of the networks, both cable and broadcast.


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9 hours ago, Doug E. Fresh said:

One of several reasons it wasn’t difficult for me to move to London. I miss my family, I miss my friends but for the long term, I’ll take this over the US and especially Texas. It’s not the Texas of my childhood and I don’t like the way it’s headed.


same here, but maybe i picked wrong with Oz. i guess the jury is still out. seriously looking at EU (as we have family there and its easy for us) but not sure I have another relocation in me. 

you guys posting "i will move if trump gets re-elected" are cracking me up. 

not sure if that happens but it will certainly be the slow, brutal death of the rule of law. toss in some guns and voila you got the making for some great reality tv. just keep those nukes down

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On 10/7/2021 at 12:08 PM, Born to Run said:

Why are we not making sweeping changes to limit the executive branch.

And give more power to...the senate? Gerrymandered House? The Supreme Court? I'm not being an asshole, I'm asking an honest question.

On 10/11/2021 at 12:55 PM, Sawbonz said:

I don’t know if it will kill him, but I can definitely see a moment of physical weakness like when Hillary got lightheaded at the 9/11 ceremony. That would absolutely ruin him to show that kind of weakness.

Disagree. This time I bet this clown thinks he can campaign from his basement (like biden) and do 1-2 rallies a month, visit no one in person, and still get all those R votes. 

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8 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:


And give more power to...the senate? Gerrymandered House? The Supreme Court? I'm not being an asshole, I'm asking an honest question.

Disagree. This time I bet this clown thinks he can campaign from his basement (like biden) and do 1-2 rallies a month, visit no one in person, and still get all those R votes. 

MMMM, I would bet if given the platform it would be at least once/twice a week.

Nope, he would do it everyday.

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1 minute ago, Biff Tannen said:

If there was any real hope of this happening, I would be ecstatic, but these monkeys will be right back to their grievance nonsense within a week. 

i dunno, seems to be working in some capacity. that's what a lot of people don't seem to recognize still: if trump says don't vote, his followers won't. if he told them to vote for a dem, they'd scratch their heads, but they would do it. I hope he stays on this particular message:


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1 minute ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

i dunno, seems to be working in some capacity. that's what a lot of people don't seem to recognize still: if trump says don't vote, his followers won't. if he told them to vote for a dem, they'd scratch their heads, but they would do it. I hope he stays on this particular message:


Marge Bowser (if that is her real name) is not a true believer. Burn her!

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15 minutes ago, Red Five said:

"Help me try to overthrow the election or I will destroy the party."

Have fun pubs! Hey, what's the worst that could happen?

Ummm.....guys.....you aren't looking at this the right way.   And that way is "what is the worst possible outcome?"  Because that's what we're going to get.

And that outcome is the GQP realizing that if they don't dance to the insane music of DJT, they will lose the support of their base.  So, they will dance.  And that dance looks a whole lot like "foment, support, and then bless/exonerate another violent coup to overthrow the government."

Another violent coup attempt is now MORE likely than it was before Jan 6th.  And if the GQP takes the House.....it's over.  They will bless the coup and its results, declare it the rightful outcome, and be done with it.  The end of the Republic is a lot closer than you think.

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You know, Trump telling the GOP not to vote is letting the world know there's no point in voting at all.  Because he's believing that in the states that have passed legislation to restrict and change voting, voting really doesn't matter now.  Have an election, have your count, then toss out whatever vote you want and appoint whoever you want as President.

And it will work.  He only needs to have a handful of states to decide that their respective elections in '24 need "clarification and review".



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6 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

You know, Trump telling the GOP not to vote is letting the world know there's no point in voting at all.  Because he's believing that in the states that have passed legislation to restrict and change voting, voting really doesn't matter now.  Have an election, have your count, then toss out whatever vote you want and appoint whoever you want as President.

And it will work.  He only needs to have a handful of states to decide that their respective elections in '24 need "clarification and review".



It would work if he was still the president and in charge of the executive branch. It won’t work because he’s not.

Yall still aren’t getting how important last January was and that 90 percent of the law is possession.

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1 minute ago, JimmyJames said:

It would work if he was still the president and in charge of the executive branch. It won’t work because he’s not.

Yall still aren’t getting how important last January was and that 90 percent of the law is possession.


It would have worked in January if the GOP was in charge of the House.  In '24, they probably will be.  


I want to be wrong.  Desperately.   But he came thisclose to pulling it off in January. And they---the GOP---won't make the same mistakes twice.  Everything post November 3rd was a slapdash.  They will be ready next time.

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