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Carpetbagging weasel faced smarmy little bitch, Ted Cruz

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6 minutes ago, HenryJames said:

He’s nothing more than a Twitter troll at this point with no concern for the Texans he purports to represent. He’s too fucking unlikable to be President for which he viewed becoming senator a stepping stone. 

I'm honestly surprised he wasn't the nominee for the supreme court. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It’s pretty clear Cruz believes it’s his birthright to be president and he feels he has to swing whichever way to get people to like him nationally. I’ve said before his words/actions over the last few months shows he’s going directly after trump voters for 2024

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2 minutes ago, Pancho said:

It’s pretty clear Cruz believes it’s his birthright to be president and he feels he has to swing whichever way to get people to like him nationally. I’ve said before his words/actions over the last few months shows he’s going directly after trump voters for 2024

Which is just so dumb. He’ll never captivate them the way trump has.

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9 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

How in the blue FUCK did this state end up with two of the absolute biggest pieces of shit as our senators?  Come the fuck on.

Because old dumb people are dumb. I visited my 84 year old mother and she couldn’t believe trump lost. I explained all of his grifts, sexual assaults, trashing of military people and she could not comprehend. I showed her trump does not believe in global warming. Then showed her the trump resort in Ireland trying to build sea walls “because of global warming “ . It did not register.  Cult of personality. 

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2 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

How in the blue FUCK did this state end up with two of the absolute biggest pieces of shit as our senators?  Come the fuck on.

A couple of weeks ago, I was trying to figure out who had the worst senators, and I was stunned when I realized that we're not close.  Look at Florida.  Look at Kentucky.  

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6 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

A couple of weeks ago, I was trying to figure out who had the worst senators, and I was stunned when I realized that we're not close.  Look at Florida.  Look at Kentucky.  

We don't have the worst football team either, but we still suck.

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58 minutes ago, Bullneck said:



Somehow Facebook suggested I connect with the person who had this on their page.  Who knew politician fan art was a thing that would even consider Ted.


There is a poster of that selling for $1.99 on ebay.

I know some people collect political memorabilia but it's a little odd.

Wait until Kristi Noem runs in 2024, her chest size will grow by two or three cup sizes while her waist shrinks two inches. She's actually fairly slender, but I find the cartoonish exaggerations interesting; Ted used to be kind of skinny, but he has man boobs and manhandles now. What's funny is this guy below was checking out algorithms on twitter during a discussion and this came up before regular Ted.


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2 hours ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

There is a poster of that selling for $1.99 on ebay.

I know some people collect political memorabilia but it's a little odd.

Wait until Kristi Noem runs in 2024, her chest size will grow by two or three cup sizes while her waist shrinks two inches. She's actually fairly slender, but I find the cartoonish exaggerations interesting; Ted used to be kind of skinny, but he has man boobs and manhandles now. What's funny is this guy below was checking out algorithms on twitter during a discussion and this came up before regular Ted.


The Republicans are dumping their stand-by MILF (Sarah Palin) for Noem?  That's not very cool.  It's not like Noem is any smarter or anything.

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30 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

I almost wish SCOTUS would agree to hear the Paxton suit just to see this fuckface try and argue it


whaaaat ???

per the micheal barry radio show in houston,  old Rafael Cruz would have shown those justices a thing or two. no person in the US is better tasked for this role !

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a good article on how Cruz changes his stance to stay popular, instead of sticking to any type of standards of his own.  Two faced, spineless self serving huckster. 

Column: Ted Cruz, party bellwether, tells you where the GOP is headed

.....None of this withstands close scrutiny. But that’s not the point. If Cruz thinks fighting for Reaganite principles is a political loser, that should tell you something about how far we are from a return to Reaganism.

DEC. 22, 2020
3:30 AM

Throughout the Trump captivity of the GOP, many Republicans have held fast to the hope that after he leaves office, the party will be able to return to the sunny Reaganism of the Before Times.

Of course, Trump’s bitter-enders have made it clear that they’d be happy to tear down not just the party, but the country itself, to avoid having to live in a post-Trump world.

It might have seemed as if we hit rock bottom earlier this month, when the attorney general of Texas sued the swing states that decided the election for Biden, demanding to have tens of millions of legal votes erased and the election effectively handed to Trump. More than a hundred Republican House members and 17 Republican state attorneys general lent their names in support.

The Supreme Court unanimously rejected that idiotic suit, but no rebuke or reason seems to be able to divert this movement from where it’s headed. Allen West, the head of the Texas Republican Party, issued a statement after the ruling, suggesting that perhaps “law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution.”


After it was pointed out to him that this smacked of secession talk, West followed it up with the bizarre claim that “the real perpetrators of secession are the states, and others, named in the suit by Texas, who enacted illegal and unconstitutional actions resulting in the violation of election laws.”

Now, Trump’s team appears to be moving past the election altogether since it has failed spectacularly to alter that reality. Instead, Michael Flynn, the newly pardoned former national security advisor, who met with the president on Friday night, has been leading the calls for martial law to save the Trump presidency.

Over the weekend, Kelli Ward, the head of the Arizona Republican Party, who agrees that the election was stolen, tweeted to assure Trump that Arizona is “working every avenue to stop this coup,” using the hashtag “CrossTheRubicon.” The best defense of Ward is that she has a thumbless grasp of what that phrase actually means: Julius Caesar’s illegal crossing of the Rubicon river with his troops marked the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of Caesarian tyranny.

As dangerous and ridiculous as such talk is, many Republicans still think this is all a temporary fever, a last gasp of Trump’s cynical performative nonsense aimed at venting anger and raising money off his supporters. They think the GOP can still return to being the party of Reagan.



One reason for skepticism is the latest move by Sen. Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas. Cruz has always been a reliable bellwether for the mood of the broader GOP base, which is why he was so adept at switching from one of Trump’s biggest critics to one of his biggest supporters — and why he offered to argue the Texas lawsuit before the Supreme Court.

No politician in recent memory has wrapped himself more in Reagan’s legacy than Cruz. He’s read all the biographies, can quote all the big speeches, and has said countless times that he models himself after the Gipper.

So it was revealing that on Friday, Cruz single-handedly scuttled an effort to protect Hong Kongers facing persecution for supporting democracy. The legislation would offer special consideration — Temporary Protected Status — for Hong Kongers seeking asylum from Chinese authoritarianism and for Hong Kong residents fearful of returning to it. The measure, so uncontroversial it passed unanimously by voice vote in the House, is vintage Reagan.

“We shall continue America’s tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries,” Reagan declared in his 1981 speech on immigration “We all also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.”

Indeed, as recently as June, Cruz issued a statement commemorating the 33rd anniversary of Reagan’s Berlin Wall speech, saying that, “America should remember” that “our principles can tear down walls.” While the Berlin Wall may be gone, he added, “the evils of tyranny still exist today, and nowhere is that more evident than in Hong Kong where the Chinese Communist Party has moved to crush Hong Kong’s autonomy and strip away their freedoms.”

This Christmas season he says we cannot lend support to potential victims of tyranny because giving them temporary protection could be “used by the Chinese Communists to send even more Chinese spies into the United States.” He also suggested that the time-limited and Hong Kong-specific adjustment is really a Trojan Horse for the Democrats’ radical approach to immigration.

None of this withstands close scrutiny. But that’s not the point. If Cruz thinks fighting for Reaganite principles is a political loser, that should tell you something about how far we are from a return to Reaganism.



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