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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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so i never thought of this before...but was the 25th Amendment what they tried to invoke and get Glenn Close to sign in Air Force One and she refused b/c the President was hidden in the cargo hold and was able to call in on cell phone?


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2 minutes ago, mchookem said:

so i never thought of this before...but was the 25th Amendment what they tried to invoke and get Glenn Close to sign in Air Force One and she refused b/c the President was hidden in the cargo hold and was able to call in on cell phone?


Oh man, it's been awhile. Maybe?

I'm not pleased about Pence dithering about but I'm not there and not in the discussions so who knows what's going on? Maybe someone should ask Putin what to do, he seems to have all the answers.

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3 minutes ago, mchookem said:

so i never thought of this before...but was the 25th Amendment what they tried to invoke and get Glenn Close to sign in Air Force One and she refused b/c the President was hidden in the cargo hold and was able to call in on cell phone?



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6 hours ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

Has anyone bothered to figure out how Germany deprogrammed their crazies after WWII?  I hope someone took notes back then because we’re going to need to do the same thing. 

I tend to think American occupation in the West and Russian occupation in the East had something to do with that. 

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5 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

Listened to the BBC this afternoon. Holy fuck....how embarrassing. The coverage might as well have been of some third world backwater. And it was all accurate. They don’t pull punches.

For example, they raised the FACT that the President has spent weeks actively trying to solicit the military to support him in overturning the result of the election. “Only because the American military - as cautioned by ten former secretaries of defense - refused to go along with him did this coup attempt fail.”

It really is that simple. He tried to get the military to support him so he could stay in power. Had they gone along with it, this would be all over - we would have lost the Republic fully, finally, and irrevocably.

We came that close....and it’s not over yet. And the fucking BBC damn well knows it. They were referring to Trump, quite alarmed, as an ongoing threat to democracy and the world.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Of course he tried to do that. And of course the military refused. 

I realize you are very doom and gloom but the military refusal part should give you some hope, I would hope. 

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Of course he tried to do that. And of course the military refused. 
I realize you are very doom and gloom but the military refusal part should give you some hope, I would hope. 

I’m glad our failsafe held.

I’m horrified that we got down to that final failsafe.

Our military has to choose whether or not to participate in a coup. That....is fucking horrifying.
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1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

I’m glad our failsafe held.

I’m horrified that we got down to that final failsafe.

Our military has to choose whether or not to participate in a coup. That....is fucking horrifying.

Oh of course you know I agree.

The biggest obstacles to Hitler was the senior German military officers as well as the judicial system and lawyers. Eventually over the years Hitler unfortunately overcame those obstacles.

Here, Trump lost bigly to both because he’s too stupid to defeat them. I don’t like many of our republican judges, but they still held in the face of Trump, which frankly I expected. I never doubted the senior military officers one bit.

In short, Trump was tying to bite off more than he can chew. I understand your skepticism, but In my opinion it flies in the face of the reality that as terrible as some of our public is, our institutions are still there. 

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8 hours ago, Bodhi said:

Fuck this guy.  Fuck DeVos, Fuck Mulvaney, and Fuck all other enablers that are willing to take a conflicting stand now only because they believe it will benefit them.  They were all fine being suckerfish for the past 4 years for personal gain while the country suffered.  Die of syphilis and rot. 

Sadly, you're giving them too much credit.  Pence only "turned" on Trump because he was put in an impossible position after the mob believed Trump when he told them that Pence could unilaterally overturn the election results.  DeVos and some of the others likely only resigned so they wouldn't have to take a stand on the 25th Amendment.  

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so i never thought of this before...but was the 25th Amendment what they tried to invoke and get Glenn Close to sign in Air Force One and she refused b/c the President was hidden in the cargo hold and was able to call in on cell phone?

There’s also a West Wing episode where Walter Sobchak walks in and says “Calmer than you are.”

No spoilers.
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Trump is lucky that Pence isn't a stone cold political tactician and vengeful man. Trump, et al almost got him and his family killed and he's just sitting on his hands. Dick Cheney would bully, blackmail, and threaten the Cabinet into the 25th, become president, and have anyone who even so much as sneezed in his general direction that day arrested, as well as anyone who told them "bless you."

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so i never thought of this before...but was the 25th Amendment what they tried to invoke and get Glenn Close to sign in Air Force One and she refused b/c the President was hidden in the cargo hold and was able to call in on cell phone?

I laughed at imagining trump saying (or not saying) get off of my plane.

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10 minutes ago, topochico said:

Actually, he is going to Alamo, TX in the RGV to celebrate his wall. He is not going to "The Alamo" in San Antonio. 

However, given the whole Four Seasons mix up, who knows....

He’ll end up giving his speech in front of a car rental counter at BWI.

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Eighty-sixed permanently from his personal account by Twitter for propelling his mob to attack and occupy the Capitol, President Donald Trump transferred his carping to the official @POTUS account early Friday evening.

His four tweets there, since deleted by Twitter, complained of being gagged by the “Democrats and Radical Left” and pledged he would explore “building out our own platform in the near future.” This vague promise reprised an idea first floated by the Trump camp in the late going of campaign 2016—when he seemed a sure loser—that he might start his own TV network. It makes sense that Trump would want to build his own impregnable forum where nobody can police his speech. He maintains his base by communicating with it at all hours of the day and night. He desperately wants to maintain that continuity to preserve the momentum he has achieved over the past four years. He rightly worries that his pack will ditch him for someone more compelling or entertaining, ergo, he needs to lay plans now or face oblivion.



But then as now, the business challenges to launching a TV channel or other high-profile media property seem beyond the talents, resources and patience of Trump and his crew. This isn’t to predict that Trump won’t enter the media business, only to record that if he does, he won’t get very far.

Let’s say he decides to start a cable channel to vie with CNN, MSNBC and especially with Fox News Channel. Assuming that he can raise the hundreds of millions of dollars to stand up a competitive network—Trump has always preferred using other people’s money in his ventures—what sort of luck might he have in getting AT&T, Comcast, Verizon and other major cable companies to carry his new channel? He has no friends at AT&T, whose merger with Time Warner he fought as president, and which now owns CNN. Comcast doesn’t desire a new entry in the news market to go against its MSNBC property. As The New York Times noted in 2016, not even Oprah Winfrey, the queen of all media, succeeded in turning her personal franchise into a cable powerhouse. Can Trump do something the far-wealthier and much more appealing Winfrey couldn’t?



But let’s say Trump does the unlikely. If you think Fox has been distancing itself from the toddler-in-chief since the Biden victory, you can be assured that it will savage him when he poses a threat to its viewership and revenues. The same goes for the Trump-lovers at NewsMax and OAN. Trump’s better bet would be to buy NewsMax, something Trump allies flirted with in November, or even OAN. But again, doing so would draw the ire of Fox, where the majority of his followers currently park their TV sets. Trump might as well shop for a public access slot.



Rather than starting his own thing, the fastest, grandest way for Trump to get into the media game would be to shop himself to Fox or the Sinclair stations as the host of a nightly show, which given the 74 million votes he garnered in November and his TV talents, could make a splash. But what’s in it for Fox? Its current prime-time roster rakes in excellent ratings, and none of the current hosts pose the personnel problems Trump would immediately present. The Fox dog does not want to be wagged by the tail. What’s more, the Murdoch empire, which owns Fox, seems to have soured on Trump. This week, the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal editorial page, a consistent pro-Trump venue, urged Trump to resign the morning after the battle for the Capitol. Fleeing to a host job at Sinclair, again, would make him a slow-moving target of his natural allies at Fox, NewsMax and OAN. Does he really want that? He has too many media enemies right now to manufacture new ones.

Trump could try to reconstitute his Twitter brand on a new service of his own creation, but that too would be like pushing a boulder up a hill. Better to go to Parler, the home of many Twitter-rejectees, he might surmise. Yet that’s not going to create media magic for the soon-to-be ex-president, either. Google just banned Parler from its app store, and Apple is threatening to do the same because Parler doesn’t do content moderation or tamp down firebrands like Trump. So even if Trump moves to Parler and Parler smooths relations with the two app stores, Trump will face censorship from Google and Apple that will make his time at Twitter look like a free ride. Trump will never join Parler if it only lets him pour vanilla on his faithful. He wants to dump hot sauce. 

What options does that leave Trump? Start an over-the-top streaming channel like Glenn Beck’s the Blaze? Beck, who was a Fox star before creating the Blaze, never succeeded in the linear TV business after eight years of trying, and now exists as a more modest service that produces VOD shows, radio shows, podcasts and a website. 

Energizing his minions to rout the Capitol didn’t completely drain Trump of his political and media powers. But the wounds he suffered are deep and hemorrhaging still. The days where he could swagger, defame and incite without suffering crippling repercussions appear to have ended. To pour the foundations for a new media operation he would need lots of capital, something he appears not to possess. He would need a media mastermind like Roger Ailes to guide it—but Ailes is dead. 

What successful media wizard can you think of who is dying to throw in with a discredited ex-president? And most of all, to sustain a bruising media battle against the current market incumbents, he would require advertiser support. Beyond the My Pillow guy, the purveyors of herbal remedies and reverse mortgage operators, how many American brands want to associate their products and services with an unindicted (for now) accessory to sedition?


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12 hours ago, Bodhi said:

Fuck this guy.  Fuck DeVos, Fuck Mulvaney, and Fuck all other enablers that are willing to take a conflicting stand now only because they believe it will benefit them.  They were all fine being suckerfish for the past 4 years for personal gain while the country suffered.  Die of syphilis and rot. 




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18 hours ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

Has anyone bothered to figure out how Germany deprogrammed their crazies after WWII?  I hope someone took notes back then because we’re going to need to do the same thing. 

They came down extremely harshly on the Nazis and their sympathizers to the point even today 75 years later spreading nazi propaganda in Germany is illegal and will get offenders prison time. 

The most depressing things to come out of this for me on a macro level are 1) just how many Americans are horrible and supremely gullible people and 2) that human nature requires censorship in a digital social media age. Social media left unchecked has brought the most economically powerful country to it's knees being infiltrated by extremists and having it's Capitol ransacked. We don't need the government censoring citizens but if social media is going to exist we are reliant on those companies censoring propaganda and hate speech. 

I'm more in favor of treating all written word social media like nuclear weapons and just putting a ban on them and deciding these shall not be used anymore. 

Edited by Wanker Bob
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15 hours ago, Eastwood said:

That's a real head scratcher. I can't think of a reason for him to be in the RGV.

I think he's trying to use the wall as a legacy.  Something tangible he did.

I watched The Comey Rule the other day.  In the dialog, some observations were made about Trump, some obvious, others less so.  One that stuck out was Comey/Daniels observing after one of his early meetings with Trump, was that he changes topics of discussion extremely rapidly.  I think that's very true and reflects his really scattered thought processes.

I might guess that he's totally mentally flopping around from one perceived injustice to another, and to still another thought of self-aggrandizement.

I think the RGV trip is one of the latter:  a flop from his rage at the election to a last-gasp attempt to accomplish something, and something physical, material, and disliked by his "enemies."

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If y’all don’t think that we are already in the midst of a protracted civil war - which will turn hot more times than we should be comfortable with - you haven’t been paying attention.

This is an insane, religiously fanatical terrorist movement. They believe in things more fantastical - and much more dangerous - than any religion does. There are tens of millions of them. And they are fanatically dedicated to their orange god.

We are in deep, deep trouble. It is going to get worse. Much worse.
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12 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

I tend to think American occupation in the West and Russian occupation in the East had something to do with that. 

Related sidenote.  There's a movie out there called The Aftermath.  It's a romance, but historical in nature.  Jason Clarke is a British officer after the war who is living with his wife in the mansion of a wealthy German architect, played by Alexander Makesmypussywet.

Clarke is part of the denazification process and Alex is a suspected Nazi who is reduced to manual labor and having his home occupied by an allied officer while he lives in the attic with his daughter.

It shows the harsh treatment received by Germans after the war in even the relatively merciful British sector.  I think the Russians just exterminated everyone they could find with a party connection.

Actually a half-decent flick.

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3 hours ago, Eastwood said:

Trump is lucky that Pence isn't a stone cold political tactician and vengeful man. Trump, et al almost got him and his family killed and he's just sitting on his hands. Dick Cheney would bully, blackmail, and threaten the Cabinet into the 25th, become president, and have anyone who even so much as sneezed in his general direction that day arrested, as well as anyone who told them "bless you."

Trump 2.0 will much more dangerous and likely end this country, falling into a fascist regime 

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32 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

Related sidenote.  There's a movie out there called The Aftermath.  It's a romance, but historical in nature.  Jason Clarke is a British officer after the war who is living with his wife in the mansion of a wealthy German architect, played by Alexander Makesmypussywet.

Clarke is part of the denazification process and Alex is a suspected Nazi who is reduced to manual labor and having his home occupied by an allied officer while he lives in the attic with his daughter.

It shows the harsh treatment received by Germans after the war in even the relatively merciful British sector.  I think the Russians just exterminated everyone they could find with a party connection.

Actually a half-decent flick.

posrep b/c i immediately knew who you meant without even looking up the movie. b/c duh lol 🤣😊


Edited by mchookem
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35 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

If y’all don’t think that we are already in the midst of a protracted civil war - which will turn hot more times than we should be comfortable with - you haven’t been paying attention.

This is an insane, religiously fanatical terrorist movement. They believe in things more fantastical - and much more dangerous - than any religion does. There are tens of millions of them. And they are fanatically dedicated to their orange god.

We are in deep, deep trouble. It is going to get worse. Much worse.

You are both right and wrong. How’s that for a both sides? 

You are right that we are dealing with terrorists. The definition fits. However the right wing white trash domestic terrorist brigade that calls its MAGA has gone too far this time and is not strong enough nor sophisticated enough to accomplish what it wants. The reason they were able to storm the capitol is because trump let them and wanted it to happen. Trumps terror reign will end in a few days and with it will end the ability of the white trash terrorists to do jack shit.

You are wrong that we are in big trouble. Once trump is gone the full weight of the federal government will shift and be unleashed on these people and even though traitors like Cruz and Rawley won’t support it, the assault on the white trash maga terrorists will be supported by the full weight of corporate America, the defense industry and the American military, and oh yeah, 60 percent of the country.

The terrorists are right about one thing. A storm is coming. Just not the one they expect. 

Trump must go first before that can happen.

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In America today and once Trump is gone and the pandemic has hopefully subsided, you can either take up arms against the country in defense of the orange god, or you can go to Six Flags and Applebee’s on the way home while bitching on Twitter on your iPhone. 99.9 percent of MAGA will choose the latter when given a choice. The rest will be dealt with.

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You are both right and wrong. How’s that for a both sides? 
You are right that we are dealing with terrorists. The definition fits. However the right wing white trash domestic terrorist brigade that calls its MAGA has gone too far this time and is not strong enough nor sophisticated enough to accomplish what it wants. The reason they were able to storm the capitol is because trump let them and wanted it to happen. Trumps terror reign will end in a few days and with it will end the ability of the white trash terrorists to do jack shit.
You are wrong that we are in big trouble. Once trump is gone the full weight of the federal government will shift and be unleashed on these people and even though traitors like Cruz and Rawley won’t support it, the assault on the white trash maga terrorists will be supported by the full weight of corporate America, the defense industry and the American military, and oh yeah, 60 percent of the country.
The terrorists are right about one thing. A storm is coming. Just not the one they expect. 
Trump must go first before that can happen.

You have to be right. I pray that you are.

Because there’s really no middle ground here. It has to be one outcome, or the other. We are at the most dangerous crossroads since the civil war.
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1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

If y’all don’t think that we are already in the midst of a protracted civil war - which will turn hot more times than we should be comfortable with - you haven’t been paying attention.

Thankfully there's a Republican civil war going on right now.  Well, it's turning into a Republican vs Trumpkins civil war, and it's going to be a messy divorce.

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