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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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45 minutes ago, tokamak said:

We might deserve it, but our children don't.

They'll all be roasting alive and living in giant, abandoned Escalades cursing the selfish sybarites who couldn't bring themselves to give a fuck about a global catastrophe. All signs point to it being too late to do anything about it now with the permafrost thawing and the antarctic ice melting.

A fucking child lined it all out for us.


We don't give a fuck about children unless it's just our own child and happening in this moment.

I'll be gone before the bill comes due. I don't have children, but I do have younger people that are dear to me. They're proper fucked and don't even know it because we can't be distracted from our other distractions. I claim no exception for myself. 

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24 minutes ago, The Royal We said:

This seems like the most plausible explanation I've seen so far.  Trump took the boxes, they asked for them back and he gave SOME of them back but kept others.  He was basically flaunting his ability to do whatever the fuck he wanted and they called his bluff.

I think it's at least that, and possibly that they have clear evidence that he was selling or sharing some of this classified information as well.

I agree this could go in several different directions. The FBI's subpoena for mar lago's video surveillance for a certain date in June is particularly interesting.

The trumptwits ask, why did the FBI search the former president's residence when they could have simply subpoenaed what they wanted? At a minimum they had previously requested return of the stolen documents by letter and in person. A subpoena is for when the person in possession of the material has legal possession, and also implies that there was no urgency for the gov't in retrieving the info. A  warrant means the FBI believed the individual had no legal right to the subject matter of the search.

Also notably Peter Strzok reminds us that trump lost all legal right to possess classified material on the day he finally departed the Oval Office.


Edited by Chopper
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8 minutes ago, Covri said:




Lol. So the bar of "presumed innocent until proven guilty in the court of law" is now presumed innocent for 48 hours. After that, you're guilty AF.

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The coordination and speed of the GQP's reaction makes it look like they were anticipating this most recent FBI raid.  Or at the very least, they had a planned contingency to enact whenever the investigations of Trump moved to this stage.

Neither of those look like the actions of anything less than an accomplice in crime.

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15 hours ago, Dutchrudder said:

I listened to part of the Eric Trump interview on Hannity from Monday night, you know 8/8 Raid Day.  Anyways, he actually said a few interesting things. He claims he was there when the raid happened, he was not shown the warrant (which may be procedural or it could mean the warrant has sensitive info), and he said it was "about 30 agents in about 20 cars.". That's a big fucking group of agents for 15 boxes of evidence. Now I'm sure some of them were there for security purposes, closing off the location and such, ensuring no monkey business from Trump people, watching the cars, but it sounds like they expected to need a lot of help to find everything. 




It's a huge fucking building.  That doesn't surprise me.

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14 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

More from brimful of Asha:

Grand jury subpoena.  Hmmm.  And Trump didn't peep about this.

So the question remains, did they just use the SW to retrieve the docs and that’s the end of it?  I’m thinking yes, unless they can prove he used them. 

but even if paper or digital copies are found on the possession of bad actors, trump can still say the docs were handled by several people through the course of their movement to and seizure from MAR. 


Edited by Pato del Muerto
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The only appropriate response from the trump cult members - mass seppuku to show they’re committed. Plus it’ll also be massive ownage of the libs. Libs will never be able to top it. The display of devotion to dear leader will certainly give him a brief reason to smile. 

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30 minutes ago, G650 said:

Well, that means there's definitely more damaging info coming

In a world where the truth matters, the appropriate response would be muted/cautious, out of fear that the truth would make your initial support look bad.

But we're wayyy past that, and the only appropriate response in a post-truth world is to be even more vocal in your support for Trump.

It's crazy seeing those closest to Trump pretending like the truth actually matters. It doesn't, at all. 

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1 hour ago, Goredho said:

The coordination and speed of the GQP's reaction makes it look like they were anticipating this most recent FBI raid.  Or at the very least, they had a planned contingency to enact whenever the investigations of Trump moved to this stage.

Neither of those look like the actions of anything less than an accomplice in crime.

This is not any more coordinated than any other reaction. They get their talking points from the same place all the time. I don't think they anticipated this specific development. They just have a general playbook because there have been so many media bombshells in the past.

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39 minutes ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

Is Maggie getting subpoenas and warrants confused?

Maggie's just parroting what people in trump world have told her---people with room temperature IQs and an understanding of government and law that makes School House Rock look like a hefty legal tome.  She's been tweeting a bunch of nonsense, with no pushback as to accuracy, quoting trumpers.

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1 minute ago, Pig Bellmont said:

It’s going to be a boring, probably empty statement. Wish I was wrong but this is Merrick. Doubt he’s going to announce an indictment and call for Trump to turn himself in

Oh of course. It's going to be "We executed a search warrant. Today I had a ham sandwich."

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15 hours ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

Secret and top secret are v v different things.  I had secret as a summer intern at Raytheon.  My dad had TS and bureau dudes would show up at all my neighbors houses to question them about if the see us doing anything weird.  

.... and then there are the REAL clearances.

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6 hours ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

MAGA wants the benefits of supporting a guy who acts like a mobster (triggering the libs) but not the burdens (scrutiny from law enforcement).

6 hours ago, chainsaw said:

They're all Fucking Around and no Finding Out

A few thousand fucked around on January 6th and nearly a thousand have found out.

And for a group of people and the man they follow, who are obsessed with patriotism and loyalty, a whole shitload of those folks tattled on one another and turned state's evidence, which leads us to this:

On 8/9/2022 at 7:04 PM, chainsaw said:

The bigger your "circle of trust" the higher probability that there's a mole. This was true even of Trump's supposed "inner circle" who had been doing mafia shit for decades.

Which leads to this:

3 hours ago, Mo Horn said:


And finally this:

2 hours ago, Chopper said:

The law falls under the Espionage Act and there's a provision under subsection e that anyone who conspired along with the former president to take the documents faces the same maximum penalty of up to 10 years in prison and/or a fine. If trump thinks he has a problem with "informants" now wait 'til his co-conspirators face a little law enforcement pressure.


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2 minutes ago, TXSG8R said:

I really hope he comes up and makes a statement about the Iran assassination shit and then walks off.  People will lose their fucking minds. 

I hope he says that in the early stages of the investigation we've confirmed Trump has tiny hands. Then walks off.

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3 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

FOX turned their full attention to discrediting this guy, and this is the best they can do? The man in the picture isn't eating or drinking anything. The bottle and package are unopened. It's a posed picture likely as a joke that has been lifted out of any context so the lying blowhard meat puppet can rant.

That and outrage at Hunter and his laptop.

Very sloppy on Fox News's part.

3 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

The shrillness of FOX and the fact that their on air personalities were in regular touch with the traitor in chief leads me to wonder if some prosecution could be headed their way.

OAN is now almost ended, so Fox just has to do a bare minimum to keep their viewers from defecting to NewsMax.

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15 hours ago, Surly Bevo said:

I’d guess this is more than just were I’s dotted and T’s crossed with respect to physical security of documents. Somebody tipped them that not only was information not simply secured….it was being shared/sold.

.... you are in the xyz neighborhood but the vector is off just a little .....

.... pretend you are dotard, with dotard's mind, rationale, etc. .....

.... every day for 4 years you learned stuff you never thought possible .....

.... the best toys ever made ....

.... if don't destroy the printed copies and keep it for yourself, despite the rules ....

.... in your dotard brain, it's a get-ouf-of-jail-free-card !!!! .....

you don't have to threaten to sell it

you just need it in your back pocket

except they just took it from him

whoopsie daisy

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