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New (?) University in Austin


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From looking at the names involved I am a little surprised at the knee-jerk, visceral hate most of y'all have for this project. I mean, I am not a fan of this proposed college's philosophy but I am a pinko, but to me, this is a whole gang of Never Trumpers ranging from neo-liberal to neo-con. 

I guess it's their focus on cancel culture and other right-wing hobgoblins, but to me this seems to fall in the category of moderate militants tinged a little with Islamophobia -- Weiss and Ayaan Ali Hirsi? I mean is it Islamophobia to crusade against female genital mutilation and forced marriages and some other of the excesses of fundamentalist Islam? (Christopher Hitchens was a huge fan; back in the day he had tons of fanboys on these boards.)  

The increasingly dotty Atlantic writer Caitlin Flanagan is no Republican or conservative. Larry Summers is the embodiment of neolib corporate Democrat-ism.  Strossen is a liberal feminist former ACLU chief, and Rauch is best known for his crusades to bring about and preserve same sex marriage. WVU president E. Gordon Gee would be one of the most popular posters on his site...He is continually in hot water for talking smack about other schools' football teams. When he likened TCU's pre-Big 12 schedule to one that included "the Little Sisters of the Poor," Catholic grifters feigned being insulted and ginned up a scandal. In a realignment shuffle, Gee said Louisville and the SEC schools "should learn to read and write" before they worried about conference expansion. Again, pearlclutchers made this into a scandal, as they did when he said "Barry Alvarez thought Bret Bielema was a thug." 

And so on. The institution I see here is old-school moderate conservative / social libertarian -- which seems to be the majority orientation of the CR even today. Had they unveiled these plans 15 years ago it would have enchubbened the vast majority of the regular posters. Though it will be thoroughly pro-Israel, I didn't see and out and out war hawk among the bunch.

I also did not see a single Hispanic among the entire bunch unless you count a Portuguese-American Lutheran pastor. Not even a token Cuban, but most prominent Cubans seem to be farther to the right than this bunch. In fact I would be very surprised if a vote among these eggheads would not come down on the side of ending the embargo. 

As to the idea that you just can't start a school from scratch, I offer up the school some of you seem to subconsciously likening this one to: Liberty University. I think it can be done if it is well-funded and united by an ideology with enough popular appeal. It seems UATX has both.

Edited by MaybeACoordinator
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1 hour ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

From looking at the names involved I am a little surprised at the knee-jerk, visceral hate most of y'all have for this project. I mean, I am not a fan of this proposed college's philosophy but I am a pinko, but to me, this is a whole gang of Never Trumpers ranging from neo-liberal to neo-con. 

I guess it's their focus on cancel culture and other right-wing hobgoblins, but to me this seems to fall in the category of moderate militants tinged a little with Islamophobia -- Weiss and Ayaan Ali Hirsi? I mean is it Islamophobia to crusade against female genital mutilation and forced marriages and some other of the excesses of fundamentalist Islam? (Christopher Hitchens was a huge fan; back in the day he had tons of fanboys on these boards.)  

The increasingly dotty Atlantic writer Caitlin Flanagan is no Republican or conservative. Larry Summers is the embodiment of neolib corporate Democrat-ism.  Strossen is a liberal feminist former ACLU chief, and Rauch is best known for his crusades to bring about and preserve same sex marriage. WVU president E. Gordon Gee would be one of the most popular posters on his site...He is continually in hot water for talking smack about other schools' football teams. When he likened TCU's pre-Big 12 schedule to one that included "the Little Sisters of the Poor," Catholic grifters feigned being insulted and ginned up a scandal. In a realignment shuffle, Gee said Louisville and the SEC schools "should learn to read and write" before they worried about conference expansion. Again, pearlclutchers made this into a scandal, as they did when he said "Barry Alvarez thought Bret Bielema was a thug." 

And so on. The institution I see here is old-school moderate conservative / social libertarian -- which seems to be the majority orientation of the CR even today. Had they unveiled these plans 15 years ago it would have enchubbened the vast majority of the regular posters. Though it will be thoroughly pro-Israel, I didn't see and out and out war hawk among the bunch.

I also did not see a single Hispanic among the entire bunch unless you count a Portuguese-American Lutheran pastor. Not even a token Cuban, but most prominent Cubans seem to be farther to the right than this bunch. In fact I would be very surprised if a vote among these eggheads would not come down on the side of ending the embargo. 

As to the idea that you just can't start a school from scratch, I offer up the school some of you seem to subconsciously likening this one to: Liberty University. I think it can be done if it is well-funded and united by an ideology with enough popular appeal. It seems UATX has both.

i think the whole venture is very difficult and prone to failure, and hence an easy target for derision (see: this thread). 

and while im not familiar with all the people involved with it, the rest arent exactly radicals, so its not not "dangerous" as some people claimed.  people just love to have a punching bag.

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1 hour ago, wildcat09 said:

You're confusing finding something extremely funny for hatred.

Yeah, I don't see it as a huge threat, or source of grave danger.  Mostly, I find it pathetic.  It's a monument to tittybaby narcissism.  And as I said in my first post on the subject, many of the people involved have intellectually interesting and quite defensible ideas.  It isn't about WHAT they believe.  It's the crybaby narcissism embodied in this endeavor that I find to be somewhat laughable and pathetic.  The PERSONALITIES are what will make it a mess.  When your ethos -- hell, all but ADMITTED ethos -- is "the University of Joe Rogan shit," you gotta expect a shitload of well-deserved derision.

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1 hour ago, 52-80 said:

i think the whole venture is very difficult and prone to failure, and hence an easy target for derision (see: this thread). 

and while im not familiar with all the people involved with it, the rest arent exactly radicals, so its not not "dangerous" as some people claimed.  people just love to have a punching bag.

this state already has a punching bag for shitty college education. it's all texas atm. aren't 70k fucking idiots at one backwards ass institution enough or are does this state need more aggy redneck group think?

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14 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Yeah, I don't see it as a huge threat, or source of grave danger.  Mostly, I find it pathetic.  It's a monument to tittybaby narcissism.  And as I said in my first post on the subject, many of the people involved have intellectually interesting and quite defensible ideas.  It isn't about WHAT they believe.  It's the crybaby narcissism embodied in this endeavor that I find to be somewhat laughable and pathetic.  The PERSONALITIES are what will make it a mess.  When your ethos -- hell, all but ADMITTED ethos -- is "the University of Joe Rogan shit," you gotta expect a shitload of well-deserved derision.

I mean, WHAT they believe also pretty much sucks. These people only have three real beliefs: (1) race-science is a real thing and they should be able to talk about how dumb black people are, (2) trans people are mentally ill and their identities shouldn't be validated, and (3) college students being mean to them and their friends for talking incessantly about 1 and 2 are basically the return of Mao's cultural revolution. It's just really funny that these extraordinarily privileged and sheltered people are going to try to open a whole new university dedicated to jerking each other off about how they're the only people brave enough to discuss these issues, while describing their effort like it's a heroic effort to keep Truth alive.

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Just now, wildcat09 said:

It's just really funny that these extraordinarily privileged and sheltered people are going to try to open a whole new university dedicated to jerking each other off about how they're the only people brave enough to discuss these issues, while describing their effort like it's a heroic effort to keep Truth alive.

There are plenty of other ideas among the various members of this group that are more intellectually interesting and defensible than the ones you listed.  Seriously, there are.  But in the end, it doesn't matter because of the quoted part.  The self-absorbed pathetic persecution complex of snowflakes literally creating a safe space for themselves is the foundational problem here.

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2 hours ago, 52-80 said:

i think the whole venture is very difficult and prone to failure, and hence an easy target for derision (see: this thread). 

and while im not familiar with all the people involved with it, the rest arent exactly radicals, so its not not "dangerous" as some people claimed.  people just love to have a punching bag.

I don't think THIS is dangerous. I do think the tittybaby narcissism (thanks Brisket for that one) of the upper-middle class is generally dangerous, since that's what fuels fascist backlashes against social change. This effort is clearly an attempt to fuel that narcissism a bit to grift off of it, but I doubt it'll actually have a substantial impact. 

Edited by wildcat09
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  • 6 months later...

UATX, which I assume stands for University of Austin, TX will have have it's classes in Dallas, TX. I shit you not. The jokes, they write themselves.



"The University of Austin is launching its controversial "Forbidden Courses" program Monday with two weeklong sessions at the Old Parkland Campus in Dallas."

Edited by crash_davis
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1 hour ago, crash_davis said:

UATX, which I assume stands for University of Austin, TX will have have it's classes in Dallas, TX. I shit you not. The jokes, they write themselves.



"The University of Austin is launching its controversial "Forbidden Courses" program Monday with two weeklong sessions at the Old Parkland Campus in Dallas."

This sounds like some kind Anarchists Cookbook bullshit.   “Learn the things the authorities don’t  want you to learn!”

I did learn how to make shitty napalm from the Anarchists Cookbook.  Only took a few styrofoam chests, few gallons of gas, shitload of painful skin grafts for a classmate, and I had to sit through fucking hours of lectures from a cop and a firefighter.  

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5 hours ago, crash_davis said:

UATX, which I assume stands for University of Austin, TX will have have it's classes in Dallas, TX. I shit you not. The jokes, they write themselves.



"The University of Austin is launching its controversial "Forbidden Courses" program Monday with two weeklong sessions at the Old Parkland Campus in Dallas."

covered in this thread half a year ago. 

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  • 8 months later...
11 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

This guy gets it:

The school probably makes most of its money by selling the students’ info to Amway, Dailywire, and crypto marketers.

The Grift.

It always, always, ALWAYS comes back to....the Grift.


I am 100% confident that on my deathbed, my greatest regret (other than not making a hard go at romancing Sela Ward) will be that I didn't get in on fleecing "conservatives" for everything they've got.  They are the most gullible group in American history since at least the traveling patent medicine/snake oil days.  They practically BEG to be fleeced.  Shame on me for not indulging them.

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If you had told me 4 years ago that my favorite playwright and the guy who co-invented algorithmic stock trading in NY/TX got together to invent "Knowledge College", I would have assumed I was having an acid flashback.  And so yeah, let's go with that.

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Okay, so I'm not sure about the legality and thankfully we have 900 IP attorneys on here.

Dilbert's tie.  Black and Red stripes, right?  With that edge of it always tilted up?  How about changing one of the stripes, Blue Lives Matter, since Adams doesn't like Black Lives Matter.  Y'all know what I'm thinking.  We could sell 'em for $20/each to own the libs and make a few hundred grand before anybody knew what was up.  We could easily fund a suite next season.  stickers on the back of every other F-250 and t-shirts to boot.  Just a silhouette of Dilbert with the colored tie for the cause.  Try and honestly tell me this isn't a great idea, lawsuits aside so we gotta do the satire workaround.

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8 hours ago, longhornmatt said:

Did you know that woke, mainstream insurance policies don’t cover damages caused by war?!?!  Who can you turn to when Antifa’s War on Christmas, War on Christians, War on Whites, and/or War on Conservative Values comes for you?  The looting, the property crimes, the hoodies, the woke thought police - you could be canceled … or worse!

That’s why you need American Patriot’s Antifa Insurance.  Our customized plan covers you for all the things the leftist insurance industry won’t touch.  In fact, we only cover damage caused by official acts of war declared by Antifa and recognized by the UN - because our coverage is customized for your needs, and because we specialize in what you need most. For only $200 per month, you can be fully protected against Antifa’s civil war.  And sign up in the next 15 minutes, and you’ll receive a free AR-15 lapel pin - just like the one Jesus wore!

God bless you sir

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“Weird-ass old guy who audits classes and talks a lot” is a pretty stock figure from everyone’s college and grad school days, right?  It seems like UATX is targeting that demographic but instead of being a weird-ass old dude surrounded by 20-something ass, it’s just a whole seminar of guys like you. 


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17 hours ago, wildcat09 said:




"Readings will include...select Wall Street Journal" columns is incredible. What an amazing educational institution. Can't wait to attend classes at the University of Austin in beautiful Austin... Dallas?

Anglo-American Grand Strategy is certainly one way to say it. Jesus 


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17 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

The Grift.

It always, always, ALWAYS comes back to....the Grift.


I am 100% confident that on my deathbed, my greatest regret (other than not making a hard go at romancing Sela Ward) will be that I didn't get in on fleecing "conservatives" for everything they've got.  They are the most gullible group in American history since at least the traveling patent medicine/snake oil days.  They practically BEG to be fleeced.  Shame on me for not indulging them.

My grift idea: I’ve always thought about making a go at Rapture Pet Care pre-services as a side hustle.  For the low, ongoing fee of $19.99 per month, I will indefinitely take care of your pets when you disappear due to the rapture. We don’t want fluffy locked in your house without care.  He’ll starve. And I’m such a nice guy I will stop charging when I start caring for them.

the only thing stopping me is that most of my future clients would be living on the edge of poverty already. I might have a twinge of guilt while buying bottle service in Vegas night clubs. 

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My grift idea: I’ve always thought about making a go at Rapture Pet Care pre-services as a side hustle.  For the low, ongoing fee of $19.99 per month, I will indefinitely take care of your pets when you disappear due to the rapture. We don’t want fluffy locked in your house without care.  He’ll starve. And I’m such a nice guy I will stop charging when I start caring for them.
the only thing stopping me is that most of my future clients would be living on the edge of poverty already. I might have a twinge of guilt while buying bottle service in Vegas night clubs. 

No guilt. At this point, it’s apparent that they’ve fully committed to stupidity and the poverty that follows. Fuck, I damn near feel an OBLIGATION to take their money.
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18 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

No guilt. At this point, it’s apparent that they’ve fully committed to stupidity and the poverty that follows. Fuck, I damn near feel an OBLIGATION to take their money.

Do you listen to Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Rose every morning before going out on your leads? Lol 

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Do you listen to Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Rose every morning before going out on your leads? Lol 

I obviously don’t, because I have yet to start grifting these abject morons.
Having an conscience is a fucking drag. I’m seriously contemplating getting rid of it altogether.
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Not sure what mailing list my high school junior go on, but we got a flyer to this grift-mill last week.  The biggest question was trash or recycling.  We decided the paper was tainted permanently, and it's headed for the landfill.

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1 hour ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

My grift idea: I’ve always thought about making a go at Rapture Pet Care pre-services as a side hustle.  For the low, ongoing fee of $19.99 per month, I will indefinitely take care of your pets when you disappear due to the rapture. We don’t want fluffy locked in your house without care.  He’ll starve. And I’m such a nice guy I will stop charging when I start caring for them.

the only thing stopping me is that most of my future clients would be living on the edge of poverty already. I might have a twinge of guilt while buying bottle service in Vegas night clubs. 

I think you pretty much have to be up front in the "About" section that you do not believe that any of your clients will, in fact, be raptured.  I think they would appreciate that.  Because if you did, you might get raptured right along with them, and then what would become of poor Fluffy.  If I'm on their side of things, I want to be sure my Rapture Pet Care Specialist is going to be one of the left-behind.

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On 3/10/2023 at 3:41 PM, longhornmatt said:

Did you know that woke, mainstream insurance policies don’t cover damages caused by war?!?!  Who can you turn to when Antifa’s War on Christmas, War on Christians, War on Whites, and/or War on Conservative Values comes for you?  The looting, the property crimes, the hoodies, the woke thought police - you could be canceled … or worse!

That’s why you need American Patriot’s Antifa Insurance.  Our customized plan covers you for all the things the leftist insurance industry won’t touch.  In fact, we only cover damage caused by official acts of war declared by Antifa and recognized by the UN - because our coverage is customized for your needs, and because we specialize in what you need most. For only $200 per month, you can be fully protected against Antifa’s civil war.  And sign up in the next 15 minutes, and you’ll receive a free AR-15 lapel pin - just like the one Jesus wore!



Surely I'm too old for Old Glory Antifa Insurance?  

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