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[OFFICIAL DOOM THREAD]Today Democracy Dies


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I’ve long known that job 1 for most politicians is to stay in power but the concept is that you do a good job with priorities 2-100 and the public sends you back. But now we have candidates who are realizing that their side doesn’t care about winning the most votes just finding a way to win.

the only solace that I will take from a gop victory today is that it will lead to fewer votes cast for trump in ‘24. Those in power still may find a way for trump to win regardless but that is our country now.

the GOP’s only value now is winning. Morals, decency and democracy are all out the window.

Edited by Nice Guy Eddie
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a strong Dem showing, heavily favors trump in 24. if the R's take the house or senate, they're going to take things too far and hurt trump's 2024 chances.

in texas, i fully expect women having to submit pregnancy tests to leave the state or some type of tracking of menstrual cycles. it's going to be dark, dark days

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1 hour ago, Incredulity said:

Good God.  Get a fucking grip on yourselves.

Y’all can be very thankful that you failed at nuking the filibuster.  I look forward to the next few years of it becoming one of our most sacred legislative mechanisms.

It’s pathetic. 

If you lose, democracy is dying. Give me a break.

Also, democracy dies when Hispanics continue slowly moving away from your party. 

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7 minutes ago, Humble Beast said:

It’s pathetic. 

If you lose, democracy is dying. Give me a break.

Also, democracy dies when Hispanics continue slowly moving away from your party. 

I guess you haven’t been paying attention to who’s running for key positions in states that will decide whether or not they certify the next presidential election? It’s not about just “my” side losing, it’s whether or not our votes mean anything in two years. But keep sticking your head in the sand

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4 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

a strong Dem showing, heavily favors trump in 24. if the R's take the house or senate, they're going to take things too far and hurt trump's 2024 chances.

in texas, i fully expect women having to submit pregnancy tests to leave the state or some type of tracking of menstrual cycles. it's going to be dark, dark days

I have a feeling that Trump himself will hurt his chances. Trump fatigue is real and growing. I WANT him to be their nominee because 1)  he will tear the party apart in getting it 2) if he doesn't get it he will tear the party apart 3) he was unelectable in 2020 and fewer people want him now than then  4) a Democrat team of (dreaming) say Buttigieg and Katie Porter would offer a stunning alternative

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Q: There are hundreds of candidates across a variety of races who denied the outcome of the 2020 election results. How important is Trump’s role in the midterms, and is it safe to say that GOP leaders have lost complete control of the base?

A: GOP leaders began to lose control of the base, and even the party management, in 2016, when, to their shock and dismay, they were swept aside by the Trump crusade. By now they have either succumbed, often slavishly, or have been expelled, apart from a few relics who are hanging on in silence. By now it’s Trump’s party. He has managed, skillfully, to maintain a voting base that he is undermining at every turn along with dedicated service to the traditional Republican constituency of extreme wealth and corporate power.

Denialism is one sign of the breakdown of the social order, and is an element of the undermining of democratic forms. It is rampant among the GOP voting base, and among those running for election, amounting to “A majority of Republican nominees on the ballot this November for the House, Senate and key statewide offices,” according to The Washington Post.

“The implications will be lasting,” the Postanalysis continues. The deniers will “hold enormous sway over the choice of the nation’s next speaker, who in turn could preside over the House in a future contested presidential election” and the winners of state elections “will hold some measure of power overseeing American elections.” Every careful analysis has shown that the charges of election fraud are utterly groundless, but alienation and desperation are so extreme that facts don’t matter: “the movement arising from Trump’s thwarted plot to overturn the 2020 election is, in many respects, even stronger two years later. Far from repudiating candidates who embrace Trump’s false fraud claims, GOP primary voters have empowered them.”

“It is a disease that is spreading through our political process, and its implications are very profound,” political scientist Larry Jacobs observed: “This is no longer about Donald Trump. This is about the entire electoral system and what constitutes legitimate elections. All of that is now up in the air.” No exaggeration.

Again, the phenomenon is not limited to the U.S. Brazil is an extreme example, despite its having perhaps the world’s most efficient and secure voting system. Bolsonaro’s pre-election campaign to discredit the results if he did not win even reached the point of his calling in foreign ambassadors to berate them on the matter. Scholarship has shown that more generally, GOP denialism “bears alarming similarities to authoritarian movements in other countries, which often begin with efforts to delegitimize elections. Many of those promoting the stolen-election narrative, they said, know that it is false and are using it to gain power.”

Q: There is a huge divide among Democrats over many issues, but there seems to be a consensus among them, at least as reflected on the campaign message, that if the Republicans take power the U.S. could backslide into outright authoritarianism, if not turned into a semi-fascist polity. How likely is this message to resonate with the average American voter, and why do Democrats keep losing the rural vote?

A: It’s primarily in the rural areas that people “more and more feel like a stranger in my own country.” Understandably. Apart from ongoing demographic and cultural changes, neoliberal globalization has hit these areas hard. Their small industries have collapsed. Farmers have been edged out by subsidized agribusiness. Stores are closing. Young people are leaving. Though in the federal system they are supported by the more educated and prosperous urban society they resent, perception is different. As the Democrats have steadily become a party of affluent professionals and Wall Street donors, they have abandoned rural America along with the working class. In these sectors warnings of democratic decline and rights of minorities have little resonance, if any.

The consensus on the drift toward a semi-fascist polity may turn out to be accurate, dooming the world to a bitter fate. It has not been inevitable. Many hands have contributed.

It is not inevitable now, but time is short.


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12 minutes ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

I have a feeling that Trump himself will hurt his chances. Trump fatigue is real and growing. I WANT him to be their nominee because 1)  he will tear the party apart in getting it 2) if he doesn't get it he will tear the party apart 3) he was unelectable in 2020 and fewer people want him now than then  4) a Democrat team of (dreaming) say Buttigieg and Katie Porter would offer a stunning alternative

If there were any hope of a straight election where everyone has equal access to polling places and every vote gets counted, I'd agree with all of this.

But the GOP is going to win the White House in 2024, probably by a good margin.  And if it looks like it will even be close, they're going to steal it.  They've been building the infrastructure to steal it for years. 

I'd love to be wrong, but I guess we'll see. 

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Senator McMullin, Demings, Franken, Beasley, Ryan, and/or Barnes: things are clearly moving in the right direction.

Senator Walker, Oz, Laxalt, and/or Masters: last one out turn out the lights.  It’s over.

I think it ends up 50-50 again.  Fetterman having that stroke was a fucking brutal blow.

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40 minutes ago, Humble Beast said:

It’s pathetic. 

If you lose, democracy is dying. Give me a break.

Bro, that was literally the platform of the Republican party for the past two years. They lost, so democracy was stolen.

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I’m here for the melt down.  I’m resigned to the fact that we’re headed for a real split once Biden gets impeached for the fifteenth time over Hunters schlong.  

President Greene will make CrossFit the National religion and make fitness great again.


 Elon Musk will assume control of Amazon, Walmart, and all the railroads and move all their headquarters to Austin.  

Costco will become the last place Libs are allowed to shop (Amazon becomes Magazon) but they have to wear their yellow L visibly.


 Anyway as you can tell the stimulation writers are losing interest.  

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3 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

That and RBG dying when she did is proof that either there is no God, or the Christian Right is correct. I'll go with the former. 

Dems snake bit it seems. Don’t forget cunningham in North Carolina. Guy would’ve crushed it had he kept his pants on and we would be favored to keep the senate today.

I have most likely senate outcome as 50-50 with dems losing Georgia in run off, but next closest scenario is 51-49 gop. That NC seat would’ve really come in handy today.

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I think trumps 2020 loss wasn’t just trump fatigue, but the icy hand of death.  4 years of olds that voted for him in 2016 had died off, replaced by four years of yoots.  We get that again here for 2024.  

if you can get a decent candidate (I see zero, so this is a big if) he’ll get substantially out voted.  As texarcher says, I hope it matters. 

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17 minutes ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

I have a feeling that Trump himself will hurt his chances. Trump fatigue is real and growing. I WANT him to be their nominee because 1)  he will tear the party apart in getting it 2) if he doesn't get it he will tear the party apart 3) he was unelectable in 2020 and fewer people want him now than then  4) a Democrat team of (dreaming) say Buttigieg and Katie Porter would offer a stunning alternative

Buttigieg has zero chance because not enough black people will vote for a gay white man.  


20 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:

I guess you haven’t been paying attention to who’s running for key positions in states that will decide whether or not they certify the next presidential election? It’s not about just “my” side losing, it’s whether or not our votes mean anything in two years. But keep sticking your head in the sand

The Dems have run on abortion and January 6th/democracy dying. It appears that it’s not going to be convincing enough versus economic concerns, inflation/gas prices, increased crime, and immigration. This may be an opportunity for introspection. 

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1 minute ago, Humble Beast said:

Buttigieg has zero chance because not enough black people will vote for a gay white man.  


The Dems have run on abortion and January 6th/democracy dying. It appears that it’s not going to be convincing enough versus economic concerns, inflation/gas prices, increased crime, and immigration. This may be an opportunity for introspection. 

If you want to argue that democrats are terrible at messaging then yeah, they absolutely are. But if you don’t think that we are on the precipice of some truly dark days for our republic with election deniers on the cusp of taking over key positions, then you are just not paying attention. Or you don’t care because you’ve bought into the crime and immigration bogeyman

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1 hour ago, Humble Beast said:

It’s pathetic. 

If you lose, democracy is dying. Give me a break.

Also, democracy dies when Hispanics continue slowly moving away from your party. 

There is one party that has openly said “vote for us and if we win we will make sure we never lose again.” 

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1 hour ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

I have a feeling that Trump himself will hurt his chances. Trump fatigue is real and growing. I WANT him to be their nominee because 1)  he will tear the party apart in getting it 2) if he doesn't get it he will tear the party apart 3) he was unelectable in 2020 and fewer people want him now than then  4) a Democrat team of (dreaming) say Buttigieg and Katie Porter would offer a stunning alternative

It’s very difficult to over emphasize how having DJT a part of our national conversation at all is toxic to the country and democracy. In some ways he’s even worse when he doesn’t win but is still at the center of things.

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2 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

Because it’s not illegal to say both sides have their share of shitty candidates…but in todays political world it apparently is.

Why is he a shitty candidate? 

3 minutes ago, Captainant said:

He's not bought into the boogeyman, he's fucking selling that boogeyman lol. 2020 police brutality threads shoulda told ya 

Thankfully I’ve missed his posts

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1 minute ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

Because it’s not illegal to say both sides have their share of shitty candidates…but in todays political world it apparently is.

because retards like you will jump on it for perceived advantage.  imma go ahead and guess which side you always vote for despite "both sides having their share of shitty candidates."  

one side has trump, oz, johnson, walker, tuberville, lake, all of whom are in something in the range of ignorant to power hungry opportunist to fascist.  one side has a guy that had a medical condition.  see!  both sides! 

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