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Carpetbagging weasel faced smarmy little bitch, Ted Cruz

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On 9/10/2020 at 10:37 AM, tx 3 putt said:

He’ll be the 2024 front runner and a strong candidate. He’s working hard to position himself this election cycle 

cruz / Haley or Noem would be a strong ticket, but 2024 is a long way off 

His Republican competitors will just run sound bites and screen grabs of Trump humiliating the shit out of him.   Trumpkins won’t support him.   

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3 hours ago, wildcat09 said:

If Trump isn't re-elected, the 2024 GOP nominee is going to be either Tucker or some Q-Anon freak. Cruz doesn't stand a chance.

Yep. Lyin Ted refused to kiss the ring at the 2016 RNC convention and don’t think the cultists are gonna forget or forgive that gross sacrilege. 

Full on cult status. Ted and his lyin’ beard are fucked no matter what they do.

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Watched the Cuties movie to see what the deal was. The topic is of course uncomfortable, and several of the scenes are uncomfortable. Mostly because those are presumably actually little girls and there are creeps in the world. It is obviously a critique. I would have probably turned it off because it is uncomfortable.

That said, a bunch of Trumpkins throwing up tweets like this about a French movie (#4 in the US now) seems like pandering to their qanon base.

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Cruz just gave perhaps the most frustrating 10-minute interview of the year on CBS This Morning right now.  He efficiently utilized all his usual off-putting traits and constantly shifted the conversation to hype his new book to the point Gayle King started mocking him.  

Got damn he’s a beating to listen to.  

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1 hour ago, Chet Steadman said:

Cruz just gave perhaps the most frustrating 10-minute interview of the year on CBS This Morning right now.  He efficiently utilized all his usual off-putting traits and constantly shifted the conversation to hype his new book to the point Gayle King started mocking him.  

Got damn he’s a beating to listen to.  

ted cruz debate GIF by SnappyTV


Did he also eat another booger?

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Fuck you Ted Cruz, you spineless piece of shit.  In fact, some shit actually has more of backbone than you do, asshole.  You gave up your wife's dignity and honor over a fucking list of names.    I wish your wife would divorce your ass, because she deserves more of a man than she has now.




With voters already heading to the polls in some states as a bitter battle rages over the Supreme Court vacancy left by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz writes in a new book that the vacancy left by Justice Antonin Scalia was “perhaps the deciding issue” that put President Donald Trump in the White House.

It was also why Cruz ended up endorsing his one-time political foe, who had leveled a series of personal insults at the Texas Republican through a bitter primary, according to an excerpt of the book shared exclusively with Hearst Newspapers.



“The price of my endorsement was explicit: I wanted a clear, unequivocal commitment that he would nominate Scalia’s replacement from a specified list, and only from that list,” Cruz writes in the book, “One Vote Away,” coming out on Sept. 29. “For me, after dropping out of a hard-fought presidential race, securing a conservative jurist to replace the great Scalia was paramount.”



Cruz writes that he was concerned through the 2016 election Trump might make “really bad nominations” if elected. And while Trump had put out a list of potential nominees for Scalia’s seat by the summer of that year, Cruz was worried Trump might stray from it.



“He said these were ‘the kind of nominees’ he would choose — those eleven, or presumably anybody else on earth,” Cruz writes. “He also said in February 2016 that he thought his sister would make a ‘phenomenal’ Supreme Court justice. His sister was a sitting federal appellate judge appointed by Bill Clinton who had already voted to strike down New Jersey’s partial-birth abortion law. So there was reason to be concerned.”

So in September 2016, Cruz writes, his team began negotiating with the Trump campaign to secure his endorsement. Cruz wanted Trump to make clear who he might pick for the high court and he wanted U.S. Sen. Mike Lee — a conservative senator and friend of Cruz’s who endorsed the Texan for president — added to the list. The campaign agreed to both conditions, Cruz writes, and put out a revised list on Sept. 23 with 10 more names, including Lee.

“I put out my endorsement in a lengthy Facebook post that I had written explaining why I believed conservatives should support Donald Trump,” Cruz writes. “Judicial nominations were the number-one reason.”

Many have credited Trump’s then-unprecedented move to name potential high court nominees for helping him win by securing votes of Republicans who otherwise may have been unsure about the candidate.

It’s something the president’s backers hope will happen again as he pushes to replace Ginsburg with another conservative justice before the election, a move Cruz — a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee that would oversee the confirmation — has encouraged, along with the GOP majority in the Senate.

Trump earlier this month added Cruz to his expanded list of potential nominees, though Cruz — who has been open about wanting to run for president again — has said he has no interest in the job.

Cruz, however, has much experience with the Supreme Court. He clerked for Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist and was later the longest-serving solicitor general in Texas history, arguing in front of the Supreme Court nine times and authoring more than 80 Supreme Court briefs.



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On 9/14/2020 at 6:03 PM, JimmyJames said:

Yep. Lyin Ted refused to kiss the ring at the 2016 RNC convention and don’t think the cultists are gonna forget or forgive that gross sacrilege. 

Full on cult status. Ted and his lyin’ beard are fucked no matter what they do.

And then kissed the ring and disgraced himself for people like me. Too clever by half Ted, you pleased nobody. 

Edited by Wulaw Horn
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I honestly don't know why politicians who aren't actively campaigning would do these interviews.  You know the interviewer is just looking for anything to make you look stupid.  They whine all day long about the liberal media, yet keep agreeing to be on the shows and get interviewed.  

I get that Cruz may want to build his brand for a run in 24 but shit.

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50 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

I want her to stick as county Judge and keep upping her profile for another term at least. 

Whats the consensus on her performance? I remember when she was elected in 2018, there was much concern from the GOP crew that Houston would soon be reduced to a smoking pile of rubble due to her ineptitude. 

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1 minute ago, Blotto said:

Whats the consensus on her performance? I remember when she was elected in 2018, there was much concern from the GOP crew that Houston would soon be reduced to a smoking pile of rubble due to her ineptitude. 

I thought Ed Emmitt was the mythological one good republican and was concerned about her youth and lack of professional experience, and I think she’s been fucking awesome.

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4 minutes ago, Blotto said:

Whats the consensus on her performance? I remember when she was elected in 2018, there was much concern from the GOP crew that Houston would soon be reduced to a smoking pile of rubble due to her ineptitude. 

I can’t speak to how republicans view her, I’ve seen a lot of shitty comments and complaints about fascist mask ordinances, etc. 

but I think she’s been fucking awesome. She’s smart, politically savvy, stood up to abbot repeatedly, and has been extremely innovative in expanding and investing in voting. I think she’s got this job aS long as she wants it. Probably more impressed with her than any local leader or politician in my life. 

Edited by SydneyCarton
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Whats the consensus on her performance? I remember when she was elected in 2018, there was much concern from the GOP crew that Houston would soon be reduced to a smoking pile of rubble due to her ineptitude. 
I thought highly of Ed Emmett and was a little shocked when he lost the election. That said, I think Lina Hidalgo has really grown into the job and has been very impressive down the stretch with everything thrown at her during 2020.
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Good to hear on Hidalgo. Intelligence seems to be in short supply when you start discussing politicians. We will need all the smart, young politicians we can get from both parties if we have any hope of digging ourselves out of the hole that we find ourselves in due to the current political establishment. 

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7 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

hhahahha look at this bitch crying


Ted Cruz is one of many people who should never, EVER use the phrase "absurd on their face." He shouldn't even use those two works together in any fucking sentence, hell maybe not any paragraph just to be safe. It's the same reason Hogan Gidley should never use the phrase "Pussy Little Bitch."

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5 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

hhahahha look at this bitch crying


Republicans:  *WAAAAHHHHHHHH* Facebook and twitter are leftists and mean and are influencing people!

The Internet: Hey Republicans, you have a lot of really rich donors with tens of millions to throw around, go make your own right-leaning social media platforms, there is nothing stopping you, and servers are cheap, and YOU get to control the message and YOU get to control what gets posted and by whom!

Republicans: *crickets chirp*

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