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Cairn Horn88

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1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

He’s dumber than an empty box of dirt. Seriously. The dumbest POTUS we’ve ever had, and I’m including JFK AFTER his brains left his skull.

Is the box empty or is it a box of dirt? Don't see how it can be both

Edited by SilasCoade
Fuck this phone
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6 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

That’s kinda the bit.
Also…You want I should freeze or get down on the ground? Mean to say, if'n I freeze, I can't rightly drop. And if'n I drop, I'm a-gonna be in motion. You see...

And what if the box itself is actually made of dirt?  What about that? Huh? Huh? Huh???

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cliff's notes for us non lawyers and/or lazy people?

Dear Trumpy Trump - Ha ha! That first lawsuit was a hoot, but this one is even more stupider! As if that could even be so! Sincerely, Judge

PS- you and your dumbass attorney need to pay $1M for wasting court time and resources with your chicanery.
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55 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

Dear Trumpy Trump - Ha ha! That first lawsuit was a hoot, but this one is even more stupider! As if that could even be so! Sincerely, Judge

PS- you and your dumbass attorney need to pay $1M for wasting court time and resources with your chicanery.

So, Trump used an odd procedural device to seek a new trial based on newly discovered evidence in the form of the Durham Report.

The court pretty savagely pointed out that the Durham Report contains little or no new evidence, and none that Trump pointed out, it's just a different conclusion than some of the prior evidence.  

But best of all, it calls out the flaw in Trump's and Trumpkins' reasoning:  Even if the Durham Report constituted new evidence, and new evidence supporting Trump's allegations, it doesn't change the fact that his lawsuit allegations were essentially lies or misrepresentations when made.

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'Narrow Gag' is the name of his homemade movie with Stormy Daniels, no?  


In all fairness to Commander Dipshit, I could see how no judge/jury could take his threats against prosecutors and witnesses as serious calls for harm.  He is a feckless, impotent, beta cuck, incapable of the most basic of physical tasks.  His wife has swallowed Balkan cum more times than Trump has fantasized about Ivanka swallowing his cum.  He is spineless, cowardly, and in the end will back down when instructed to.  I take his threats on individuals about as seriously as I take his hair or any Trump Flag Bearing weakling hiding behind a gun and a hat.  They will kill far more of one another in his name, than he could ever possibly unleash on anyone else.  His cowardice disregard for anyone but himself knows no bounds.  I know you were all craved for strong leadership, I get it.  I was too.  But to put your faith and love and purse into such an average man of no mettle at all...I have to admit that kinda surprised even me.

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Also, for the NY AG case, I did a little digging on the "Trump sues judge" thing.

This is similar to what in federal courts is known as a "Writ of Mandamus."  It's an appeal of something that is not ordinarily appealable and where you really need to hold up a bloody stump in the form of the judge has made a grievous error that cannot properly be addressed on appeal after final judgment.

As noted in some of the reportage, it's a real Hail Mary most of the time.  The weirdness of these writs is that they are often styled  Appellant v. Judge (or Court), so in this case something like Trump Org et al. v. Arthur Engoron.  It's not really suing the trial judge.

The gist of it seems to be that after Vanky's successful appeal holding that she was not a party to the limitations tolling agreement, the court of appeals left some issues open on limitations for the trial court to resolve.  The judge/trial court has not resolved them, but I think they're teed up in the recent cross-motions for summary judgment.  Trump is claiming that's an error and an error compounded by his refusal to continue the trial date.

That's pretty weak sauce. I'm surprised they got even temporary relief from the court of appeals on that.  It's not even clear what they got, as the thing is supposed to be resolved by 9/25, a week before the trial date.

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13 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

So, I get the impression that the Great Cheetoh went on Meet the Press and basically confessed to his crimes, or is that not accurate?  I feel like we might get a Col Jessup moment eventually.

tom cruise GIF

I'm 30 minutes into this interview and it is batshit crazy.  I don't understand how anybody can watch, shake their head in agreement and say "He's absolutely right...."  Unfortunately there are several people in my family that probably do that...

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1 hour ago, Neonmoon said:

Trump always confesses to his crimes. That’s nothing new

No one has yet held him accountable 

We will see in 2024 

yep, along w/ the "he's scared", "we got him", and countless other examples.  I'll believe this piece of shit gets his comeuppance when (and IF) it happens.  

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Cynical centrist rant.  A big part of the problem is that Trump is really good for the fiscal, political or ideological business of too many people.

  • He's good business for the crazy, alt right fringe politicians that have taken over the GOP and fundraise off his "persecution"
  • He's good business for conservative media who sell access to the conservative voters who prefer the above crazy, alt right fringe
  • He's good business for the true believers from Magaville that want to see him triumph and America to be remade in his image
  • He's good business for politicians on the left who fundraise off his threat to democracy and civilized, ordered society
  • He's good business for mainstream media who sell access to their audience which are centrist and liberal voters who are terrified of a 2nd Trump Presidency
  • He's good business for the true believers of the far left who see Trump's candidacy as the vehicle for driving far-left change

Trump is objectively bad for

  • Moderates of the Republican party who are increasingly an endangered species as they get driven from the party
  • Centrists of no or loose party affiliation who are increasingly an endangered species as they are forced to pick a side (bell curve inversion)
  • The health of a civilized and ordered society which no one gives a shit about if there's a profit (again fiscal, political or ideological) to be made from the rancor and strife that Trump brings.

There's never been a greater argument for the need of a "Deep State" than Donald Trump. There needs to be a judicial entity within our federal government to hold people like him accountable for their crimes, and that entity needs to not have a profit motive coupled to someone like him being a continuing threat to a civil and ordered society.

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15 hours ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

So, I get the impression that the Great Cheetoh went on Meet the Press and basically confessed to his crimes, or is that not accurate?  I feel like we might get a Col Jessup moment eventually.

tom cruise GIF

I was looking forward to seeing Kristen Welker’s debut as the new host of Meet the Press. Then I saw that the centerpiece of her first show was going to be an interview with Trump. Fuck that. I’m sure the producers thought it would be a big ratings grab but I’m not watching that. I don’t need to. I know it’s going to be nothing but grievance, victimhood, and lies. From what I can gather, I was right. And besides, listening to him talk and looking at his ugly mug is such a beating. I only do it when I think it’s necessary. This wasn’t that.

I did read the fact checking article that NBC put out afterward. They say that “In at least 11 points during the interview, former President Donald Trump flubbed numbers, misstated facts or omitted critical context.” At least? I don’t know how long the interview lasted but counting commercials that has to amount to at least a half hour of bullshit. Who’s interests are they trying to serve by having him on and letting him spew his garbage, anyway? I don’t have time for it.


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4 hours ago, Pig Bellmont said:

Welker is over here just pissing on Tim Russert’s grave. No one was more prepared for an interview or willing to call out BS than him. And he’d have rebuttal clips/graphics at the ready. 

Oh and it’s not that there aren’t journalists capable of doing the job, it’s an editorial choice 

On the other hand, Lester Holt tried to call out Trump's bullshit and put a stop to it during the first debate with Hilary in 2016. Trump ran him over like roadkill.

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10 hours ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

yep, along w/ the "he's scared", "we got him", and countless other examples.  I'll believe this piece of shit gets his comeuppance when (and IF) it happens.  


Trump could fucking sit there, point to Georgia statutes and the US Code, by specific section, say "I violated this one by [describing guilty conduct in detail] and that one by [describing guilty conduct in detail], because I'm a criminal who likes committing crimes, and I look forward to doing so again many times," and IT WOULDN'T FUCKING MATTER. It would fucking GAIN him votes.

And I'll believe he's convicted of a crime when he's in an orange jumpsuit and bars clang shut behind him.  Not a millisecond before.

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I agree with all of you and wish journalists would have stopped letting Trump’s bullshit slide a long, long time ago, but it doesn’t even matter now.   Nothing will matter until he dies.
Voters are far more likely to think only Trump — and not Mr. Biden — has the cognitive and mental health to serve. 
And Trump is described as "no-nonsense" in levels that Mr. Biden is not.
Almost all of Donald Trump's voters expressly give as their rationale that "things were better under Trump." 
Voters overall, as well as independents, in particular, who feel they are financially worse off now than before the pandemic are backing Trump; the latter group by more than three to one.
But for the moment, for those who will, Mr. Biden isn't running quite as strongly right now with key Democratic constituencies he'd need. He still wins Hispanics, but with 53%, and typically successful Democrats have gotten into the 60s. By two to one, more Hispanic voters say they're worse off financially, rather than better off, than they were before the pandemic.
Each of Biden and Trump's 2020 voters are overwhelmingly supporting them again this time around, so small shifts matter. Biden today is losing 7% of those who backed him in 2020 to Trump. Trump only gives up 3% of his.
In reality most so-called "independents" say they vote mainly for one party, even though they call themselves independent. Only a relative handful of them — just a third — are truly independent and vote equally for either party over time. These make a good barometer: Mr. Biden is losing our "truly independent" definition today by 20 points. He was almost even with them in their 2020 votes.
It’s not just that he’s somehow still in politics despite all the unbelievable bullshit that he and his traveling circus of personality disorders have put us through.  It’s that he honestly has a good chance of becoming President AGAIN, even if it’s while he’s awaiting sentencing for a felony conviction.  Felonies related to purposely compromising our most classified documents and/or for trying to commit a coup.   He’s going to be on trial for things which actually are even more harmful to our democracy in the macro sense than his own shooting someone on 5th Avenue example, and it doesn’t fucking matter one bit.
And, btw, if he wins he won’t respect term limits.  Peaceful transfers of power will be over unless he dies early enough in his term that we never have to cross that Rubicon where he declares he doesn’t have to leave office.  
There are going to be some very hard choices to be made if he doesn’t die.  His supporters will still be a collection of (a) outright deplorables and (b) completely delusional fearful people who might not be actively deplorable but whose brains are nonetheless broken from fear and consuming propaganda all the time.  Neither of those underlying conditions go away or get better if he dies.  But at least if he dies they won’t have their most audaciously amoral and narcissistic cult leader there to unite them and galvanize them.  If he doesn’t die, there really won’t be a bottom.
Very hard choices like leaving my family in Texas and getting the fuck away from all this fuckery? The 108 degree makes that less "hard".
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