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Did Mitch just have (another) stroke?

Gil Bang

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4 hours ago, Grade of D as in David said:

Normally I would feel bad watching someone go through that, but I love watching him fumble around in public. 


Fuck that puto. 

fucking same.  he's done so much fucking damage to this country that frankly i'm all for them wheeling him out for more of these.   edit: which totally contradicts my attempts to be a nicer person.  but whatever, fuck him.

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14 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

Marjorie Taylor Greene calling anyone not fit for office is some next level self-aware satire.  She's owning this SNL sketch.

Oh, this is real life and she thinks that was a smart thing to say?

Oh.  Well.  Shit.  This isn't going well.

The dumbest Democrat still is 10x smarter than Large Marge

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3 hours ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

It's very weird. I feel like CEOs retire and it's the most similar position I can think of. I guess the board has the power to push them out? 

I just think if I reached a certain age, I'd want to be sitting out my days on the porch with a glass of tea instead of having to give talks at a podium.

Yeah, if the CEO of a public company zones out in a board meeting or earnings call, he's gonna be replaced quickly.  None of this cover up bullshit.

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1 minute ago, Chewbacca said:

Yeah, if the CEO of a public company zones out in a board meeting or earnings call, he's gonna be replaced quickly.  None of this cover up bullshit.

My BIL was svp of a company and doing very well. They retired him at 65. Don’t want old blood at the top stifling creativity or averse to new thinking- and don’t want to lose good junior execs to a lack of upward mobility near the top. 

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I would just like to point out that whoever replaces Mitch is likely to be much worse and that there is a chance that one day historians will draw a line from McConnell’s stroke to a collapse in U.S. support for Ukraine.

This is literally the only thing he’s been good on but at the moment it’s almost worth it. 

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44 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

I would just like to point out that whoever replaces Mitch is likely to be much worse and that there is a chance that one day historians will draw a line from McConnell’s stroke to a collapse in U.S. support for Ukraine.

This is literally the only thing he’s been good on but at the moment it’s almost worth it. 

Whoever replaces him cannot really be worse since they can’t achieve anything on their own. He’s the head of the Republican Party essentially and he’s one of the worst people ever to hold office in this country. The day he’s out of office our country is better off.

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7 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

Whoever replaces him cannot really be worse since they can’t achieve anything on their own. He’s the head of the Republican Party essentially and he’s one of the worst people ever to hold office in this country. The day he’s out of office our country is better off.

We will likely end up with a Joffrey like replacement in terms of both cruelty and ineffectiveness.

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I wonder if he’s having seizures. My coworker’s son has petite mal seizures and will blank out for almost a minute.

Or maybe he’s having focal seizures. When I first getting them in 2016, I lost the ability to comprehend what people said, and didn’t make any sense when I was trying to say something back. It took my brain a few minutes to “reboot” before I could communicate again, but there were times when the communications part of my brain would keep shutting down over and over, and I give up and hope tomorrow would be a better day.

Anyway… fuck Mitch.

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Was listening to 590AM on drive home yesterday.  Caller weighs in with "Mitch is doing a tremendous sacrifice for the country.  He's staying in office, at great harm to himself, to keep the Democrats from pushing through their socialist agenda in the Senate because he's the tie-breaking vote.  He's an American hero!" 

Ed Clements has to tell him there's a Democratic majority with or without Mitch, and that American heroism is not holding onto power while risking your health and hurting your party and the Senate.  You could hear the caller slink down in shame.  When Ed Clements is the voice of reason on this, we are truly fucked.   

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12 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

Was listening to 590AM on drive home yesterday.  Caller weighs in with "Mitch is doing a tremendous sacrifice for the country.  He's staying in office, at great harm to himself, to keep the Democrats from pushing through their socialist agenda in the Senate because he's the tie-breaking vote.  He's an American hero!" 

Ed Clements has to tell him there's a Democratic majority with or without Mitch, and that American heroism is not holding onto power while risking your health and hurting your party and the Senate.  You could hear the caller slink down in shame.  When Ed Clements is the voice of reason on this, we are truly fucked.   

And beyond that, Kentucky law requires the governor to appoint a member of the same party to a Senate seat that becomes vacant.

I mean, I guess he could appoint a relatively liberal Republican.  But where would you find one of those in Kentucky?

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7 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

And beyond that, Kentucky law requires the governor to appoint a member of the same party to a Senate seat that becomes vacant.

I mean, I guess he could appoint a relatively liberal Republican.  But where would you find one of those in Kentucky?

Does the law say anything about how long someone needs to be a Republican before they can be appointed? What is to stop a Democrat from switching parties and then being appointed?

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12 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

And beyond that, Kentucky law requires the governor to appoint a member of the same party to a Senate seat that becomes vacant.

I mean, I guess he could appoint a relatively liberal Republican.  But where would you find one of those in Kentucky?

I may have this wrong, but I think they're one of those states where Kentucky Legislature gives the Governor a handful of names and he gets to choose from those.  Obviously, they'd be pretty far right.  But Governor has some out where he can just put in a Democrat or liberal Republican if he wants and while they adjudicate the shit out of it in courts, that Senator's vote in D.c. still counts.  This is weird because it was explained to me by a Kentucky lawyer years ago and I wasn't paying attention because we were at a Longhorn football game with open bar.  Probably 2018 or so.  She was running for some judgeship or some shit and was using V&E Texas for some reason.  She had some experience in the legislature and I had nothing to talk to her about but was stuck making drinks for her so I said something about how Kentucky just became the last "southern" state since reconstruction to have both of its chambers flip to Republican.  So she started telling me all these nuances of how both parties are gonna plot to fuck each other over in the near future.  Maybe she was from the future, or maybe I was drunk /csb

This is gonna get weird for Mitch and the Senate.  And shit's already weird.  I mean this'll involve whatever happens with Impeachment articles in the House, Ukraine funding, VP Harris, Kentucky and all moderately insane southern GOP politics.  

Here's the only lucid thought I have on all this.  The lockstep GOP talking point is Mitch is fine, just under a lot of stress, and is running his party as always, to keep America free from Biden's socialist hellscape.  Then Mitch, during a cognitive moment, will say something off the cuff that Trump did some crimes-ing and should not be President.  And shortly thereafter, the lockstep GOP talking point is that Mitch is old and suffering from mental diseases and needs to resign for the good of the country and doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.  That part comes around the holidays.

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42 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

And beyond that, Kentucky law requires the governor to appoint a member of the same party to a Senate seat that becomes vacant.

I mean, I guess he could appoint a relatively liberal Republican.  But where would you find one of those in Kentucky?

Michael Adams, Kentucky SOS.  He's actually not insane and actually made some decent(ish) reforms to Kentucky elections during COVID that remain permanent.

Probably the best you would get.  

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1 hour ago, Sawbonz said:

Does the law say anything about how long someone needs to be a Republican before they can be appointed? What is to stop a Democrat from switching parties and then being appointed?

The RNC, I assume. But they let Trump run as a Republican so we know they don’t have a rigorous vetting process. 

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The main thing is the Kentucky legislature did what the GOP always does (what moral children would call cheating) they changed the rules on appointing a replacement Senator to replace McConnell. He has to be replaced now with a Republican.  Somenthing that only happened because, the citizens of Kentucky used their votes to show they preferred a change, they wanted a Democratic Governor.  Thus the rules had to be changed to thwart the will of the people.

A mirror image of what McConnell and the GOP did to pack the Supreme Court. They changed the rules not once, but twice, purely for political gain.  Not giving a shit about the citizens that were not Republican.  Now the court has the lowest approval rating ever.  Probably because the rules were changed twice to place 3 justices in place who combined have fewer confirmation votes than any other two justices in the last what 80 years, prior to the comical demonization of Justice Jackson because they have damaged the process so much? (80 years was a wag) Baically there has never been a mojority put in place with fewer confirmation votes than the current majority. Mitch did that.

What is sad to me is that Mitch McConnell presided over the largest deterioration of two of our nations branches of Government in the Senate and the Supreme Court.  Now you can't even get military promotions advanced. And as I said above the Supreme Court is now viewed as heavily political, and where Republican Justices live the lifestyles of the rich and famous.  Because they also do not give a shit about any citizen that is not Republican. And concerns about ethics are simply no longer a concern from top to bottom in the Republican Party.... unless it's a Dem...

Mitch led the biggest partisan shift in our nation, and in doing so he damaged our Democracy.  Simply because he turned his party into a party before country party.  And until the last 10 or so years, I honestly did not believe that about the GOP.  But today the evidence is overwhelming. Party before country, again, and again, and again.



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no one coming out of Kentucky will be as effective as Moscow Mitch. Effective in creating money for the wealthy and securing way more money per capita from the federal government than many of its neighbors. If you've been paying attention part of the reason the GQP is digging in their heels and dying at their post is because there is literally no one to replace them. The incoming class is filled with conspiracy theorists and true believers who simply don't bow to the almighty dollar like their predecessors. I mean, sure, they'll be greedy as fuck and equally as crooked, but they'll be spending their time trying to ban adrenochrome and kitty litter boxes in schools. They just aren't equipped like the old guard. the good part is, the same cannot be said for the other side.

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48 minutes ago, horn4life said:

The main thing is the Kentucky legislature did what the GOP always does (what moral children would call cheating) they changed the rules on appointing a replacement Senator to replace McConnell. He has to be replaced now with a Republican.  Somenthing that only happened because, the citizens of Kentucky used their votes to show they preferred a change, they wanted a Democratic Governor.  Thus the rules had to be changed to thwart the will of the people.

The Mass Dems did similar in 04 when they thought Kerry would win and did not want Romney to appointment a GOP replacement to fill the rest of the term.  Now they get an interim (as of 2009 when Kennedy was dying) and have to have a special election. That’s how Scott Brown won in 2010

And they floated the “same party replacement” in 2021 when it looked like Warren could be given a Cabinet spot 

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58 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

no one coming out of Kentucky will be as effective as Moscow Mitch. 

while this might be true it seems the damage he's done over the decades is enough to have sunk as all.  pick an issue, but the climate change that will get all of humanity (sooner rather than later) is a good start.  horn4life's post is also great in summarizing some other issues.  healthcare for all would seem topical, but he's done great damage there as well. the entire trump enablement so he could do more damage.

in short my friend,  it doesn't matter to me if the 'next' is more or less effective.  he's fucked us all and imo nobody has done more actual damage to this country and changed the rules of engagement.  so since we're all fucked, please parade his currently suffering ass around a bit more for me to sneer at.  

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23 minutes ago, smuggs said:

Perhaps Mitch just temporarily spaced-out while reminiscing about this Narvel Felts jam.




When I was 19 I left my home in pseudo-Gone-With-The-Wind Selma, and moved just far north enough in Alabama to border the industrial zones. At that time, when shift change came, factory gates would vomit forth columns of Detroit Iron piloted by clones of Narvel Felts. Those old (40) guys were patient when we whelps invaded their spaces, which we were wise to seldom do. They could and would beat somebody's ass in between beers.

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I'm reading the name "Narvel Felts" in Dudley Moore's drunken slur voice from "Arthur" and it's a helluva lotta fun.  

Make no mistake America---nobody, and I mean nobody, made more of an opportunity on raising money and gaining power after Citizens United than Mitch McConnell.  To underestimate him or think him naive or stupid is the dumbest move you can possibly make.  But he was a known evil quantity.  Then Trump comes along and while Mitch enjoyed having Trump serve his end-game, the last two years, Mitch lost control of his horse.  And now in the twilight of his life, as Trump faces another end-game, Mitch has lost control of everything else.  He will begin more frequent episodes of going in and out of consciousness, despite standing up in public.  In the end, the episodic horrors will overtake him and he won't know fact from fiction.  But the last thing that goes through his mind, besides a blood clot, will be to wonder how he ever let Donald Trump get control of America.  And that final thought will be lucid and it will envelop him in darkness as he crosses the water to the other side.  It's a horrible fate that awaits him and not many will be with him on the sojourn to madness.  I'd wish him peace but he wouldn't know what to do with it.  

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