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Angie Harmon's dog shot and killed by Instacart driver


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45 minutes ago, B00M said:

67% of American adults are willing to admit to pollsters that they either own a gun or would be willing to own a gun. I’d wager at least that percentage of delivery drivers carry, either on their person, or at least in their car. It’s naive to assume otherwise and it’s naive to assume every situation a delivery driver might get sent into is safe. Dogs are probably the biggest threat to a delivery driver because the worst, dumbest Americans are the ones that own uncontrolled pitbulls. 

I almost carried when I was driving Uber. I did keep a fairly gnarly knife on me.

I never felt the need to be armed when doing food delivery.

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2 minutes ago, Herbie Hancock said:

I’m younger than your bitch ass and for not enough money I occasionally scoop people up that have been shot to shit and try to put them back together in a confined space.



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1 hour ago, B00M said:

67% of American adults are willing to admit to pollsters that they either own a gun or would be willing to own a gun. I’d wager at least that percentage of delivery drivers carry, either on their person, or at least in their car. It’s naive to assume otherwise and it’s naive to assume every situation a delivery driver might get sent into is safe. Dogs are probably the biggest threat to a delivery driver because the worst, dumbest Americans are the ones that own uncontrolled pitbulls. 

Lol if you think 67% of food delivery folks are packing heat. Additional lol that you think “uncontrolled pit bulls” are some sort of gigantic threat to delivery drivers. How come postal carriers aren’t dropping like flies when all they can be armed with is pepper spray? Where are all the headlines about UPS, FedEx and Amazon delivery drivers getting mauled? Dude, you either sound like someone scared of their own shadow in this post or you just really want to justify killing a 30 pound dog. 

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46 minutes ago, Herbie Hancock said:

You don’t watch the news, do you?

The better question is what kind of “man” shoots a medium to small size dog acting erratic instead of handling business accordingly?

To the first question, it’s not fucking Falllujah out there.

To the second question, agreed.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, cmontexas said:

As a former delivery driver/manager/whatever, I side 100% with the driver here. People open the front door and their dipshit dogs go running out. Every center in this country has a handful of drivers out of work recovering from dog bites.

Love the quotes "He did not have a scratch or bite on him" and "He delivered the food AND THEN shot the dog" Also, "Harmon said her security camera did not record the shooting because it was inside charging". The driver didn't get bit or scratched because he shot the little fucker before he had a chance to. Keep your little family members in the house or on a leash. 


you sound like a giant cunt. I see you're a "former" delivery driver.  For which Southern Sheriff's office do you work now?

Edited by Gil Bang
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3 hours ago, Surly Bevo said:

In the food delivery system the customers are represented by two separate yet equally important groups. The drivers who deliver the food and the dogs who attack the drivers. These are their stories.


I bet a can of bear spray would have changed that dogs mind. 

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This past Sunday on "Last Week Tonight," John Oliver had an excellent piece on delivery apps and drivers. According to the data, it is apparently a fairly dangerous job, but that's mainly due to accidents as a consequence of being a slave to the algorithm, forcing drivers to hurry with their deliveries and taking risks.

In contrast to the old days when pizza delivery people were employees and, therefore, actually received a wage, Instacart, Favor, Uber Eats, et al. make them almost solely reliant on tips. If they get anything below a 5-star rating for being late or bad food, then they often get skipped over for the next driver.

They didn't touch on anything about dogs though. 

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52 minutes ago, Herbie Hancock said:

I’m younger than your bitch ass and for not enough money I occasionally scoop people up that have been shot to shit and try to put them back together in a confined space.

I assume this is after you get scared and shoot em fer looking at ya funny?

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56 minutes ago, royiv said:

How come postal carriers aren’t dropping like flies when all they can be armed with is pepper spray?

My buddy works for the USPS and he said dealing with the dogs was terrible. But the reason they aren't getting mauled on the reg is (according to my buddy) once your dog starts some shit, the carriers will just quit bringing your mail. You have to go to the station and get it yourself. And their union doesn't fuck around. 

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4 minutes ago, Sandman said:

My buddy works for the USPS and he said dealing with the dogs was terrible. But the reason they aren't getting mauled on the reg is (according to my buddy) once your dog starts some shit, the carriers will just quit bringing your mail. You have to go to the station and get it yourself. And their union doesn't fuck around. 

meanwhile, my mail carrier stops the truck every morning, to get out and feed our dogs a pupperoni. 

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I’ve jogged for decades. I don’t carry any spray. The technique I use with angry barking dogs on the loose is: I stop, kneel low and start patting the ground and call them to me- “Here, boy! Here!”  It confuses the hell out of them and they have always stopped. That said, I have seen some dogs behind fences or tied up on ropes that I wouldn’t rely on that to work. 

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1 hour ago, Braff Zacklin said:

This thread seemed like it was going south. Btw, none of these are current and I don't care.




What's that? You need a pic of her dog for these images to be topical? FINE.


If she's really rich, why doesn't she have live-in servants to prepare her something better than Instacart ground-beef Tex-Mex? #30000DollarHeiress

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Braff Zacklin said:

What's that? You need a pic of her dog for these images to be topical? FINE.


That dog does look sketch as fuck for a random pic. Not a relaxed-happy dog, and he's old and set in his ways - but can probably just be yelled at, back peddled from, or crane kicked.


And whoever said delivery people aren't 'mauled', there's some fucked up videos out there. Attacks/bites happen all the time. It's a learning curve, but very few dogs are a true threat. Multiple dogs is a different problem set.





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2 hours ago, bolverk said:

This past Sunday on "Last Week Tonight," John Oliver had an excellent piece on delivery apps and drivers. According to the data, it is apparently a fairly dangerous job, but that's mainly due to accidents as a consequence of being a slave to the algorithm, forcing drivers to hurry with their deliveries and taking risks.

In contrast to the old days when pizza delivery people were employees and, therefore, actually received a wage,

Man, you have to watch out for some of the sketchy pizza delivery guys though, at least here in Austin. I had to pull a gun on one last summer to put him in his place, because while my wife and I may have answered the door in very little clothing, that didn’t mean we were looking for some role playing with a pizza delivery guy, at least not with that pizza guy.


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5 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

Man, you have to watch out for some of the sketchy pizza delivery guys though, at least here in Austin. I had to pull a gun on one last summer to put him in his place, because while my wife and I may have answered the door in very little clothing, that didn’t mean we were looking for some role playing with a pizza delivery guy, at least not with that pizza guy.



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1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

Man, you have to watch out for some of the sketchy pizza delivery guys though, at least here in Austin. I had to pull a gun on one last summer to put him in his place, because while my wife and I may have answered the door in very little clothing, that didn’t mean we were looking for some role playing with a pizza delivery guy, at least not with that pizza guy.


That sounds like the plot for the world’s worst porn movie

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5 hours ago, royiv said:

Where are all the headlines about UPS, FedEx and Amazon delivery drivers getting mauled?

UPS and Liberty Mutual actually spend a good deal of money to ensure that stories like these don't hit major media outlets

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

Man, you have to watch out for some of the sketchy pizza delivery guys though, at least here in Austin. I had to pull a gun on one last summer to put him in his place, because while my wife and I may have answered the door in very little clothing, that didn’t mean we were looking for some role playing with a pizza delivery guy, at least not with that pizza guy.


Sorry again for that.  I don’t pick up on cues very well.  Did you at least enjoy your pizza?


And tell your wife I said hi.

Edited by Parliament
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9 hours ago, Herbie Hancock said:

You don’t watch the news, do you?

The better question is what kind of “man” shoots a medium to small size dog acting erratic instead of handling business accordingly?

So much this.  Pussies, pussies everywhere. 

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8 minutes ago, cmontexas said:

Alternatively, you could fantasize about a scenario where you keep your fucking dog in the house like a responsible adult

My dogs are put away anytime we answer the door. We don’t order delivery food. We also don’t carry guns because we’re not huge pussies. 

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If that really is the dog in that picture upthread then this driver really is a pussy and was probably itching to pull that gun. Like if I was on a jury and it was like this guy shot this dog because he feared for his safety, and then they showed a picture of the dog and it was that dog, I'd vote to convict for animal abuse or whatever the charge would be.

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5 hours ago, cmontexas said:

UPS and Liberty Mutual actually spend a good deal of money to ensure that stories like these don't hit major media outlets


They’ve got their top men on the case…



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