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Carpetbagging weasel faced smarmy little bitch, Ted Cruz

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42 minutes ago, ultimaton said:

Surly's own Carlos Mencia, everyone. If you're gonna steal a joke (A) at least make sure it's a funny one; and (B) not already sitting in this thread a few posts above yours.

Menstealia would’ve been more funny. It wasn’t meant as joke, actually. I had assumed that Cruz was being snarky, but it was actually a White Claw. That’s the funny part. 

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What probably happened?  Guy was drinking beer and ran out, so he tossed next thing in the cooler---a white claw.  Or if he was anything like me the last time I saw Ted Cruz in person, I chugged my beer, grabbed the white claw outta wife's hand and used it.  

I bet Ted saw the guy winding up with an aluminum can like all the other Astros players that had beers tossed to them to chug and thought, "Oh wow, they think I'm cool like the players!"  Then he saw the thing coming in hot and wisely put his arm up and head to the side.  then apparently it happened again later down the parade route. 

Most likely scenario...drunk guy sees Ted Cruz and pulls that scene from "True Detective: Season 1"........."I don't like your face, makes me want to do things to it."  

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Poe is getting negged for all the BS his side did to downplay Paul Pelosi. 

I’d throw a white claw at you if I saw you in public. Except black cherry, I like that one 

Euro too. GFY

Edited by Js1
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34 minutes ago, Js1 said:

Poe is getting negged for all the BS his side did to downplay Paul Pelosi. 

I’d throw a white claw at you if I saw you in public. Except black cherry, I like that one 

Euro too. GFY

This isn’t political violence, it’s a guy that throws like a girl. It’s funny. 

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100% wrong to throw a beer at Cruz. However there are still many people upset at for Cruz for:

  1. running out of town to Cancun during the 2021 freeze
  2. caught lying that he had always planned to immediately come back to Texas
  3. caught lying that he had been asked by others to help chaperone his and their kid on the plane. He and Heidi initiated the trip not others.

Also amazing that Cruz and family are so unaware how unpopular and hated he is by many. 

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Think about how wide the victory margins were in Texas yesterday in terms of statewide office.

Think about how well the Democrats, nationwide though, held back the "Red Wave."

Think about all the tacit messages in voting patterns that give hope to both sides in certain parts of the country and certain demographics.

And then think about how 95% of the country woke up and still thought, "Yeah, fuck all that...Ted Cruz still sucks."  

In the middle of all this shit, even the Astros victory, and everything else going on even amongst his loyal voters...everybody still fucking hates Ted Cruz.  You can set your watch by it.  And then use that time to rendezvous with his whore wife.  It's a win-win.  

Seriously, this guy could not be more hated even by his friends.  It's kinda sad almost.  

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41 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

Seriously, this guy could not be more hated even by his friends.  It's kinda sad almost.  

Are you fucking kidding me. It’s deserved. Let’s see what else can I come up with … glorious?  If there is anything below a shitstain, that’s Rafael.

I just cannot fathom someone like him, castrating himself to the worst aspects of humanity. May he wallow in misery the rest of his no having friends life.

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