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Russia and American elections, now featuring radical republicans as co-stars


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1 minute ago, Sbbruin said:

The fact that Tucker the Fucker can just throw out simpleton specious comments like that and his audience will be all "yeah, Putin's not the enemy, Biden is!" is so sad.  I f feel like I'm going down the @Brisketexan Road of Despair.

I've been hanging out on the ledge, but I took the Road of Gin to get there.

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6 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

Did you know that consuming Ipomoea (Morning Glory) seeds gives hallucinations? Shouldn't eat them, it's apparently like LSD.


I remember that Graham Norton episode.  What I would not give to sit between those two on that couch.  Only way it could be better is if Henry Cavill is also there.

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Just now, DDD Dad said:

The rising tide of nationalism seems to be a worldwide problem.  

This.  It's a global trend, tied to a particular generational rise/situation of power.  It's not isolated to the US.  Which means it is setting the table for massive and widespread violent conflict.  Because hyper-nationalism is not consistent with "prevailing in the marketplace of ideas."  Hyper-nationalism prevails by force.  It's THE ultimate tool.  In every historical example, that's the path.  This time is no different.

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4 hours ago, horn4life said:

This is the result of far too much Fox News fattie.  You see AOC is not the leader of the party.  I know it seems crazy, to not believe the crazy shit, but come on man.  The ONLY fucking reason that the democratic far left has had the degree of influence they have had thus far, is..... wait for it... Because of complete dereliction of duty by, THE GOP! It's a good political tactic and it has good people believing a lie.  IF the GOP would even slightly engage then we would have the most moderate Presidency ever.  BUT what's good for America is often not good for the GOP (like lots of people legally voting). So better to demonize and mislead. Yeah the far left... (I would love names) has some degree of power.  But ONLY because of the vacuum crated by complete GOP disengagement. (with the exception of trying to stop all legislation)

Right now it seems that for many in the GOP, Patriotism is waving a flag, wearing a flag pin, or putting a flag bumper sticker on their car.  Democracy is good, but only if the right white people have much easier access to polls. Sadly that is exactly where more than half the GOP finds itself located now.  But when you live in a world where lies are promoted and embraced at the highest levels by a political party, you end up believing falsehoods.  Like Joe Biden is having his decision making dominated by the far left.  WHen honestly nothing is farther from the truth.

But that is exactly what the GOP wants.  Just like it wants bad things for our country now.  in the hopes of future partisan political power. Tht's why today you hear so many of the bumper sticker, flag pin, flag waving Republican's siding with Putin and again Biden.  Putin thanks both Pompeo and Trump for the fantastic propaganda! Huge swaths of the the GOP would rather have the US fail, simply to be able to say Joe Biden failed.  And that is fucking sad. 


4 hours ago, horn4life said:



4 hours ago, horn4life said:


The rare post that is good enough to have been posted three times.

You, sir, have absolutely fucking nailed the current situation IMO.

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2 minutes ago, Horn Dog said:

So we are getting universal health care AND dental AND prescription AND eye care??


You will be among the first crushed under the hooves of the mounted peacekeepers establishing independence at our southern border.

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1 hour ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

I remember that Graham Norton episode.  What I would not give to sit between those two on that couch.  Only way it could be better is if Henry Cavill is also there.

Love Graham Norton's show. I have about a half a dozen British *actors I'll watch if they happen to be on a talk show because they are great storytellers and pretty funny. But Graham Norton can get even disparate types to be relatable to each other and the viewers. Occasionally there's a dud, but his show rarely disappoints.


*Dan Stevens, Daniel Craig, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston, Eddie Redmayne, Matthew Goode.

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The fact that Tucker the Fucker can just throw out simpleton specious comments like that and his audience will be all "yeah, Putin's not the enemy, Biden is!" is so sad.  I f feel like I'm going down the [mention=593]Brisketexan[/mention] road of despair.

I prefer to think of it as Brisket’s four lane highway of despair.
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44 minutes ago, Woland said:

My sample size is small, but the sentiments from my Russian friends and the few Russian pages I follow express solidarity with Ukraine and loathing of Putin’s actions.

Are they in Russia and did you communicate by internet or phone? I'd be legitimately concerned that they might get disappeared soon for expressing that opinion.

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5 hours ago, 'stache said:

You poor fool, they can and do blame everything--literally everything bad--on Biden and the left. You see it here on a daily basis. Currently, that means embracing a tyrannical dictator and historical enemy of the United States. Just think about that, this is the party of Ronald Fucking Reagan, taking Russia's side when they are trying to retake a former soviet republic by force. A republic which chose independence from Russia after the fall of the Berlin Wall, something on which Reagan is given enormous credit. There is nothing at all anymore that they can ever rally around for the good of the country. Nothing whatsoever. If China decided tomorrow they wanted to annex Hawaii and Biden tried to stop them, they'd take China's side. That used to sound like hyperbole, but it is exactly what would happen. 

It's the party of Ronald Reagan in name only.  There was plenty of trash union clowns in the D party that are now hardcore 'Republican'.  We should rename the parties to avoid confusion.  "Pieces of Shit" and "Not Pieces of Shit".  Those have a good ring to them and cut the bullshit out...

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11 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

They admire Vladimir Putin while they accuse Justin Trudeau of being a tyrant. They’re living in an alternate reality. 

That’s what we’ve been saying for literally years now. We are wasting time trying to understand the “why”. The answer is simply they are deranged. 

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I was flipping back and forth between Fox and Friends and Morning Joe this morning.

i think the biggest thing I notice is that when Morning Joe has people commenting they often have rows and rows of books behind them they have read and written.  On Fox... a guy in a bus, saying "a lot of folks are upset with Zelensky" because he... did not just say here you go Putin?

It's not a coincidence that the GOP is the party of book banning ( a few more months before the book burning).  Too bad the GOP as a whole now is so horrifically factually informed.  Perhaps watching the new "King's Man" movie should be required watching for Republicans.  As I watched it I realized that most of my Republican friends honestly have no idea at all that there are historical references in the movie.

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Wife had a good point last night when I showed her than interview from earlier this week where Trump states, multiple times, that he knows Putin better than anyone.  Her reply was, "Probably because the people that knew Putin the best are all dead now."  And I looked at her like, "Oh, let's hope that happens."  Then she gave me shit for wishing people dead, apparently it's not the Christian thing to do.  Thankfully she never really asked more questions about what I did when we met. 

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